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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in knowing (35)


5 Insights for Smoother Transitions

More and more people are going through transitions or life changes at an accelerated rate.  It may be the prospect of a geographic move, a job change, relationship endning or transformation, acquiring of a new pet or some other shift that is playing on your mind.  Should you or not? Consider 5 insights for smoother transitions:

1. Take advantage of a change of scenery

If you contemplate change in some area of your life yet still hesitate taking action, stepping out of your comfort zone temporarily can give you new perspective. A short trip away, house sit or farm stay may offer what you require to clear your head and see things from a more neutral or objective point of view.

2. Consider body issues.

Where your body is not functioning at optimum level, this invites exploring new approaches to sleep, hydration, regular exercise, possible fitness programs and nutrition. If ingestion, digestion or elimination raise issues, exploring possible intolerances could be beneficial. Changing diet, exploring the nature of body consumption could alos lead to positive effects. 

3.  Address mindset.

When change is in the air, its important to have a mindset that is encouraging, supportive and reassuring. Change does not always happen as fast as part of you might like.  Patience is a virtue that comes through experiience. Every moment, your thoughts and feelings are directing every moment of your life.  

4.  Meditate on it.

Meditation is about savouring joy in your life, finding blessings wherever you are.  Its about allowing yourself to remember what it is to be in this moment, to find peace and tranquility or feel centred amidst external change. 

5. Engage in spiritual practices.

Many spiritual practices exist that promote clairity in other areas of life.  Dreamwork, soulwork, sound baths and alternative healing approaches can enable you to purify congested energy fields and truly see the light.


Patience is a teacher

(Peruvian Pop up visionary art experience by Alfredo Zagaceta )
Notice the feelings evoked by words 'loneliness' and 'solitude.' It is common to fear or resist being alone. Ideas of loneliness evoke visions of boredom. So, a bored person finds another and they both take action to get through or beyond the ideas of boredom. On some level, boredom doubles. Doing has its place and provides a path to valuable lessons. It also takes one away from deeper truth.
The genius of mind creates illusionary escapes, places, illusions of togetherness. Our whole society, families, organisations, communities, hobbies, livelihoods, travel, are all escapes from visions of loneliness. Yoga is the process of growing aware of absolute loneliness and growing aware nowhere really exists to go.
Boredom is transcended by living fully in each moment as it arises. Be open to the unknown, to anything that may happen. Accept it as it comes. The denial, non-acceptance is the obstacle. To be open, receptive, to accept, is to unconditionally welcome it all. Create the situation and the happening will come by itself. Nothing truly valuable can be predicted. We cannot predict every aspect of life, yet we can set heartfelt intention, let things unfold in their own way.
To be patient is to surrender. Sit in solitude. People who resist waiting imagine the idea of certainties. They have said do this, and this will happen. The mind tells us the happening is a guarantee. Yet, in the big picture, this cannot be. Waiting lifetimes may not allow the thing to come. As one fully accepts this uncertainty, the heart settles. That is, knowing everything is happening now, is to be aware of everything as it is, to experience glimspes of the whole.
Ultimately, no one truly knows what is next. No one knows every possible path. No one knows exactly what this moment will bring. To accept what comes and make the best of it allows the best version of Self to blossom. This waiting is as easy or as hard as each of us decide. Our energy has the power to shape a new destiny, to allow us to shift timelines, dimensions or into what resonates.



Life beyond the mind

Notice that the moment arises when you no longer follow things in the mind but rather, shift to what you feel (consciously experience). This may shake "your" world up so much that you ask yourself how to move through "the world." You can no longer navigate based on what you think or believe. It dawns that any belief you could possibly have is simply "you" taking an opportunity to feel what its like. That moment, you get a very visceral idea of the "me": the judge, the commentator, that which assumes and attributes blame. The little "me" cannot fathom another way to be other than its thinking way. When you ask "how" to function in the world, the answer is: there is no answer. Nothing prepares "you" for this. One simply is and moves through worlds. Something else is guiding you, something the little self could never know even if it was told. Its no big deal. It simply is not anything related to "your" thoughts and expectations and reperatoire of conditioned . One no longer asks how to integrate new understanding or awakeness into life and dimensions. Asking has no place here. One simply lives, breathes and flows. Being awake is simple when we do not believe whatever thoughts we have about life. All sound is swimming in silence. That is the sound of reality. A thinking mind can never know how silence operates. That silence is what mind is seeking to know.


Move beyond assumptions

Notice a widespread assumption is that Truth is a hidden thing to reach or acquire. It is assumed that the Truth is separate from us, somewhere other than where we are. One belief is enlightened people know something that "I/ you/we don't." What happens when things shift and it feels like everybody knows something I/you/we don't? Even this is a form of knowing. We tell ourselves we are seeking what we really want to know while secretly, we know a whole lot. We know we judge ourselves as worthy or unworthy, guilty or innocent or are attempting to be something we are not. We gimpse pockets of knowing. We are taught to spend our lives seeking. Even if at some stage we take the spiritual path, we tend to seek/acquire knowledge in books and through teachers because we are taught to assume "somebody knows." Even as teachers invite us to know who we are, then we assume the teacher knows. We think our own freedom or liberation is some missing piece of knowlege that is going to remove our insecurity. Yet, everything we think we know or not is simply a product of our own conditioning, nothing more or less. Where did we learn our concepts, morals, ethics, beliefs in anything to reach "enlightenment?" Many people simply adopt conditioning without seeing fully. What can we know with absolute certainty? Nothing. (We may know with greater or lesser certainty, but nothing with absolute certainty). When you know you do not know or cannot know anything, you come to know oneness (Truth) without effort. When we embark on spiritual inquiry looking for an answer, to write a book about it or tell everyone, it leads us to not knowing who we are. Ego cannot grasp this. Its impossible to know who or what you are. We can only be who we are knowingly, in silence. Be here Now.



Access Your Soul's Purpose

(Image: Lotus Flower of Life)

Notice tuning into heartfelt intuition accesses our ability to know things directly without analytic reasoning. This is the Soul path to connect with deeper divine knowing of who one is and why one exists. The more one trusts oneself, the more the universe gives one reason to trust. As one rises in frequency, it dawns the Soul has access to energetic impressions from all our past lives that are available within our causal body. Its like a metaphysical library of your soul's history. This is the Soul's wisdom. The process of learning to access this information is a fundamental spiritual journey to uncover your Soul's purpose. This is about inner work to understand self, your patterns and working through issues that have not yet been mastered as lessons in Love. As awareness grows, questions arising within guide you on a path of deeper knowing. This is about opening the inner eye to see differently, to seeing and embodying your intrinsic value. Uncover your role in the big picture.