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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in laughter (9)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Wounded Healer

"Wounded Healer" Painting by Tino Rodriguez

Dream: I saw big transparent pages of a holographic book, and imagined a large, blank canvas. I focused the power of conscious thought to open the book. In this version of reality, a woman had hemmaroids (piles) and was clearly distracted from attempts to sleep in a bed. She itched her butt furiously, asked herself aloud if it might be worms? She went downstairs, ate something in the kitchen then applied apple cider vinegar with q-tip to the sensitive area.  Just as the discomfort would fade, it would come back. She then realized her head was itchy and wondered if she had nits. As she allowed herself to laugh loudly and spontaneously at the disturbances rather than get annoyed, the itches went away. She was able to fall asleep, exit her body in an OBE and the page turned.  In another version of reality, a woman was getting a sri yantra tattoo on her lower back and a stellated dodecahedron on the back of her neck.  Her eyes were closed. When the tattoos were completed, a multidimensional version of each levitated above her, rotated quickly and re-integrated into her body which illuminated in light.  After, another book page turned. In the third version of reality, the woman is sitting beside a crackling fire and surrounded by animals, communicating to each one though the heart. She plays a drum and sings and engages in euphoric dance under the light of the moon. As the fire burns out, the page of the book turns to a blank page.  It remains open.


An itch, as a dream symbol, echoes something is bothering you that you cannot escape or get out of your mind.  It may to refer to conscious or unconscious attachment to something that will not go away. You may know its not good for you yet hesitate or resist letting go. The dream is a warning let go or purify the mind.

Sacred geometry in dreams echoes ancient symbolism. It is known to guide humans toward inner completion,  enlightenment or self-realisation.  Specific geometric shapes in our dreams may emerge during periods in our lives when we have gone off the beaten path on our life’s journey, only to guide us back on track. The Creator metaphorically uses these shapes in hopes we become closer with the divine energy that will lead us toward the best course at this stage in our lives.  These shapes are found throughout the Universe. Sacred geometric objects exist in our everyday life – patterns that can be broken-down into a language of math that rules our visible and invisible world.

Three versions of dream reality shared echo a trilogy.  What happens for you in threes? Is this a good omen?  Turning pages is like moving through chapters of change and transformation in your life. Meditate on what you resist, what you let go and what you allow to emerge to replace old or outgrown versions of you. This is a healing process, a process of emergence of a shaman regrounding and reconnecting with true divine nature.

in dreams, animals often represent emotions, expression and the response of your more 'wild,' uncivilized, yet natural self. This part of your nature can be in conflict with the inner critic that urges you toward conformity.  The drum symbolizes the heartbeat of the spirit, the leader of the people.  Its vibrations connect people to each other and to every living thing, backward and forward and in all directions in time, and out into the universe.

We offer Dream Consultations and dreamwork as part of coaching packagea. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us.


Access Absolute Freedom

Notice as you understand the truth of who you are, you are in union with the divine. The universal rules that run the HUman ego create a structure that guides each being to ego liberation. The physical world itself plays an intrinsic role: the perceived pressures, pains, fears, risks can shake us up and awaken us to more. Ego liberation happens through discipline and surrender beyond the ego itself. Freedom arises as an impeccable action aligned with the necessity of the moment yet, it could never be allowed or predicted by any structure or institution. This implies acting beyond constraints of the character that is still identified as the person in the dream. Imagine what it is to exist in absolute spontaneity without reference to any external criteria. To be here (in this state) legitimately, you must earn it energetically -eliminate all vibes of suffering within, all impulses to take yourself seriously (i.e. ego disappears). This is a complete elimination of the tragic side of life and illusion of separation from pure divine love. One shifts into a state of perception where everything is funny. Its all joy, beauty and laughable. This can only come in the fullness of reality as divine laughter. That is, the humour cannot be at any level. To earn the right of boundless freedom of joy, we have to purge all sense of suffering and all perception of bad things happening. Only then does one have clear vision. The presence of this consciousness, that level of lightness of being, enables the Soul to transcend to be One with the divine. One must free oneself from any karmic residue, no longer have any projections on anyone and be free of any other, where one cannot be hurt and one's joy is totally contagious and liberating. This kind of humour is not a secret egoic joke, or an effort to hide one's own egoic entrapment, certain identifications or concern for the life or death of the body. Ego death is required. Realize the real now and have the right to total blissful living without any concerns for mundane limitations. Freedom happens when you free yourself from materialism and other nonsense that the ego is imprisoned by and indocrinated into, let go of all belief systems that you have been born into the physical world.
Imagine what is emerging. The new focus is shifting out of old grids and timelines to grow into a living consciousness of pure light itself ever-changing. Reclaiming sovereign power is about creating realities in alignment with divine intention. As we unlock more codes, dormant capacities are activated, gifts from paralell realities grow accessible, the knowing of how to weave energy into matter re-enters awareness. Conscious alchemy enables us to create in a whole new way.



15 Signs of radical life shifts

In light of ongoing energetic shifts (seen as global changes), reflect on these 15 signs of radical life shifts which are ongoing;

1.     Tune more into feeling energy

2.     Discern things based on harmony and disharmony

3.     Recognize that your external judgment reflects self-rejection

4.     Stop being triggered by criticism 

5.     Let go of self-deception, pretense to live in integrity and truth

6.     Know self- compassion and show others radical compassion 

7.     Forgive easily (until nothing exists to forgive)

8.     See everything as a cosmic mirror 

9.     Relax more, breathe easier

10.  Experience shifts in perception from fear to love

11.  Make more confident decisions

12.  Spend more time in nature

13.  Go from randomness to coincidence to only synchronicity

14.  Laugh more, experience the lighter side of life

15.  Exist in frequent states of gratitude and self-appreciation


3 Tips to take life as it comes

Life is uncertain, no matter how much planning you think you can do.  Unexpected happenings, people acting out of what you think is normal character, may seem to be in your face more and more often. Maybe your phone stops working, some other technology breaks down, you are unable to receive or respond to messages, or lights go on and off mysteriously in your presence.  

Upon closer look, mere coincidence is changng to increasing glimpses of ever-present synchronicities. In light of such strange or unusual occurrences, you may ask who is really in control here and what  is the message you are giving yourself? Take these three tips to accept life as it comes;

1) Remember permanence is illusion. 

Humans are taught to create a  sense of lasting security and stability when all that is predictable is change.

2) Laugh more often to keep your sanity

Every laugh is a mystery bubbling to the surface to reveal itself in decipherable terms. When you can see things from a more objective or removed vantage point, everything looks different than when taking things personally. Notice a shift in or new sense of normal.  Every unfolding, every encounter is a pointer to you, the source creating every situation as a springboard to expand into more.

3) Focus on what you are gaining, what is working or being revealed.

 Humans are conditioned to focus on what they seem to be losing or not getting and focret point of attention detemines perception and experience. The same energy can be felt as disappointment/fear or reason for excitement.


3 Tips to Let your Spirit Rise

Everything about existence invites you to let your spirit rise.   In other words, you are getting a better sense of what it is to recognize what it is to be human and what it feels like to be truly alive. Reflect on three tips to live a more heartfelt life:

1) Love everything. See everything is a call for love.

2) Forgive everyone.  Humans know not what they do. 

3) Laugh more often. Feel an amazing lightness of being.