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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in destiny (16)


Move beyond your own Resistance

Notice nothing stands in the way of the unfolding of who we are in this physical reality except the nature of our own resistance. Spirituality is part of every soul destiny. We grow, expand into an intergrated version of Truth at unique rates.  At some stage it dawns we cannot simply live vicariously through, mimic or truly grow another's experiences. We must navigate our own alchemical journey.

Some still ask whether human lives are predestined, whether we have any control. Truth is, this is not a personal problem, it is a philosophical question. Our lives are both predestined and not. This applies to all. On some level, everything is predetermined. Whatever is physical in us, material, mental, is predetermined. Yet, something within also untouchable, unpredictable. That something is the nature and flow of consciousness.
Thing is, if we identify with the body and material existence, in the same proportion we are determined, limited by cause and effect. Yet, if we are not identified with material existence, with either body or mind – if we feel self as something separate, different, beyond and transcendent to body-mind – then that consciousness is not predetermined. It is spontaneous, free.
Many people seek to prolong experiences of freedom in the physical world, and wonder why such feelings do not last. Matter implies slavery. Thus, much depends on how we define ourselves and live our lives. If we believe, ”I am only the body,” then everything about us is completely predetermined, beyond our control. If we say that man is only the body, we cannot say that man is not predetermined. If we feel we are just a material existence, then true freedom is not possible. Those who do not believe in such a thing as consciousness believe in fate. Matter means that which cannot be free. It must flow in the chain of cause and effect.
Yet, one who has known consciousness has known freedom. Consciousness itself means freedom. Only a spiritual person can harness the energy of freedom to consciously co-create. Once someone has tasted consciousness, enlightenment, s/he is completely out of the realm of cause and effect. He becomes absolutely unpredictable. He exists in the moment as the flow.
For many, human existence is simply a chain of events in which every step follows the past. Living in this vibration implies the future is not really future, but a by-product of the past. It is only the past determining, shaping, formulating and conditioning the future. That is why the future is predictable.
Some say a HU-man is as predictable as anything else. The only difficulty is that we have not yet devised the means to know the complete human history (total past). It is said that the moment we know, we can predict everything about humanity. Yet, if one being in the whole history of mankind is free and unpredictable, then man as a whole is potentially free and unpredictable. The whole possibility of freedom depends on seeing ourselves as more than a body.
So, if you are just an outward flow of life, then everything is determined. What about the inner? Do not offer a predictable reply. Do not say, ”I am the soul.” If we feel nothing exists inside, then be honest. Honesty will be the first step toward the inner freedom of consciousness. To go deeply inside, it hits everything is just an extension of the outside. That is, the body, thoughts have come from without, even your self has been defined by others. We are taught to adopt labels, beliefs, experience and do so unless energy shifts occur to change it.
To fear external opinion comes from the belief that the external is completely in control of the self, that we hold no power or sovereignty. If the external can trigger us, this implies we are still at least partly in the vibration of ego self, body, thoughts given to by others. This implies we are simply layers of outside ideas. If identified with the personality that arises from others, then everything is determined. How to move beyond this?
Be aware of everything that comes from the outside and come to a place where we are non-identified with it. The moment arises when the outside boundary dissolves. A vacuum arises. This vacuum is the passage between the outside and the inside, the door. We are so afraid of the vacuum, of being empty that we cling to the outside accumulation of ideas. One has to be brave enough to disidentify with the accumulation and to remain in the vacuum. Until courage is found, we cling and fill self with it.
Another view of being in this vaccuum is meditation. As we find courage to be in this moment, through breathing, meditation or other spiritual practie, soon our whole being will automatically turn inward. When urge to attach fades, our being turns inward. At this point, something dawns that transcends all we have been thinking self to be. Now we are no longer becoming; we are being, we are that. This being is free; nothing can determine it. It is absolute freedom. No chain of cause and effect is possible. This is the still point of consciousness.



