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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Snap out of the Trance

Notice discomfort (what doesn't taste right) comes up to the surface to be purged or let go. Let awareness do what it wants to do. It will be drawn into the feelings and experiences outside and then on the inside of the skin. The inward environment has things to listen to. If you get hijacked by a thought, make no effort to get rid of it, change, alter or control it. Deep listening is simply noticing things as they are. The more you relax, the more the spaciousness grows obvious. What you miss before stands out. Awareness loses fixation on things so to rest in its natural state. Thoughts, feelings, objects arise. Amidst all this, tune into what openness feels like. In this sense of opennness, every moment, awareness is present. We need not exert effort to grow more aware. Space itself is highly awake. Entities are not "aware." Awarness does not originate at any particular point. Awareness itself is already in a profound state of listening. It is open, not picking or choosing, judging, fearing or manipulating. It is simply being itself. As awareness happens, you are no longer in the trance of thought. See and feel for yourself what its like to be awareness. No answer exists to questions of how to get here. This is not about a goal, not about controlling thought or feeling. Awareness itself is not aiming to change you. Everything happens spontaneously. Its simply drawing you into True Nature.

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