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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in flow (28)


5 Reasons to feel the expansion

Right now, energy is penetrating and radiating inside your body.  You choose to feel it on deeper levels than before.  Physicality is not separate from energy. You vibrate and perceive in a variety of ways.   Why choose to feel expansion? What if you let go of what mind thinks it knows should happen? How do you feel as the love that you are emerges?

1) Realize perception defines your reality.  Those things you see as solid also become fluid.  Those things you sense as fluid also become solid. You feel energy is going through constant transitions.  You focus on whatever states you choose. To perceive your body as an energy system means you are more accepting of alternating states.  You are like water, in constant movement or transition.  You are ready to re-experience previous states to let them go.

2) Sense presence affects awareness.  To focus on now does not arouse anything but permits love and joy to present without being obscured.  This empowers you to choose what to feel with levels of awareness, to let yourself go into the flow.  You release all fear, worries, anxieties and doubts that hold you back.  To allow yourself to be who you really are is to disolve what you are not.   You invite what you do not want to release as part of the process.

3) Accelerate remembering.  It is reassuring to reconnnect with the inner knowing that the real you always has everything it requires.  You recall how to connect with an invisible space, to stay connected to all energy flowing through your entire system. Be ready to expand, to remove limits that have comforted you.  You outgrow them. They are not you.

4) Feel more comfortable with spiritual questions.  To remember how to give complete and compassionate attention to the soul journey is to feel content with wherever you are. You realize you need not control the direction. You can feel reassured about your intrinsic value, about the meaning of your existence that could never be taken away. Consciousness is like a bridge to your body. Fear does not prevent awareness, love and acceptance.

5) Help others discover their own truth.  Encourage people to talk.  Everyone nurtures their own life wisdom.  Allow that to surface.  Remind people that infinite sources of healing exist within. Invite them to look inward.  Allow their unfolding on the outside.  Rather than impose your views, enable others to grow aware of their own. Many people are afraid to look, to awaken.  Echo how everyone is lovable and forgivable now. Open the energy field of unconditional love for the self.  Inspire others to drop resistance and awaken all that they are.  Release expectations.


5 Ways to surrender to flow of life

Many people will assume surrender means giving up something good, that is, sacrificing what they think they want. Yet, true surrender is something quite different. It is the key to balance, integrity and reconnecting with who you are. It is possible to evolve to sense surrender as precisely what you are.  That is;

1) Without resistance.  Your core harbors no negativity, no anger, no grudges, no frustration and no misunderstanding about self or the physical world.  Resistance is in mind alone.

2) Accepting of what is.  Your core reveals you need not change people.  This part of you is tolerant, grateful, understanding, able to reframe limitations as inner deceit. Further, focusing on now releases the illusion of suffering.

3) Yielding to natural energy flow. Your innate state does not judge or express emotional negativity. To detach from everything, cease to label or judge.  Embrace what is.  Take it in. Relate positive action and feelings without hesitation.

4) Offering relief.  Your core is untouched by fluctuating conditions, mindsets, reactions, obstacles and disruptive individuals.  Physiology, biochemistry, biology and unseen elements of mind- spirit, all adapt to changing external events.  Discomfort is its own lifeblood. The core is oblivious.

5) Inner Knowing. The universal insight of consciousness reveals you realize what is required of you.  Part of you recognizes events unfold without reason for dismay and dissatisfaction. The order of things is based on being alert and present. Your human being is changing vibrational frequency.  

"The creative process is a process of surrender, not control." -Julia Cameron


Ease into the flow

Relationships with some people come so easily while other relationships seem awkward and strained. You may ask why? How can you get along so well with a friend or colleague and have parents, a partner, siblings, in-laws or other people, causing you to feel self-conscious or 'out-of-place?' What is the nature of incompatibility? What does this tell you about harmony?

As you get-to-know yourself, sorting through feelings and vibes gets easier.  You actually know yourself better than anyone, yet may temporarily lose confidence.  Rest assured, openness is a trait you have as a child and you can tap into it at any moment.  Why do you think it felt much easier to express your feelings more directly then? Ease into the flow;

1) Be more aware. Ask the source of love in your life what you need to work on. Keep an open mind.  Watch which emotions arise as you listen and hear the observations. Discover negative vibes  are not telling you about people so much as why you resist expressing love. Invite love to come in and replace negativity. Zero in on why you may think someone won't accept you or like you, and why this matters. Reasons for discomfort you thought you'd never solve resolve themselves. Issues actually begin in your own imagination.

2) Open your inner channels to feel. Recognize that anxiety or worry are telling you valuable things about your complaints and reactions to particular people. What do you fear? What might other people fear about you? Allowing your energy to flow reminds you the more fulfilling life you envision can't come if you're stuck in a mode of self-criticism. You can't control what others may think. This is an invitation to release thoughts you outgrow.

3) Feel good about yourself. Your own desires create, deepen or sever relationships based on what your mind allows. If someone clearly asks you not to contact or interact with them, it's their call. Such people have and may deny their own issues. As you release your own negative thoughts, any unwanted energy will dissipate and stop controlling you. What remains is grounded in compassion.  Trust this process and negative energy won't return.

4) Accept flashes of insight. The truth is that quieting the mind enables you to reframe the relationships you live. Observing your own thoughts and behaviour triggers flashes of insight.  The mind says all pieces will fall together and the heart knows no puzzle ever fell apart.  Intend fulfilling relationships and this is your experience. All is always well.

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