5 Ways to See Nothing

To see and be nothing requires no effort. It is to be calm and embody whatever arises in silence without judgment. This may feel familiar some of the time or none of the time. If it is not every moment, then you choose to shift attention elsewhere. What do you choose to see instead?
Often, people see an 'obstacle'. This creates a roadblock or resistance rather than allowing life to unfold. Be aware that each obstacle is a gift. It offers ways to understand why you perceive things as you do and the root cause. Consider these 5 ways you create obstacles and forget nothing:
1) Self-talk- Notice where you say, "I would like to [do something], but..." What you are really saying? Look deeper into yourself to see for the real reason you hold yourself back from inner peace, balance and acceptance of what arises. Hesitation is a pointer. You may fear change or allow fear to control you.
2) Redirection- Notice the difference between creating an obstacle because you you do not wish to do something and creating one to point you in a more suitable direction. How does the obstacle help you to see what you are not yet allowing yourself to see?
3) Who? Notice how you feel about the direction of your life when things do not appear to be going to your plan. Who's plan is it really? Explore why you are attached to a particular plan. Is it really for you? Or, is it someone else's idea of what is for you?
4) How much? - Notice when the obstacle that arises appears to be financial. Notice what your own thought, body language and words are saying about abundance and scarcity. Where you focus attention is powerful. When you focus on what you are not doing, you channel energy into lack. When you focus on feeling joyful about what you have, then abundance is your focus and this invites more abundance in.
5) When?- Notice when you feel impatience. Notice whether you wonder when that special relationship is going to enter your life or when your situation will change. You may resist deeper intimacy or commitment. You only ever stand in your own way.
Ultimately, to accept who you are, where you are, and love whatever arises is to be in the flow of nothing. To see obstacles is revealing your own illusions and resistance.