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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in reframing (5)


5 Ways to See Nothing

To see and be nothing requires no effort. It is to be calm and embody whatever arises in silence without judgment. This may feel familiar some of the time or none of the time. If it is not every moment, then you choose to shift attention elsewhere. What do you choose to see instead?

Often, people see an 'obstacle'. This creates a roadblock or resistance rather than allowing life to unfold. Be aware that each obstacle is a gift. It offers ways to understand why you perceive things as you do and the root cause. Consider these 5 ways you create obstacles and forget nothing:

1) Self-talk- Notice where you say, "I would like to [do something], but..." What you are really saying? Look deeper into yourself to see for the real reason you hold yourself back from inner peace, balance and acceptance of what arises. Hesitation is a pointer. You may fear change or allow fear to control you.

2) Redirection- Notice the difference between creating an obstacle because you you do not wish to do something and creating one to point you in a more suitable direction. How does the obstacle help you to see what you are not yet allowing yourself to see?

3) Who? Notice how you feel about the direction of your life when things do not appear to be going to your plan. Who's plan is it really? Explore why you are attached to a particular plan.  Is it really for you? Or, is it someone else's idea of what is for you?

4) How much? - Notice when the obstacle that arises appears to be financial.  Notice what your own thought, body language and words are saying about abundance and scarcity.  Where you focus attention is powerful.  When you focus on what you are not doing, you channel energy into lack.  When you focus on feeling joyful about what you have, then abundance is your focus and this invites more abundance in.

5) When?- Notice when you feel impatience.  Notice whether you wonder when that special relationship is going to enter your life or when your situation will change.  You may resist deeper intimacy or commitment.  You only ever stand in your own way.

Ultimately, to accept who you are, where you are, and love whatever arises is to be in the flow of nothing. To see obstacles is revealing your own illusions and resistance.


What gives your life meaning?

Many people are selectively unaware of what truly gives their life meaning.  In an ideal world, people would only do those things that enrich them, expand them and enable them to feel good.  Does this sound familiar? How does your mind frame where you are? What makes you think something is wrong?

Another way to view life is to sense everything that you perceive is happening is created by you for you and is always in your interest.  That is, all of your thoughts and feelings are giving you the info you require to live a content and fulfilling life.  Consider this invitation to remember how you make the most of you time.  What could you do to reframe your situations and relationships or make different choices?

Learning to be more aware empowers you to be more honest with yourself. As you are more alert to how you truly think and feel, you no longer contemplate about what is good for you.  You no longer overlook those choices that resonate with your soul.  You no longer disregard meaningful lessons now.

As you self-disclose, you remember what it feels like to be your authentic self and you are okay with that.  Join us for an Dreambuilders Radio interview with Dawn Hill on December 6th at 5h30pm EST (December 7th 9h30am Melbourne time). Open yourself to expanded levels of remembering.

For interest, you may consult previous articles about Dawn Hill from this website here:


Talk yourself out of a mistake

Consider that no decision you make is ever a mistake. The body does not lie. It has no agenda. It is in a deep relationship with soul.  Listening to impulses and intuition may seem like rebellion to the conscious self. And yet, what the mind concocts is not always truth.  This is a new paradigm.

Let's say you are moving to a mental place where you are learning to detach from judgment and conditioning.  What if you choose to let go of negative ideas, illusions of insecurity, power, and boundaries?  What if you are deciding to feel more vulnerable? Reflect on different ways you can view a situation you initially viewed as a mistake or others do. What else could this mean? Here are 10 possibilities. Expand if you choose;

1) You are honoring your right to choose.

2) You are choosing to mature.

3) You are opting to say what feels right.

4) You are stepping more into true self.

5) You are redefining what it means to respect the self.

6) You are moving into a fear-based place to overcome it.

7) You do not have to explain it or figure it out.

8) You are transcending what you have been taught.

9) You are never alone and guided by the unseen. 

10) You are reminding the self that the unknown is valuable.


What makes despair excellent?

Despair is like hopelessness. Its a word used to describe how you feel when you sense you have lost something important. This could be a job, a relationship, a situation that had appeal. You were attached.  Despair is about when you are ready to give up on yourself. It relates to resisting forced detachment. 

And yet, part of you hesitates to believe this perspective is impartial or meaningless.  You catch a glimmer of light amidst the apparent negativity.  What prompts you to view despir as suddenly excellent? Consider 15 mind-blowing benefits;

1) You see, hear and laugh in completely new ways.

2) You learn the universe orchestrates its own justice.

3) You build love, compassion and honor to heal wounds.

4) You realize nothing matters as much as you thought.

5) You discover a shift of focus awakens deeper mindfulness.

6) You feel exhaustion and then calm, fearlessness and silence.

7) You embrace universal equality with renewed sincerity.

8) You slow down to detect feelings of unimpeded harmony.

9) You realize humility triggers profound devotion to nothing.

10) You see eliminating craft and profit erase motive of theft.

11) You experience diminished desire, and return to simplicity

12) You recognize long-established comparisons are trivial.

13) You gain insight into mercy, empathy and indifference.

14) You sense form is neither full nor empty, just present.

15) You grasp nothing harms you unless you give consent.


Bedrock of the soul

Each time you attribute blame, you do not see bad people are illusions, and less-than-desirable choices you made lead to where you are and the insight you now have. All of this is a clue to how you are gradually reconnecting with the bedrock of soul, or your true self that never leaves you.

Absolute rights or wrongs may not exist. Decisions are made out of love and in response to fear. The latter often leads to trouble. Yet, to make choices in response to love raises awareness about yourself. Why would you choose to believe other people are responsible for choices that don't work out for you? What reasons would you have to take action if you will only ever feel a victim of circumstance and of nasty people? You would likely sense no reason to feel motivated at all.

The bedrock of your soul is the free will to interpret life as you choose. You create and perceive the reality and determine whether it feels good or bad for you. Each situation offers clues to potential benefits, to potential ways you could sharpen your understanding or otherwise gain. This is a new phase in your self-growth.

What if you suddenly became so solution-oriented that you no longer recognized situations as problematic? What if you began to understand that you have all the tools at your disposal to satisfy your needs? Although challenges can promote growth, peace of mind about your identity and motivation would further increase and expand on your growth.

As times passes, you will sense which steps or course of action will satisfy you. What energizes you now? Why might you begin to feel empowered? All that matters is what you experience and what you retain from each experience. At times, your beliefs and desires may be at odds. In efforts to reconcile them, you'll get-to-know parts of yourself and realize what is truly necessary to build on what you know or understand.