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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in innocence (14)


Be a conscious co-creator

Notice we attract into our lives what we focus on. To be ready to shift gears, rise above what no longer resonates, requires we create experiences that evoke what we imagine the new reality feels like. Rather than focus on whats missing, on the present reality, on what we always have been or on what others want for us, we engage in what uplifts us, evokes light-heartedness, playfulness, spontaneous joy. As we focus thoughts on what we intend to manifest, wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken us or our vision of a new reality. Vibrations we emit right now already change the course of our life.


Allow Freedom to Reign

 Notice amazing feelings of freedom wash over us every moment. And yet, conditioned fear cuts us off from this deeper reality. This flow or feeling of release comes and goes. Imagine instances that take your breath away and somehow bring it back. What compels us to ride waves as a surfer, to skate like the wind along the ice, to heel on a sailboat during a fierce storm, to cycle down the mountain or ride the equestrian jumping course of our lives? Perhaps its a glimpse of engagement in some kind flying through air; like hot air ballooning, skydiving, bunji jumping, hang gliding or otherwise merging with air currents that offers a taste of divine grace.

At some stage, through the course of our own direct experience, something arises in conscious awareness. It dawns, we are not simply a fragment of the universe. We are each a universe in and of itself, unfolding, expanding and interacting with others. Simply being here in this moment is enough. Although something prompts us to attempt to recreate the experience. What some would call thrill-seeking, others would call reaching for harmony or inner peace. Any desire to 'get back here' overlooks we never actually leave. Thoughts simply arise to block the truth of awareness.

So, be here now, in this moment. Taste it again, as if for the first time. Allow the wind to dance across the skin, tousle hair. Tune into breath, that which breathes you. Be that which passeth all understanding.


Catapult into a new version of you

Notice to realize your own unfounded or inaccurate assumptions may elicit surprise, embarassment, and disbelief. You may wish to quietly run or fly away. And yet, it is being open to gaining insight into ourselves, our triggers and oversights, that brings Soul growth and accesses hidden power. The energy of surprise is a catapult to transformation. As we shift perspective, look at things differently, timeless wisdom is felt through the eyes of the heart. As we accept our foibles, we feel lighter, laugh more at ourselves, and take life less seriously. Returning to innocence accesses the Divine. 


Re-ignite the inner fire

(spider/ insect macrophoto by Bill Petland)


Notice we are taught to assume that many desirable abilities and experiences are rare or require effort, and enchanted worlds cannot exist. We are told fairytales are figments of the imagination, stuff we are meant to outgrow. Yet, what if its not natural to grow up and get serious in the mind and forget our child-like innocence? What if stories like Peter Pan remind us to be true and real? What if we have friends in unexpected places? What if what is in plain sight only registers if we are open to it? Watch what happens as we open the mind to the unthinkable. Our reality shifts. Tuning into the natural world re-ignites the inner fire, activates natural innate abilities and allows language and symbols of timeless consciousness to guide us.


Turn Life Around

(Ladybug macrophotography and water droplets by Don Komarechka)

Notice sometimes only seeing things upside down allows us to truly see things right side up. More than once, we may contemplate living differently, imagine what it would be like to somehow change or even leave our old life behind, and yet hesitate to take off. As we reach the end of our rope, or (tip)ping point, the excitement of the unknown is more powerful than the fear that held us back. Fearless Soul takes the helm over Ego. Only then do we see the obvious. This is the process of getting in touch with and being ourselves.