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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in compass (3)


Attein stillness

(Image: Soul portrait by Lon Art)
Notice our organizing principle was originally caring fpr the Soul. Collective awakening is remembering the nature of the journey. To change a reality not in resonance with awake consciousness, we must first grasp how this reality came to be. There was a point in the continuum where the dominant energy of the planet was guided by the the ultimate soul purpose which is to reach the highest level of consciousness (liberation, unity with the divine, bliss-love). In every era, the dominant energy determines the moral compass of consciousness and how energy plays out.
So, as hegemonic reality took over (religion) the quest for divine love within became externalized, and aristrocracy divided this into romantic love. Then things shifted and love lost importance. Capitalist forms of social order took over. Communism, socialism other politics built on conquests, colonialism, materialism, and scientism. Capitalists became globalists in an attempt to keep control. The focus has been on dumbing down, destruction of love and traditional order to replace it with centralized order. We moved from nobility to corruption ruling the world. Ego taking control defined what it wanted to get out of life and the collective followed.
As we come to come to tune into specific frequencies in the spectrum of consciousness, truths of soul consciousness arise again. As we attain and sustain the stillness, it opens portals beyond ego to the inconceivable reality of Pure Spirit. It is felt as vibration, like sacred geometry that bypasses the subconscious mind. 



Get Direct Soul Access

Notice that energy follows the path of least resistance. Imagine you are a mini tree hopper, soaring through the dense jungle in search of the perfect spot to land. The best way to guide your flight, like life, is to go with flow, or wind direction, to take what feels like the most natural or easiest Path, rather than go against the current. Going with the flow is acting in alignment with our Soul. Tuning into Soul accesses aspects of self typically unseen. Certain knowings act as our reliable compass. Listen closely. Anchor into the natural consciousness. Everything, inluding the miniscule, points to the perfect Path right now. We each allow or resist what nature intends


3 Tips to gain clarity of purpose

Every moment, we are inviting ourselves to recognize what is in plain sight so that which appears hidden to us grows more obvious.  As we grow aware that everything is connected. we realize no accidents or coincidences exist. More than one purpose is unfolding.  Ponder these three tips; 

1. Stay open & receptive

Appreciate the value of being guided by intuition. Doing so allows us to notice and feel compelled to follow more synchronicities that present.  if you come across a postcard at a newsagent and feel draw to visit the place, go with that. If an opportunity arises unexpectedly and it feels right, take it as a stepping stone to getting exactly what we need. There is always an exchange of knowledge, energy and other things happening, even if this is not yet clear.

2.  Be flexible

Many people plan out their lives, businesses and specific goals or milestones they intend to achieve.  What we envision and how events unfold can be very different yet still lead to fulfilling experiences. Some people plan loosely and others rarely or not at all, awaiting instead for opportunities to arise.  

3. Accept everything is a gift

Things happen.  We notice some clearly and simultaneously miss others.  Everyone we encounter and invite into our lives has something to teach us. From the moment we see everything as a gift or opportunity we give ourselves to learn, share and grow, we are also helping people we have never met and involved in strengthening unseen connections. What arises in our awareness shapes a new stage of evolving purpose.