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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in joy (89)


Come into resonance with who you are

To have a timeless experience of knowing does not require an external confirmation or explanation.  Do not underestimate the power of asking to let go of all fear, hatred and negativity.  This may shock you, but on non-physical levels, you already transcend this.  The physical you is invited to align with who you are.

Feel the visceral sensation of butterflies through the body.  This triggers more and more joy and a range of feelings beyond bliss and words.  What is your bridge back to pure positive energy? Are you there yet? 


See through the conflict

Sometimes, no matter who you are or what you do, you encounter critical people or have the urge to criticize others. What is all this testing? Awaken to why you focus on conflict.  Its not about any external provocateur. It is about how you permit the mind to control you. As you listen and connect with intrinsic value in others, you expand perspective, recognize you want  the same thing: to be loved and appreciated.

When was the last time you chose to see beautiful, lovable things in a labelled 'enemy?' You have the capacity to create a bridge.  Find something to respect and care about in people who appear to annoy you. As you do, you let go of the past. Its possible to forgive what triggers discomfort beneath the surface. Surprise yourself.  Go deeper into the meaning in how or why you judge.  Conflict is a gift and teacher.


Celebrate your rough edges

Ever notice perceptions of 'rough edges' or imperfections work themselves out through your experience? As you nurture patience and observe things in their basic simplicity, clarity arises.  What you outgrow or unlearn dissolves beliefs.  You move from self-doubt into realms of certainty, where you allow things to be as they are and accept self unconditionally.  You access silent inner knowing, feelings of joy and bliss.  

Notice that as awareness expands within, you begin to understand how and why you lose touch with inner knowing.  You recall you control internal shifts based on action, ripening insight, sensing living energy and grasping messages sent from within.  From the inside-out, you hold power to Transform Your Life.


Undermine the delusions

Consider states of mind thrive on negativity and control.  Some people sense fear prompts one to control and perpetuate delusion. One discovers that to access the doorway to the heart requires a shift in focus. 

What happens as you take off the pressure? How does it feel to realize you do not have to please anyone?  As you empower others, you cease to judge and exert control.  To judge indicates you have an ego that assesses and you do not understand truth. As you raise awareness, everything is unjudgable.

Why judge self? To be unconditionally aware reminds you how to be unconditionally kind, loving to self and others.  You are free and have no reason to judge. People who free themselves do no harm and teach freedom to others.  The less you control, the deeper you connect with the infinite joy, health and energy within. The effort to control others reminds you that you have an ego.  To detach is to gradually vanish. 


Enjoy the match

What if you choose to enjoy the match and forget about the possibility of winning any game? What if you concentrate on experiencing fulfillment where you are and stop reaching for what always seems beyond you? Why not stop trying to be anything different than you are, stop struggling to get somewhere. Learn to let go of craving, wanting, striving.  The end of suffering comes as you stop fighting and choose to be here now.  To keep mind still energizes rather than drains you.  Trust, allow peace and joy emerge from within.