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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in joy (89)


Experience the stillness

As you choose to experience the stillness, the only thing that stands in the way of the full and complete experience is the mind and your choice to stand in your own way.  To experience who you are is enough.  You begin to transform as you go into it right now.

How many people choose to be alone and embrace what that means? Choose to connect with others who meet you in a place of unconditional love.  You are a vibration that has infinite power to generate external constructs, to dismantle them, and be your own joy.  This is all part of a series of revelations you trigger with the heart.  It is a glimpse of your role in Cosmic Synchronicity.


Sense happiness, joy, bliss as they R

Some human beings feel inclined to use the same words to describe different experiences.  It can be helpful to differentiate among ideas of happiness, joy and bliss.  Consider your range of love energy vibrations. As you attune to true self, you learn the power of Self-disclosure and what unfolds energetically within.  Soul is known and felt.

Let's say that happiness is grounded in personality and is experienced as a reactive emotion.

Joy may be felt as a quality of the soul. It is experienced when its heart energy aligns in the mind.

Bliss is the fundamental nature of Spirit and is not realized until oneness or soul-realignment occurs.


What do love and joy feel like?

Your states of mind or being project into your physical life experience.  Realness is something you figure out as it is.  Some people mask what is real or choose to compare it to a point of reference.

In essence, the nature of what is presents in what you are.  Consider seven densities and seven octaves in each density.  Human beings are a physical representation of every state in the universe.  In other words, you are all densities and all octaves, all emotions, but selectively choose your focus now.

Another way to look at this is to sense the soul incarnates into the body. It is a hologram of the mind.  As you decide to perceive or experience things from the perspective of ego, this is blind to love as it is.

To ask self what love and joy feel like requires that you are able to move outside the perspective of ego, to move outside mind and feel things from the heart.  You exist to sense more than a physical body.

Energy is given the opportunity to evolve. One perspectve is everything comes down to what we think and feel based on desire or intention.  Free will implies you can involve yourself in anything you create.


What do you reject?

On some level, every human being rejects aspects of the true self.  Why? Only you can answer such a question for yourself as you choose to be honest and attune to the messages you are always given. 

Negative thoughts or emotions draw attention to discomfort.  This actually draws attention to what you reject.  And yet, human beings have free will.  You do not focus on certain things by your own choice.

Consider that all human beings have a mystical side yet not everyone accepts mystical parts of the self. Why?  Fear of the unknown. Human beings are conditioned what to accept and reject. You listen or not.

Soul knows you as an energy being of peace and joy now. As you permit mental training to mould you into what you are not, you shift focus away from the timeless beauty and unconditonal love you are.

As you attune to how you really feel, you consciously make decisions in alignment with that or not.  You have reasons for listening to the mind or the heart. Every experience is meaningful for its lessons.  


Why do the things you do?

The conscious process grows more apparent as you choose to stop questioning why you have particular experiences. You are finally willing to realize and accept you engage in everything to help your true self. This kind of revelation does not come easily to anyone who prefers the discomfort of resistance.

What if you discern that your fears take shape and form in your life and that physical existence has always been this way?  What if the most recent revelations that raise your self-awareness only seem to be of the most intense importance? What if everything and nothing is of equal relevance?

Deep down, the most upsetting discovery is making new sense of fragments that have always been and never left your side.  You are your own smoking mirror and filled with a new and yet somehow familiar inner joy. You are intrigued, sense you move further into some kind of wonderful that you hesitate to exert effort to define. You simply accept it and recall the feeling of being. This revelation is the most stable thing you know.