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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Allow energy to flow with ease

Notice what occurs to our dreams, sense of being and purpose as we refocus to navigate existence with energy awareness. Shifts in consciousness happen as we allow "light" to guide us. Although sensing energy is second nature, (only to sight), this ability usually lies below conscious awareness. It flows in the background, remains unconscious until we decide to be aware of its presence. To recall we are energy beings, existing in an energy world, helps shake us out of unconscious patterns. Ancient wisdom and modern physics both describe the sea of quantum energy in which we exist, and our body is composed of oscillating fields within a liquid crystal structure. Consciousness itself is captured within the brain’s matrix of holonomic photons. Familliar physical senses distract us from energy awareness. Intuition provides energetic information (as energy and info are inseparable) about another person’s feelings, the negative energy in a particular place, or even about food quality. Bringing this natural sensing ability into conscious focus is the key to shifting into consistent heartfelt living. Tuning into this innate sensory capacity transforms your experience. Beyond the obvious, it is key to the flow of spiritual paths. Unleashing True Nature is about moving through 3D distractions to activate the light body. This requires inner work with shifting, changing, and monitoring body energies over an extended period. We can learn to pack bioenergy into certain areas, condensing, storing, and distributing finer forces. The alchemical refinement of our subtle energy systems and purification of the five elements demand the same skills. The entire process is about awareness moving within our body field with ease. Purification is initiation to activate more advanced alchemy. The process invites tuning in to sense and contain our core energies, to-get-to-know energy on a visceral level. If it resonates, we begin to experience how emotions and thoughts all ride these energies. We grow aware of stored forces within the bones, the abdominal plexus, the gonads, and other tissues. With energy awareness, we may also begin to see, from a practical, not just moral point of view, how useless it is to waste precious energies on hatred, ill-will, jealousy and unconscious engagement. Energy awareness accelerates transformation. Without valuable preparation/ inner work, we are a priceless bioenergetic missile, possibly unique in our galaxy, ready to launch, but with no fuel or insight to power it. Growing aware of energy blockages, then accessing and fine-tuning energy within u, is the groundwork to initiate a natural process. Only then do inner flames ignite and illumination occur.


Live to Optimum Potential

Notice being in your True Power is about recognizing the Source, where/when you are not in your Power and also why you have given power away. The key to transforming anything, including ourselves, arises in our ability to stand back and reframe where we are. Only then, do we see what we allow to influence us, to grow more aware of when we may feel small, limited or insignificant, to see beneath the clever excuses we offer to justify not being real or transparent, and not moving forward. Recognizing who we are is not the point. Manifesting as a measure of success is not the point either. The point is the nature and insight that arises within and through us during our own unique journey. We are composing a symphony of energetic experience to share with the universe. The momentum of this builds during the process of remembering and however we are guided along the way. The longer that it takes is to know the more exhilarated we can feel, the more we can experience, laugh and savor each moment to the fullest. This is living to optimum potential


Snap out of the Trance

Notice discomfort (what doesn't taste right) comes up to the surface to be purged or let go. Let awareness do what it wants to do. It will be drawn into the feelings and experiences outside and then on the inside of the skin. The inward environment has things to listen to. If you get hijacked by a thought, make no effort to get rid of it, change, alter or control it. Deep listening is simply noticing things as they are. The more you relax, the more the spaciousness grows obvious. What you miss before stands out. Awareness loses fixation on things so to rest in its natural state. Thoughts, feelings, objects arise. Amidst all this, tune into what openness feels like. In this sense of opennness, every moment, awareness is present. We need not exert effort to grow more aware. Space itself is highly awake. Entities are not "aware." Awarness does not originate at any particular point. Awareness itself is already in a profound state of listening. It is open, not picking or choosing, judging, fearing or manipulating. It is simply being itself. As awareness happens, you are no longer in the trance of thought. See and feel for yourself what its like to be awareness. No answer exists to questions of how to get here. This is not about a goal, not about controlling thought or feeling. Awareness itself is not aiming to change you. Everything happens spontaneously. Its simply drawing you into True Nature.


Honour Yourself

Notice listening to intuition is aligning with Higher Self in action. This creates positive energetic shifts, quantum leaps in consciousness. For us, recalibrating inspires in a BIG move and creating deeper connection with life. Truely honest and open connections with Earth and others arise as we nourish conscious connection with ourselves. Operating from expanded awareness with greater ease takes shape in absorbing more light, sleeping less, taking responsibility for our behavior Now, all we are contributing to and creating through our highest states of consciousness. Whenever we lie to ourselves, we cannot help but lie to others. We only honour others as we honour, respect and love self. The more we trust our feelings, speak our truth, set boundaries, the more empowered we become, the more we reclaim true power and fearlessly live as the original HUman DNA blueprint intended. Tune into inner vibes. Sense the truth. The Soul is whispering to get our attention. Since we all sense from different frequencies and spaces as we go, it's important to see holistically, feel that which resonates and let go/move beyond what does not.


The Truth of Oneness

Notice no separate events, relationships or "other(s)" exist. Any conflict you detect with another is a conflict inside with yourself. Any fear you harbour about sharing your feelings or perception points to what needs healing. At a pivotal moment, it dawns that nothing is left to fear. Right here, it dawns nothing remains but love.