Live the Hero's Journey

(Visionary art- "Soul's Journey by Rassouli)
Notice ongoing upheavals mean we each encounter challenges and are confronted with some very tough decisions. Some view this as opportunity for soul growth. Old mindsets or thinking may be threatened. Intuition or spirit within compels us to take steps to move ahead. These situations are meant to test us, strengthen us, and hone our complete trust or surrender to the unknown.
Although yoga echoes we each embody all we need, much like genetic material in a seed only unleashed in proper conditions, core knowing arises in stages based on evolving consciousness.
So, according to Joseph Campbell, we are on a Hero's journey. That is, we are each the hero of our own epic tale. At pivotal moments, we get calls to action, such as direct threats to our safety, family, ethics, way of life or to peace of our community. Our comfort zone is disrupted to prompt us to go on a quest. This compels automatic writing to join dots of our unique journey.
If we refuse the call to take steps the heart knows are necessary to be in harmony with our core essence, we are repeatedly prompted with situations that evoke our discomfort. Still, if we doubt our abilities to move forward, or make excuses, refuse to take full and complete responsibility, resist change, buy into fear, we suffer, until we get the message to let go of the familliar, trust ourselves more.
At key stages, we invite mentors into our lives to guide us back on track, to see and accept our own light. They could give us an object, insight into issues we face, wise advice, practical training, even inspire self-confidence. Whatever the mentors provide, this serves to dispel our doubts and fears, give us strength, courage, humour to propel ahead through stages of our soul journey. As a teaching resonates, this moves us forward, gives us confidence to rise to the next level, take the next step of our path or destiny.
As we integrate new energy, our focus of attention and priorities shift. Ready to act on a call to adventure, we recognize the physical, spiritual or emotional, or multidimensional nature of our journey. Each of us may go willingly or may be pushed. Either way, we must cross the threshold between the familiar and unfamilliar worlds. It may be leaving home, a relationship or job or just doing something else we fear. However, as new thresholds present, taking action to face fear signifies our commitment to the unknown journey and whatever it may have in store for us.
Once out of our comfort zone, we are confronted with an ever more difficult series of challenges that repeatedly test us. Obstacles are thrown across our path; whether they be physical hurdles or people presenting to thwart our progress. We must overcome each challenge that arises on the journey towards the ultimate goal or transmutation of energy.
Its tricky at times, but we must learn who can be trusted and who can't. We may earn allies and meet enemies who will, each in their own way, help prepare use for the greater ordeals. This is the stage where our skills and/or powers are tested and every obstacle that we face helps us gain deeper insight into our patterns, character and ultimately deeper soul insight.
At some stage, we encounter unforeseen danger or magnify an inner conflict which up until now, we have not had to face. Through the course of experience, we prepare before taking that final leap into the great unknown. We may once again face some of the doubts and fears that first surfaced during our original call to adventure. We may take time to reflect on the sensitive nature of our journey and the treacherous road ahead to find courage to continue. This magnifies tension in view of the ultimate test.
The Supreme Ordeal may be a dangerous physical test or a deep inner crisis that we must face to survive or for the world in which we live to continue. Whether it be facing his greatest fear or most deadly foe, we must draw upon all of our skills and experiences gathered upon the path to overcome this difficult challenge.
Only through some form of "death" can we be reborn, know the symbolic resurrection that somehow grants us greater power or insight necessary in order to fulfill our destiny. This is the high-point of our story and where everything we value is put on the line. If we fail, we will either die or life as we know it will never be the same.
After defeating the inner enemy, reframing death and overcoming our greatest personal challenge, we are ultimately transformed into a new state, emerging from battle as a stronger person and often with a symbolic transformation.
What we gain may present as an object of great value or power, a secret, greater knowledge or insight, or even reconciliation with a loved one or self and existence. Whatever form or state the treasure is, it facilitates our return to and focus on a new World.
At this point in the Hero's journey, its like a reverse echo of the Call to Adventure. We come full circle, create a new sense of "home" with an earned reward. Anticipation of danger is replaced with that of acclaim, vindication, absolution or even exoneration of self or someone close to us, the external. The moment arises when we must choose between personal gain and Higher Cause.
This is the climax in which the Hero must have his final and most dangerous encounter with symbolic death. The final battle also represents something far greater than our physical existence with its outcome having far-reaching consequences to our Ordinary World and the lives of those we left behind on our quest.
If we fail, others will suffer and this places more weight upon our shoulders. Ultimately we will succeed, move through obstacles and emerge from battle purified and reborn. We emerge as a mature, enlightened being. Through the course of our journey, we learn and unlearn, face dangers, even death but start a new life. Our return may inspire hope to those once forgotten, offer a direct solution to their problems or perhaps a new perspective.
The final reward may be literal or metaphoric. It could be a cause for celebration, self-realization or an end to strife. Whatever it is, it represents three things: change, success, proof of our journey. The return "home", to true nature, signals things will never be the same



