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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Let go of your own resistance

Feelings that keep you from realizing a vision only hold your attention if you focus there.  Notice why you doubt, sense you are doing something wrong or feel impatient at a lack of results.  Notice what happens as you shift the focus of your thoughts.  Notice your thoughts are themselves energy vibrations shaping the evolution of your life.  Speak as if the life you dream about it already here.  All the power in the universe conspires to make it happen.  And so it is.

Talk yourself through a breakthrough or change in some area of your life.  For instance:

It is so exciting to be tuned into the flow of what is working.  I know I create my own reality.  I love knowing I create my thoughts and shape the direction of my unfolding experience.  I know that to speak in generalities and to feel good now where I am is a bridge to feeling good about specific changes I would like to see in my life and inviting those to manifest.  I trust the universe is creating a path for me and people enter into my life to help me move ahead. 

Go more specific: I expect synchronicities and continue to notice them.  I have good vibes about branching out to help people help themselves in a new and harmonious setting.   I can feel inside that vibrationally-speaking, researching property for sale  at this point in time is no accident.  I feel I am outgrowing my current conditions and I am also aware that its now a buyer's market.  I know visiting places of interest is a step toward living that dream.   

My vision of a move invites details to fall into place that enable this to happen smoothly. I feel energized as I explore the surrounding community and welcomed by friendly locals. Direct experience further convinces me of the power of intention.  I sense focusing on and speaking openly about a healthy change of scenery is making it unfold in this reality. I love picturing myself in that new house or set of conditions.  I feel the momentum building.  

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Reader Comments (2)

An Ongoing Cleanse Means There Is No Spots For Dirty.

I flow effortlessly through life. I walk in stillness where grace fluently resides penetrating into every aspect of living. There are no problems because I live in the perfect solution whose mixture is always changing and yet remains absolutely the same. Abundance is in everything I receive and in everything I gift to the world. There is no better or no worse..... there only Is the Love of this One Moment.
May 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bern, indeed, blocks to realizing dreams only exist in the ego mind. Loving the moment and whatever arises and watching it is to cease judging.
May 8, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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