
As you visualize the kind of existence you long for, you are intending it to happen.
As you are generous with your thoughts, gestures and all you can offer, you are sowing the seeds to experience different kinds of abundance in your life. What does this mean exactly?
As you love unconditionally, you send your intention to receive unconditional love.
As you focus on creating wealth for others, wealth is arising for you in unforeseen ways.
As you clarify value beyond the measurable, your life feels it has immeasurable value.
Whether or not you realize it, your thoughts and choices shape your evolving existence.
Leonardo da Vinci was able to make novel connections among dissimilar things. This clarified his notion of success. He invented and evolved as he learned. He challenged himself and grew. What he offered the world was proportional to how much he loved and appreciated his own resourcefulness. His legacy has immeasurable value.
When Einstein worked through a problem, he always found it necessary to rethink his subject in as many different ways as possible. He visualized solutions, and believed that words and numbers were less important than possibilities. The universe sent him back a wealth of new information. That wealth created wealth for others in different forms.
We can all learn to interpret the value of quality and quantity to our advantage. We can discern the difference in our relationships, in reasons for giving and sacrificing. Ask yourself what you truly wish for. Ask the Universe for opportunities. Ask and it is already given. You have more influence than you think!
“Life in abundance comes only through great love.” -Elbert Hubbard
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