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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in joy (89)


Know you can deal with anything

Each person has the capacity deep within to sense and deal with anything.  Even now, you are in the process of expanding, of reminding your conscious self that beneath fear, jealousy and doubt, you know only joy. When do you recall feeling completely calm and tranquil? Experience this agin, as if for the first time.  As waves of turmoil arise in the external world, they no longer affect you anymore.


Remove the obstructions

Ever wonder how people apparently separated by time and space relay similar or even identical experiences? Sometimes, the mind conjures up fearful thoughts of ownership or possession.  Then, animosity, competition, idea theft and plagerism are imagined into being. 

And yet, beyond mind, nobody has borrowed anything from anyone else.  They connect with the same Source. The fearful and joyous parts of your personality exist side-by-side.  You choose if and when to release them.  The more you choose to free joy, the more you experience it in the external world. Only you can choose to heal frightened parts of personality. Only you choose to feel unlimited joy.

People ask, "how can I experience happiness?" They assume they must change something in circumstances or other people.  In truth, joy is an expression of core being. As you remove obstructions like beliefs, you discern what you are not falls away to reveal who remains.


Recall the joy of well-being

When you seek peace of mind and cannot find it, one perspective is the mind is expressing its innate restlessness.  Another way to perceive peace of mind is to sense this is a lack of disturbance.  What does this tell you about how you relate?

Move beyond considering possibilities.  Recall what constitutes the joy of well-being.  To feel peace itself has nothing to do with mind, which only knows discontent, comparison and contrast.  What if what you discern as progress or prioirities is simply a change from what you believe is unpleasant to what you feel as pleasant.  Every moment you are the timeless and changeless. Reality does not begin or end, it is perpetual, without begnning or end, noticed or not. Mind is not in charge of whether you Transform your life.


How do you feel synchronicity?

Many people  do not notice synchronicities in their lives.  Reflect on your own. What if you begin to recognize that every moment, your experience is what you truly need?  This is a wake-up call to be more aware of subtle feelings.

The desire to be more aware of day-to-day moments enables you to read them and your energy differently.  You can experience things on a fuller, deeper level.  You can sense that every circumstance is part of a process of coming to know who you are and what you are not. 

Every choice you make has more than one purpose.  Choose wisely, and you allow yourself to sense how love, peace, harmony and abundance communicate with you in every situation.  Simply shift your focus.  Awaken to the joy and interconnectedness of every moment. It is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


What if everything is always well?

External events unfold in such a way as to hijack your focus, joy and unconditional love.  What if you choose to give your full attention to what unfolds within? What if you were to realign with a peace that never leaves you?  What if everything is fine?

As you consciously choose to see through the emotions, you realize ego mind obscures the true underlying message. You do not give away your choice or power.  You are opening and expanding. You choose to experience lack or abundance.  You choose to be one with everything or not.  Every moment, peace is constant, love is guaranteed. Remember to feel the resonace of Cosmic Synchronicity.