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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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5 Tips to allow destiny to emerge

As one grows more conscious, one's true destiny reveals itself.  Yet, how do we know what no longer serves us? Consider these five tips:

1) Listen to the heart. What truly resonates?

2) Pay attention to your dreams. Everything is a metaphor.

3) Tune into the world around you. What is mirroring back?

4) Be aware of body signs & signals. Notice sensations arising.

5) Sharpen perception. Subtle senses are activating


5 things to allow you to thrive

Whether unconsciously or during silent contemplation, we regularly ask ourselves what can we do to be truly authentic, more accepting of ourselves and others, and instrumental in expansion or allowing something beyond us to reveal more of the wider Truth. The short answer is it all begins within.  recalibration is ongoing. Although we may not yet consciously experience our innate power in all its facits, there exist things we can do to thrive.  Consider these 5 tips: 

1. Grow aware of disempowering beliefs and replace them with empowering ones

As we do this, we feel and observe the resulting rapid changes that happen in our lives, Changes in conditions only seem to take effort or magic when we do not understand the energetic forces behind them.

2.  Feel and tune into joy as pure energy 

As you choose to be joyful, laugh spontaneously more often and do those things that evoke joy, you constantly revitalze and inspire yourself to create amazing things and enrich this world. 

3. Express what we love about ourselves and others

As we express love openly without fear, we are healing a part of ourselves that never received the attention and appreciation it deserved early in this life and in other lives (if the pattern).  Share how you feel. Be creative and specific about how and what you love.  Say it loud and clear.

4. Realize this is about unlearning more than learning

As it hits thriving is not about doing more, but about letting go of more of the filters that block it, we discover doing less, letting go of control, has a greater impact than we ever thougth possible.

5.  Breathe the way to clarity

The power of the breath and breathwork are often understimated. The pace and rhythm of your breath shares your story of love and fear. Pay attention. The intensity or tranquility of the breath speaks volumes about the degree to which you thive.  Accepting this process is not really about you.  It is an exercise in humility. The human in you is driven by ego wants and desires. Consciousness and a larger reality unfolds without you.  It moves through the breath.  Revelations reveal themselves with perfect timing.


5 key points on connection

Notice restlessness and discontent are symptoms of disconnection. This goes deeper than the physical disconnection you feel when your mobile phone, computer, internet or other technology is not working on your terms. Maybe you are feeling a range of confusing emotions that disturb peace of mind in relationships or other aspects of reality? What can you do to feel more at ease?

Consider retraining the mind, that is how and what you see as your reality. What happens as you shake up your sense of who you think you are and review discomfort from a different point of view? Ponder these five points about connection. How do your emotions and understanding of what is happening in your world change?

1. The nature of intimacy in your relationships mirrors love, acceptance, intimacy with yourself 
2. No one thing or organism exists on its own (we share the same water, air, light, etc.) 
3. No thing or organism acts on its own (everything is interconnected energy flow)
4. Every organism is a process understood by its actions (motion of allowing or resisting)
5. The behaviour of all organisms is only understood in relation to its environment

This said, reflect on fear, guilt, shame, anger and other examples of emotions you are feeling in relation to specific situations. How are these emotions pointers to another way of being more authentic (or living a mroe authentic life)?


Allow optimal health 

In the deepest core of ourselves, illness or any sense of life imbalance offends what we are.  Perceived illness and imbalance are experienced when we deny core well-being, deny perfect health is our true reality, deny responsibility for situations we are in.  To resist lessons being offered is to resist we create and respond to situations for our own growth.

Denial is resistance. It limits freedom.  The thing that core being or inner intelligence does not tolerate is loss of freedom.  From the moment you are self-limiting, you hold yourself back from being the best you can be.

Notice the heart expands into joy and love.  Allow yourself to express these things and you feel good, align with core well-being, see things as they are.  You cannot help but feel content wherever you are and people around you feel the good vibrations. Allowing optimal health and balance into your life is a choice. You allow whatever you believe and feel to manifest.


Let it be

Imagine the life of your dreams is unfolding.  Allow it to be.  Know it is already here.  The only thing that stands in the way of the actual experience is your own mind. Watch the thoughts that pass through your head.  Notice what you focus attention on.  It is not a matter of asking how you can make it happen. Rather, it is a case of surrendering into what already exists for you. Get this: you do not know what it is until the moment you allow yourself to see, feel and find it.

Its as if every dream you could ever imagine is manifested in this un-namable place.  All of it is accessible to you from the moment you let go of any thoughts or beliefs that say its not possible. The conditioned mind only echoes why you do not deserve it, why a relationship cannot work, how obstacles stand between you and what you would like to have.  Watch what happens as you see through self-imagined illusions.  Decide to feel as though you live the life of your dreams.

Give this a go: visualize what feels right at this stage of life, allow yourself to see it clearly as you awaken in the morning and as the last thing you see before you are going to sleep.  Love all you do and see everything you do not do as a blessing.  Love all that arises.  Appreciate it is all directing, nudging and pointing you to what the heart already knows.  See one synchronicity guides you to another and another. Know every encounter and event is divinely orchestrated.  You do it all for your own learning.  The soul is awareness unfolding the bigger picture. Let it be.

"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up." ~ Paul Valery