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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in allowing (46)


5 Ways to See Nothing

To see and be nothing requires no effort. It is to be calm and embody whatever arises in silence without judgment. This may feel familiar some of the time or none of the time. If it is not every moment, then you choose to shift attention elsewhere. What do you choose to see instead?

Often, people see an 'obstacle'. This creates a roadblock or resistance rather than allowing life to unfold. Be aware that each obstacle is a gift. It offers ways to understand why you perceive things as you do and the root cause. Consider these 5 ways you create obstacles and forget nothing:

1) Self-talk- Notice where you say, "I would like to [do something], but..." What you are really saying? Look deeper into yourself to see for the real reason you hold yourself back from inner peace, balance and acceptance of what arises. Hesitation is a pointer. You may fear change or allow fear to control you.

2) Redirection- Notice the difference between creating an obstacle because you you do not wish to do something and creating one to point you in a more suitable direction. How does the obstacle help you to see what you are not yet allowing yourself to see?

3) Who? Notice how you feel about the direction of your life when things do not appear to be going to your plan. Who's plan is it really? Explore why you are attached to a particular plan.  Is it really for you? Or, is it someone else's idea of what is for you?

4) How much? - Notice when the obstacle that arises appears to be financial.  Notice what your own thought, body language and words are saying about abundance and scarcity.  Where you focus attention is powerful.  When you focus on what you are not doing, you channel energy into lack.  When you focus on feeling joyful about what you have, then abundance is your focus and this invites more abundance in.

5) When?- Notice when you feel impatience.  Notice whether you wonder when that special relationship is going to enter your life or when your situation will change.  You may resist deeper intimacy or commitment.  You only ever stand in your own way.

Ultimately, to accept who you are, where you are, and love whatever arises is to be in the flow of nothing. To see obstacles is revealing your own illusions and resistance.


Allow what is natural 

With no effort, core being is naturally fulfilled unless it imagines itself to be different. The one who is ready simply awakens.  He who is not ready sleeps.  Nothing stops 'you' unless you are not ready to allow yourself to see.  The unfolding simply unfolds unless 'you' get in the way, or imagine obstacles.  By living, without knowing or doing anything, all is well. Being quiet is being yourself, not following anything from the mind.  If a thought arises, it is as though the thought never came.  Before a thought arises, it has no meaning. Be without intention. Keep quiet.  Watch what happens without waiting.


Allow abundance to fill you

Your thoughts, feelings, emotions and visions all vibrate to life and take shape in what appears as your life. Notice whether you know ups and downs or if you see all is well already. What do you choose?

Imagine how it discern true needs and have them met, to exist with a sense of acceptance, peace and tranquility.  You no longer notice anything is missing.  The inner judge grows still or you no longer hear it. You experience fulfillment, satisfaction and know without a doubt that details are coming together.  Feel what it is to embody joy, happiness and appreciation.  Allow abundance to fill you.  This is not only possible, it is your core state. Let go of the unreal.  What is real remains.  The mind tells you its own version of what is real. The heart and soul know only wholeness.


Turn inward

Whatever you see and understand as the external world, you come to discover that you cannot make it happen your way or control it exactly as you want.  No person, creature situation or relationship in your life is always doing what you want it to do all of the time.  This revelation unleashes a gush of nothing.  Even that which cannot be named is heartfelt.

What's happening in your head is your dream.  Its also projection.  As you recognize you do not control the external, this is an invitation to turn inward to access peace.  If you are not feeling peaceful and contented, then your attention is anywhere but here.  You begin to sense that if you do not do the right things, the right things do not happen to you.  You begin to feel you create the nature of your life.  When you feel joyful, you treat others well. Everything is a mirror for how deeply you access the essence of being within you.  The social world is an extension of allowing and resisting all you are.  How quiet can 'you' be?

Every moment is an opportunity to experience the present in its pure perfection.

"The awakened one is open to everything and everything falls into place." -Sri Bhagavan


Master your fear 

Self-mastery is always within reach.  Understanding fear is a big step to watching it disappear from your life.

You may hear people say they expect to get older, weaker, and generally deteriorate and imagine other reasons for fear to arise.  Some people quickly tell you their limitations. Watch thoughts passing through your mind and feelings in your bones.  Notice your own beliefs, assumptions and expectations. If you focus on what you do not want, you focus on the absence at what you do and experience fear.

If you notice any negative or pessimistic thoughts, then part of you is open to the possibility that things are not going well or things can get worse.  When you allow yourself to believe this, you forget what you think creates your experience.  You always have the power to shift your attention and change your thoughts.  It is a choice to shift focus away from peace of mind and knowing in the heart all is always well. 

What if you train the mind and can retrain it?  What if you underestimate the power of intention? What if you intend to feel younger, stronger, and more energized?  What if you convince yourself that you are getting more creative, attractive and inspired? What if your appetite is changing? Good feelings set the stage for more good things. 

In a practical sense, watch what happens as you envision your business growing, your health good and stable, your relationships nuturing,  your life enriching, that your dreams are within reach and unfolding. Notice what happens as you allow yourself to see beyond conditioned ways of seeing your situation.  

Ultimately, a vision of well-being, abundance, contentment, fulfillment, love and acceptance exist whether you allow them into your life or not. You have to be wiling to allow these ideas into your experience. Notice how emotions both distract you from perfect health and well-being and alsoguage how far you stray from who you are.