Dream Analysis of the Week- Runaway Train

Dream: I dream I go to the station to catch a train and somehow miss it. This happens repeatedly. The scenario plays out over and over. I wear different clothes and each time I reach platform to watch train pull away. What gives?
Insight: In human waking life, are you waiting too long to make a decision? Life may show you many examples where you think you are just about to make it, yet don't and are confused, frozen or disappointed. You may just about reach the mountaintop yet, something prevents it. You almost reach mouth-watering fruit in a tree, and then a bird gets it. You may just about win a race and stumble. You may strive to achieve a certificate that becomes obsolete or just miss getting a promotion. The repeated 'almosts' are pointers.
The ego mind might echo things do not happen your way because you are not good enough, not experienced enough, not qualified eough, do not have enough stamina patience or whatever it takes. What other reason might exist?
When something happens repeatedly, it invites us to see what we are missing or not seeing clearly. Reflect on the nature of delays in current experience. What are we postponing and why? Fear of something undesirable is the common answer. Being proactive changes the game. Rather than wait for something we may not want, speak our mind, create boundaries, step up the initiatives. IN chasing what we think we want, we may be missing something else.
On a more universal level, this dream is a metaphor for how the mind functions. The mind is running after life and somehow seems to miss it continuously. Why? When we shift focus of attention away from the present moment to the past or future, we miss the proverbial boat. The dream itself symbolizes the mind. It is always missing the train. The mind is bound to miss what it is reaching for because in taking time to think, that thing is already gone. Time waits for nobody. Its the analogy of sand slipping through fingers.
So, to live in the moment is to be spontaneous, trust and surrender to the unknown. It is also to be enlightened, to feel truly alive wherever you are. To think about anything is to miss it. In this light, enlightenment (peace, bliss) is not a goal to work toward or something we decide to accept or not after exerting effort. Its the revelation we only have the present moment to live, to take chances. The mind lives in tomorrows. To truly live only happens right now. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Be brave Be here now.
Among our services, we offer Dream Consultations to explore dreams on your wavelength. We also offer an Astral, Luid & Dream Yoga Course. Contact us to discuss.