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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in feelings (39)


Insights on Healthy Boundaries

(Sacred geometry 756 by Endre Balogh)

Notice a lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect as well as offers valuable opportunities for understanding ourselves and Soul growth. The consequences of our actions point to the possible unconscious nature of our choices. While we exist to love each other, we are not here to be one and other. One cannot force another to be aware of or feel his own feelings. One cannot think for, believe, grow aware or know viscerally for another. One cannot work through another's disappointments that another's self-created limits may produce. In essence, One can be a mirror but cannot grow for another. One only makes certain journeys alone. We are not powerless and at any moment, can consciously change our thoughts, feelings, behaviour and life direction to take responsibility to a whole new level. This is not about control, but rather, true freedom. As we accept the freedom of another, we do not get angry, feel hurt or withdraw as they set boundaries. Their behaviour invites us to better understand our own. As we come to recognize the hidden motivation behind our setting boundaries (or lack of them), we are empowered. Quantum shifts in life conditions occur as we grow aware of and heal possible guilt, deep fear of other people's anger or harbouring our own, fears of loneliness or abandonment, fear of rejection, and codependence. Making the unconscious, conscious allows us to shift from fear-based patterns to a more consistent love vibration. Shadow work guides us to new insights and expansions in consciousness. As we see through our impulses and patterns, we know what we stand for and tune into our energetic message. Often, boundary issues arise due to lack of initiative or insufficient assertiveness. Taking action is about finding inner courage. It is about speaking one's mind with kindness through the feeling heart. Deepening awareness shifts us away from an ego- driven life so we feel into limitless possibilities and tune into dimensions of experience previously unknown to us before this moment. 


Re-train the body-mind

Notice the best course is about going with and being the flow. It is what feels right even when the mind would have you think its hard and resist due to thoughts of suffering. The best course of action is confirmed as the stress is leaving your body, mind and life. Peace arises as you stop trying to control, retrain the mind to respond to energy not on how you think things should be. As you act based on feelings, cosmic consciousness is advancing you, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, for you to further activate energetically strengthen connections, to be more self-sufficient and efficient. Everything guides you to optimal function. A quantum entanglement relationship exists on all levels with energies seen and unseen. Its up to us to disentangle from certain situations to strengthen self-reliance. The whole planet is lifted into a Rainbow portal to help shed light on life conditions and prompt shifts into greater alignment with an expended version of being. When ready, we naturally evolve and morph into a higher collective consciousness to be compatible with future (existing) version of us. Anyone can communicate with this highest, most expanded version. In the future we evolve beyond the need for a chip or interface. All blocks dissolve. As you condition the body with a new mind, they can no longer work in opposition, but must be in harmony. This is being aligned with Source Creation.


Build energetic Soul muscle

(Image from
Notice one's capacity to tune into true feelings and find the strength to act on them is not about intellectual or emotional intelligence. Rather, our responses to perceived challenges reflect the Soul's strength, resilience, willingness to grow. The Soul builds energetic muscle through initiations and allowing oneself to feel deeply. Its about opening oneself to the pain, the sense of lack, and raw hurt from which our false identity is born, that broken aspect of self so Soul fragments are reintegrated. Through this opening, we enter the heart of our core wounding until it no longer generates solutions or distractions. One cannot turn away from Oneself forever. Go beyond All and exclude none. The heart can accommodate All. Any Light Code may be chosen to assist you by simply noticing how it makes you feel as you see it. You may be drawn to its color and shape or you may be attracted to its vibrational message. Whatever resonates is right for you.

The key to everything is trust feelings

Notice one intelligent consciousness permeates and connects the whole Universe. Quantum physics bridges seen and unseen worlds. Energy is a common thread that connects branches of true reality; streams of consciousness, God as Source energy (Generator, Orchestrator Destoyer), life and spiritual existence. It is our own vibrational energy that shifts along a spectrum of available cosmic frequencies. This universal Truth has been shared by ancient sages, mystics, shamans and those who tune into Christ Consciousness and wish to share the experience. Yet, many humans are taught to doubt the unseen and often require proof of heaven, paradise or bliss as a prerequisite to be open to the experience. Humans as a collective group have only recently begun to shift and expand vibrationally to where they begin to tune into a wider range of frequencies. Tuning into the universal frequency on a wider scale is what shifts collective perception of reality. This only happens on a wider scale as people grow willing to listen to and trust themselves, to accept their feelings, visceral signs and signals. As we validate our own version and experience of "the unseen", from inner hunches or messages to spiritual encounters, we are raising the vibration of the planet for she is a reliable mirror of our own energy state.


Accept what is offered

Notice Nature is the Spirit breathing. The breath is your Soul. The quality of your breath is the quality of your life. To intensify energy you receive, decode and transmit, simply breathe fully and live in integrity. Be fearless and transparent. Speak what you feel in the heart. Express and act on true feelings. The Sun sees All. One cannot hide from omnipresence.