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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Entries in peace (66)


5 Tips to Honor yourself

Honoring yourself is about paying attention and listening to yourself.  Whatever arises in response to your experiences, which can include no response at all, shows exactly where love can be sent. Ponder these 5 tips to honour yourself:

1. Locate feedback in your body

Whether you feel intimidated, like a failure, powerless, discouraged, or still wanting things to go a different way, each feeling invites you to zero in on feedback in your body, and get-to-know yourself better.  This is an opportunity to intuit deeply into your own messages, to thine own self be true.  Be empowered.  Remind yourself who is the master of your body.

2. Acknowledge your feelings

It is not necessary to know what to do or how to respond to your feelings.  Yet, it is poignant to be aware as they arise or as soon after as possible.  Watch judgements you have in relation to struggles you face.

3. Surrender

This is about relinquishing each conflict, burden and hardship in a way that allows spaciousness, relaxation and relief to take over.   Each confession you make to yourself unleashes divine grace that allows the universe to flow through you more effortlessly. 

4.  Let go of regret

You might gasp and say, "if only I had kept my mouth shut" or, "keeping that secret would have made life easier", or, "Why did I leave myself so open?"  Although you may not get the ego's desired result, every apparent ending or closing life chapter always gets the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

5. Make peace with loose ends

Every effort you exert is an unconscious attempt to avoid pain, despair and suffering.  In the emerging paradigm, it is imperative to make peace with emotions so you are no longer caught in a cycle of seeking out one feeling and avoiding others.  This is part of awakening out of polarity so you are no longer at the mercy of highs and lows of life. Excitng gains do not have to be followed by undesirable losses. Everything shifts as you are receptive to a new way of being.


15 Universal Truths

Universal truths apply to everyone, everywhere. Personal truths are not the same thing. Reflect on these 15 points.  Feel revelations being triggered.  Watch your sense of self and the world shift as you integrate the implications.

1) Everything is energy flowing and changing form.

2) Nature is a mirror for divinity and interconnectivity of All. 

3) Home is a state of being in harmony with your highest Self (not a physical place). 

4) Everyone re-emerges into the fullness of who they are. When and how is a choice. You can call it ascension, instant alignment via physical death or other transitions to immortal being.

5) Self-acceptance is, whether this state feels like you or not.

6) Experience can only match the experiencer. We accept ourselves fully or not and project unique life experience based on to what degree we accept core wholeness and infinite capacities.

7) Nothing unexpected really exists, only levels of awareness and responsibility taken by the Source Creator.

8) You are forever expanding through thought and contrast

9) All beings are energy first, knowing peace and harmony in their hearts, experiencing oneness with all of life, fully respecting all people and the earth itself. Love and compassion flow in all communications with the real

10) Equality, justice and respect for all human beings reigning on earth is the true state —no more hunger, poverty or crime — abundance available to all

11) Fearlessness is the reality of complete trust in the Divine

12) Every heart is awake to the divine inter-dimensional being it truly is

13) From the moment one lives in complete harmony and moral integrity, free, instant manifestation and communication is available with beings from other dimensions, planets and galaxies and travel to distant parts of the universe and galaxies also happens with these beings 

14) Dreams of an ideal and peaceful world are actually both a distant memory of what humand beings once experienced on another timelines and an intuitive glimpse into what is now beginning to happen on Earth.

15) Every experience you have is part of a dream you create for soul growth



Tap into the source of wisdom

Life is what you make of it or no-thing.  The dream you build for yourself begins and ends in the mind. The mind can be trained to choose consistently that which cannot be seen. This unseen is recognized as truth and experienced as the only real option.

What if you have a source you can consult to guide you that is always available and always right? Guess what? You do.

When you are in touch with your spiritual side, you are in touch with the source of infallible wisdom. This is the source of divine inspiration.  In this moment, it is the reliable source of a constant supply of answers that guide you to what is best for you and everyone else. It is that part of being that knows you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and can only ever be in the right place at the right time.

Ultimately, your experience matters, not what you do or where you go.  Everything is an opportunity to reveal the ego as it is so you can see through it.  Healing your own mind is recognizing there is nothing to fix.  This revelation also helps the collective mind. This is getting closer to the perfection you experience already right where you stand. To say you are satisfied implies something other than fulfillment exists. Only happiness, peace and wholeness do.  You embody them now. Accepting this is being happy wherever you are, taking joy in all that you do, and being in awe of yourself.


Love life

Watch what happens as you find a way to love or appreciate whatever is unfolding.  This is not the same thing as liking everything.  Its not allowing yourself to fear. It is about embracing everything.  Be open and receptive to all life brings you.  From the moment you love self unconditionally, you can love life, come what may.  As you truly love self, you truly love life. This means harbouring no fear, exerting no control and allowing the peace within to arise.  What a timeless gift this is.  Notice the sun shines equally on everyone without distinction.  Buddha calls this undifferentiated love.  Be at peace with love.  You have less arguments, you embrace life as it is. You are at peace with life.


Allow all feelings to dance

As a living being, you are rediscovering what is natural.  Part of your nature is to discover all emotions and allow them to flow.  It is fine to express how you feel in the moment.  

Watch children in their candidness and spontaneity. They do not judge or second guess themselves. They are like a free flowing river unless someone reprimands them. If this happens, its like the river comes up against rocks or rapids.  Where do you buck the current?

Ponder how it serves you to dwell on anger, doubt, fear or other heavy energy. What happens as you allow discomfort to get implanted under your skin? Do you scratch the itch?

At some point, you are going to encounter people who disagree with you or, who are closed off to what you are experiencing. What you feel is alive and true for you even if it is not someone else's reality.  Be awareness. Surprise yourself. Peace is not something to be kept or forced. All emotions have peace inside them. You do not find peace.  It arises as you allow it to be here.

In essence, you are aware of space yet, space is not aware of 'you.'  What is real does not need saving or changing as the mind thinks it does.  Watch what happens as you allow all feelings to dance.  Each one is a teacher inviting you to see beyond external conditions to feel through the lens of soul. Through the divine eye, everything is appreciated as it is and for what it is.

Notice you share an experience differently with people.  You may think you express love differently to a friend, child, lover, parent and acquaintance, yet do you really? Only the mind is capable of judging and distinguishing different kinds of love. The heart simply loves.