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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in flow (28)


Get Direct Soul Access

Notice that energy follows the path of least resistance. Imagine you are a mini tree hopper, soaring through the dense jungle in search of the perfect spot to land. The best way to guide your flight, like life, is to go with flow, or wind direction, to take what feels like the most natural or easiest Path, rather than go against the current. Going with the flow is acting in alignment with our Soul. Tuning into Soul accesses aspects of self typically unseen. Certain knowings act as our reliable compass. Listen closely. Anchor into the natural consciousness. Everything, inluding the miniscule, points to the perfect Path right now. We each allow or resist what nature intends


Life beyond the mind

Notice that the moment arises when you no longer follow things in the mind but rather, shift to what you feel (consciously experience). This may shake "your" world up so much that you ask yourself how to move through "the world." You can no longer navigate based on what you think or believe. It dawns that any belief you could possibly have is simply "you" taking an opportunity to feel what its like. That moment, you get a very visceral idea of the "me": the judge, the commentator, that which assumes and attributes blame. The little "me" cannot fathom another way to be other than its thinking way. When you ask "how" to function in the world, the answer is: there is no answer. Nothing prepares "you" for this. One simply is and moves through worlds. Something else is guiding you, something the little self could never know even if it was told. Its no big deal. It simply is not anything related to "your" thoughts and expectations and reperatoire of conditioned . One no longer asks how to integrate new understanding or awakeness into life and dimensions. Asking has no place here. One simply lives, breathes and flows. Being awake is simple when we do not believe whatever thoughts we have about life. All sound is swimming in silence. That is the sound of reality. A thinking mind can never know how silence operates. That silence is what mind is seeking to know.


Accept your true gifts

Notice chaos is existence that creates its own challenges to bring out True Being. In a curious but divinely-orchestrated way, the True "you" only emerges as chaos intensifies. Chaos takes shape as the trials and tribulations in your reality. Energy build-up is required in the universe for deeper purpose beyond ego to reveal itself. Many things will disappear from life experience to reveal what is always here. Chaos is a catalyst for transformation and transmutation of energy. As social-cultural, economic, environmental, religious and other events intensify, know the highest order of Being emerges from the greatest chaos. The 3D world is operating on different frequencies, fuelled by fear and ignorance, thoughts that we are less than abundant, so to mow and filter the falsity until we realize that certain realities do not exist. Side narratives (timelines) are created to make you think you lack something, or believe you are less than. The truth is: you have always had everything and right now, are remembering how to access and use more of who you are. Every perceived challenge is not really a challenge but rather a teacher to remind you that you are a great being, nothing more, nothing less. This greatness flows through perceived Chaos. The Chaos is a teacher that invites you to bring forth the true wisdom within you that already exists in your physical, emotional and mental form. Everything flows through your spiritual reality. Simply be open, accept the gifts you offer yourself rather than deny or turn away.


16 Revelations for Soul Contracts

"We have soul contracts with every person in our lives to live in the vibration of truth.” -Molly Friedenfeld

Notice that before you took on human form, your Soul made an Agreement, outlining a Purpose or Destiny to fulfill. We all have Soul Contracts and essentially the list of lessons that are assigned in our life. We can learn to view our lives from different perspectives, from within and beyond the body. Flow into Quantum leaps with 16 revelations about Soul Contracts and how you travel;  
1. Your time, date and place of birth are selected before birth. You arise in this Earth dimension at a specific time, to a specific place and to a specific purpose. Making that purpose conscious & align
2. The family you were born into was chosen to contribute classes.
3. Some people are destined to enter your life to help heal something, by an event in a past life or in this one.
4. The events in your life arise to help you evolve into a superior state of consciousness.
5. Death occurs the moment you realize you've completed what you exist to do & return to the Spirit.
6. Life is full of choices and we have free will. These choices are seen as our luck / destiny.
7. All souls on Earth are here at different stages of their evolution.
8. Essentially, your Soul Contract is the deal (Covenant / Covenant) you made with yourself.
9. To fulfill your Soul Contract, you are supported by Higher Forces, Spirit Guides, Angels & people.
10. You receive signs, signals, messages to let you know if you are on track with Destiny.
11. The more you tune in, and act on synchronicities, the more you align with your Divine Path.
12. Being "on track" means encounters with the right people, right time, who can offer you info, guidance 
13. You can break your Soul Contract, and these are moments when your choices don't always flow with your Destiny. When this occurs, you can experience confusion, negativity or illness.
But sometimes challenges are needed to help you align naturally and return to the Flow to fulfill your Alliance.
14. Think of your Soul Contract as the mountain you were destined to climb. You can choose how to reach the top, you can choose how you want to climb; each of these choices results in a different experience, but the destination will always be the same.
15. It's not a race to see how fast you summit.  It's not about climbing someone else's mountain. The challenge is to be true to yourself and climb your mountain, feel excited about the Journey you drew before incarnation.
16. You are catching up with a future version of expanded being (Multidimensional Self).



Let the cosmic flow be your guide

Notice receiving frequent messages from the stars & star systems exhilarates like a refreshing ocean wave that transports you in time and space. Geometry codes emerge inside as if from nowhere to accelerate lightbody activations and guide interdimensional travel. Light transmissions are heartfelt and vibrate silently, loud and clear. Conscious expansion is altering DNA, awakening multi-dimensional experience, and reminding us of what it is to be and feel truly alive. (image credit: National Geographic)