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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in negativity (7)


Negativity unresisted is grace

Everything you experience makes you who you are. As negativity arises, you may be conditioned to resist it. And yet, as you allow every emotion to flow freely, something amazing happens. All things experienced fully reveal their opposite. Are you ready to take responsibility for peace within yourself in this moment? NO waiting is required.

Something prompts you to realize you can exist in peace. Notice polarity or conflict within yourself as part of the human experience. You can also recognize that any sort of separateness, any perception of divided ideas or personalities, whatever identity you are protecting, is pure illusion. You know nothing is knocking on the door of the mind.

The human part of human-being is an opportunity for deeper discovery. Cease doing what you are doing.  Let go of all self-image, all you are taught. Do nothing. Notice what remains.  Allow grace to reveal itself. The source of awareness or consciousness is present and exists as you to know itself now.  The heart only loves everything as it is.

"God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other." -Rinehold Niebuhr 


Appreciation, gratitude & balance

When you appreciate, you recognize the nature of unconditional love and how allowing yourself to feel that increases the intangible value of an experience.  Appreciation is like the absence of doubt, fear, negativity, and all those things that have no relevance to the energy you are vibrating when you feel good.  Consider thoughts of fear do not cross the mind when your focus of attention is on the frequency of love.  You may sense selective awareness, as if the lens of love only sees mesages of love.  As you find the silver lining, see something good in others or in every situation, you appreciate or, make the most of where you are.  You know resistance cannot emerge in allowing.

Gratitude resonates a slightly different energy.  Gratitude is a feeling that emerges as part of the process of sensing accomplishment, like after you overcome an obstacle.  It is then you feel grateful to be where you are after hard work or struggle.  You may feel grateful to be alive after surviving an accident or health issue.  In this way, choosing to feel grateful brings balance.  It brings you from a state of fear back to the inner knowing of the love that is.  A spark of doubt still resides within you about the possibility of having to endure pain and suffering again.  You recall what unwavering acceptance feels like by feeling gratitude, but do not dwell there every moment. You falter slightly.


Come into resonance with who you are

To have a timeless experience of knowing does not require an external confirmation or explanation.  Do not underestimate the power of asking to let go of all fear, hatred and negativity.  This may shock you, but on non-physical levels, you already transcend this.  The physical you is invited to align with who you are.

Feel the visceral sensation of butterflies through the body.  This triggers more and more joy and a range of feelings beyond bliss and words.  What is your bridge back to pure positive energy? Are you there yet? 


Shrink the monster

As you focus on the experience of feeling healthy, joyful and sharing that, you extend this state of being.  When you focus on difficulties, you feed them, enabling them to grow.  Every unkind thought, word or self-criticism gives the inner monster energy and power over you. Buddha calls them 'anger-eating demons.'

How would your life experience change if you treated situations or people that evoke discomfort with love and kindness?  Imagine all the difficult people you encounter, those who mistreat you or trigger negative feelings.  What do they teach? People are often unaware of what they do.  Rather than get angry, why not view everything as a wonderful opportunity to laugh and grow? Then the world laughs with, not at you. 

What if the most difficult person in life is actually you? In order to learn to live with people who push your buttons, it is first necessary to gain insight into and grow more accepting of your true essence.  Then you realize how people relate to you does not always reflect how they truly feel.  Notice what happens as you show compassion, appreciate everyone as they are.  How you see shifts with your patience and kindness. 

Remember how to stop being your own enemy. Relax. Accept who you are. Knowing the causes of being difficult enables you to recognize how to shrink the monster within. You come to reailze difficult people are projections of your own rejection. Suddenly, difficulty is a figment of your imagination. As you come to understand true self, then nothing and nobody are difficult.  Be still and the source of irritation disappears.


Let go of the prison you imagine

Many people look into the mirror and assume they have reasons to feel guilt or other negativity.  They hear echos of what other people tell them they are and forget to listen to their inner voice. They lose themselves in the illusion of the game.  They forget how it feels to have complete awareness, to see through the fog.  Instead, they twist and distort who they are, and lose themselves in turmoil.

It is the moment to return to who you are.  You bring love and joy with you wherever you go.  All of this is felt as you choose to let go of the prison you imagine.  You may be searching for a purpose, and to do so, you live vicariously through the experiences of other people. Open yourself to discover everything you admire in others is within you.  Understanding comes from the heart.

As you open inside, you are receptive to harmony, balance and light.  As you choose to let go of beliefs and thoughts of what you are not, you recognize the meaning in all experiences.  They all empower you to attune to love.  No ideas fit into this space.  Relinquish all beliefs. Lose the self you adopted and remember to feel the flow of vibrations now. This is how to align and Transform Your Life.