Be aware of encoded communication

Life experience is activating something within you. This is drawing attention to core state of being. Activation is transmitted through the written word, through books, the Internet and other media. Energy itself is passing to and through you in the here and now. Energy passes by way of the tone of voices you hear, by the word choices that stand out to you. Energy passes through the physical bodies of humans and other creatures you encounter on this path. Much is conveyed on subtle levels and waves.
Recognize that human senses are interconnected. They draw the same energy like channels on a radio dial. Light and sound are both vibrations yet at very different frequencies. Beyond the five familiar senses where the mind grounds itself, energy flows seemlessly outside time and space. Whatever the mechanism, everything you think and feel and say is connected to people you pass by or with whom you never interact directly.
For instance, as you walk by strangers on the street, your energy flows into them. Someone could experience an instantaneous revelation or healing right there. You can think about someone and send thoughts (telepathy) and energy can also be received. As awareness expands, you feel more comfortable functionning in less controlled surroundings. Distant healing is another way energy is sent and received. Your essence is in fact an energy transmitter. Do what feels right. Everything goes well.

Reader Comments (10)
Therefore, for those who cast little or no doubt and have a smooth and fully operational system....those who are enlightened... can walk through environments and water the shadow sides of those people and things who are blocked and constipated by doing nothing at all since the fountain of youth and elixir of health is always flowing. This then loosens up the soil so that people can feel the energy that they have been missing from having previously been focusing on living in arid desert conditions. This acknowledgement and remembrance of how wonderful it feels to be watered from all sides then takes one's attention away from the fixation point which no longer powers and feeds this external growth. It begins to diminish in size and the flow strengthens with an awareness that one feels better in the presence of consciousness that doesn't do anything but Be. What type of energy is being dispersed then depends on what is being accepted and intentially invited within.
Cheers Hilary
Paying attention and not being distracted from that is a big job. Once we've mastered this, we do or be what we want far more effectively.