Explore multiple timelines

Notice as consciousness expands, how we view and experience existence changes. As we shift focus from a focus on external (physical) things and events to energy flows, our inner power grows and we naturally align with destiny without effort. At some point, it dawns that our thoughts and feelings are energy that directs every moment of our experience, we can shift from living unconsciously to consciously revise timelines or change realities. Though it may seem surreal to some, our timeline (current life) is simply one of many simultaneous timelines. For those who are open to it, this is more than possible. It is our birthright to alter timelines and unleash potentials of our lives. Some call this free will. Regardless of how you describe it, we each have innate power to transform from the inside out at our own pace.
Different cultures condition us to believe we are limited to one timeline (one linear life at a time).As we deepen awareness and understanding of who we are, "timeline" gains new significance. It dawns we have untapped power change not only every area of our existence, but also the very nature of existence itself.



Stop Playing it Safe

(Visual Art Bill Brouard- @ Visual Alchemy)

Notice what happens as you stop playing it safe, when all of a sudden, something awakens within you that recognizes you are the one that has been holding yourself back. Its the illusion of fear and conditioned assumptions in the mind that keep us feeling small, powerless or stuck. This revelation is the pivotal moment of finally reclaiming inner power, consciously shifting to focus purely on Soul direction and destiny. Trusting intuition allows energy to flow more freely, can involve abruptly letting go of apparent commitments and aspects of life that previously defined you. Being spontaneous opens channels of vision within you that continue to dazzle and amaze. Creative streams of inspiration arise as if from nowhere. Life experience shifts again. 


16 Revelations for Soul Contracts

"We have soul contracts with every person in our lives to live in the vibration of truth.” -Molly Friedenfeld

Notice that before you took on human form, your Soul made an Agreement, outlining a Purpose or Destiny to fulfill. We all have Soul Contracts and essentially the list of lessons that are assigned in our life. We can learn to view our lives from different perspectives, from within and beyond the body. Flow into Quantum leaps with 16 revelations about Soul Contracts and how you travel;  
1. Your time, date and place of birth are selected before birth. You arise in this Earth dimension at a specific time, to a specific place and to a specific purpose. Making that purpose conscious & align
2. The family you were born into was chosen to contribute classes.
3. Some people are destined to enter your life to help heal something, by an event in a past life or in this one.
4. The events in your life arise to help you evolve into a superior state of consciousness.
5. Death occurs the moment you realize you've completed what you exist to do & return to the Spirit.
6. Life is full of choices and we have free will. These choices are seen as our luck / destiny.
7. All souls on Earth are here at different stages of their evolution.
8. Essentially, your Soul Contract is the deal (Covenant / Covenant) you made with yourself.
9. To fulfill your Soul Contract, you are supported by Higher Forces, Spirit Guides, Angels & people.
10. You receive signs, signals, messages to let you know if you are on track with Destiny.
11. The more you tune in, and act on synchronicities, the more you align with your Divine Path.
12. Being "on track" means encounters with the right people, right time, who can offer you info, guidance 
13. You can break your Soul Contract, and these are moments when your choices don't always flow with your Destiny. When this occurs, you can experience confusion, negativity or illness.
But sometimes challenges are needed to help you align naturally and return to the Flow to fulfill your Alliance.
14. Think of your Soul Contract as the mountain you were destined to climb. You can choose how to reach the top, you can choose how you want to climb; each of these choices results in a different experience, but the destination will always be the same.
15. It's not a race to see how fast you summit.  It's not about climbing someone else's mountain. The challenge is to be true to yourself and climb your mountain, feel excited about the Journey you drew before incarnation.
16. You are catching up with a future version of expanded being (Multidimensional Self).