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8 Ways to reframe emotions

Each human being has unconscious thresholds or limits they presume they can handle. This ranges from the amount of food you ingest to the emotional buttons that can be pressed without you losing it. Few humans have evolved to pure calm. You might presume this explains why you are still human.

Some people believe ignoring human-created limits will bring unimaginable disaster. Before you permit ideas to trigger a severe emotional reaction, consider 10 ways to reframe your understanding of emotion.What intrinsic things do you forget?

1) Anger. (opposite- Fear) Displeasure is aroused by self-delusion. To see though anger, view it as it is, dissolves its power. To believe reasons for torment is to invite them to manifest. Infinite peace already is. Energy transmutes as you decide to diffuse a situation. Awareness changes everything.

2) Struggle. (opposite- awe) This restless initiative evokes heavy energy as a way to balance an incredible lightness of being or free-flowing energy that also exists. Resistance notes a hidden growth process involving physical form and formless, nameless, indescribable things you push against now.

3) Guilt/ remorse. (opposite- love) Some people view this state as a path to healing and resurrection. Solitude stirs energy and strengthens the spirit. Attuning to love makes all else obsolete. Light heals anything you could ever fathom.

4) Grief. (opposite- joy) The bond that connects you with living beings is the same bond that connects you to that energy in other forms. That is, the degree of intensity of energy changes but not what is. You are connected in physical life, in illusion of death, to strangers, nature, everything for the same reason.

5) Pain. (opposite- delight) Another way to view this is to believe the ego collapses in stages. To discard the ego shell induces different levels of awakening. Soul rediscovers the depth of being indestructible and immortal, and alters form. Humans falsely believe they must lose in order to gain. Reality never changes, only perception and types of self-acceptance.

6) Anxiety. (opposite )To anticipate reasons for apprehension apprehension is a choice. You also have other choices among infinite possibilities that are unfolding.  Certainty, serenity and tranquility are within reach any moment. Just reach for them.

7) Disgust. (opposite- acceptance) Whatever causes loathing inside you actually reminds you of your good moral sense at the same time. You choose reasons why you relish and accept or reject. Revulsion always has ulterior motives. You express the opposite feeling to what you want.

8) Disappointment. (opposite--optimism) Any perceived failure of expectation assumes you had reason to hope in the first place.  To feel frustration or dissatisfaction it itself a wake-up call that you are not going with the flow of energy. IN truth, you never have any reason to feel let down. Be present and see.

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Reader Comments (8)

Hello Liara,

Thanks for sharing this list. It is so helpful to remember that we can reframe what is not working for us and create what we want. Sometimes we are addicted to feeling powerless and ego likes to hang out there.
March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiruh
Miruh, emotions are seldom what human beings take them to be. As you move from non-acceptance to greater self-acceptance, you begin to deepen your insight into the useful messages and sensations you are constantly given. How you view them changes how you think and sense.
March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
As we begin to dissolve and forgive our emotional issues, we elevate ourselve into a new way of being and perceiving. We can then view our entire lives in a whole new light as the veil begins to become more see through. And with each revalation we receive, the more the world comes into focus. But then we get to the point of becoming aware of looking between the pixels of the images that we believe we are perceiving. What lies beyond the screen of knowledge will become the next step in human evolution.
March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBernhard
Bernhard, readers appreciate this astute observation. A human being comes to discern that paying attention implies evolving to be conscious of gaps in core understanding. They exist between and about words, sensations, textures and everything that blocks the dimension of stillness expanding in you now. To begin to delve into emotion is a way to heighten sensitivities of vibrational frequency. This brings you closer to grasping the unmanifested. You explore new realms already. To sense the truth, you must be conscious of it and just be.
March 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I liked the advice about anger.
Hi Liara,

I like the fact that what are considered negative emotions have a positive side. If we know the positive side, then it may be easier to shift to it rather than stay in the negative emotion. When the glass is empty it is also half full.
March 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, regardless of how a human being views a given situation, there is always more to it than meets with superficial senses. To work through the conditioning is to discover meaningful wisdom hides underneath.
March 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alik, anger is a curious phenomenon. Each human being rediscovers he has no reason to become what he already is. Yet, he allows himself to get angry about where he is not or what he is not doing. Life's smorgesborg of emotion is open to everyone. Certain emotions prove to be less helpful to growth bt only until you realize every emotional path brings you back to where you started. Irony is found in raising awareness and suddenly wishing for base ignorance to be restored. Nothing and everything is absolute. That helps to explain why you are here now.
March 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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