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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in energy shifts (4)


Honour Yourself

Notice listening to intuition is aligning with Higher Self in action. This creates positive energetic shifts, quantum leaps in consciousness. For us, recalibrating inspires in a BIG move and creating deeper connection with life. Truely honest and open connections with Earth and others arise as we nourish conscious connection with ourselves. Operating from expanded awareness with greater ease takes shape in absorbing more light, sleeping less, taking responsibility for our behavior Now, all we are contributing to and creating through our highest states of consciousness. Whenever we lie to ourselves, we cannot help but lie to others. We only honour others as we honour, respect and love self. The more we trust our feelings, speak our truth, set boundaries, the more empowered we become, the more we reclaim true power and fearlessly live as the original HUman DNA blueprint intended. Tune into inner vibes. Sense the truth. The Soul is whispering to get our attention. Since we all sense from different frequencies and spaces as we go, it's important to see holistically, feel that which resonates and let go/move beyond what does not.


3 Tips to progress in self-mastery

Mastering Time is mastering your ability to direct attention to and from different focal points.  Some people feel these points as different dimensions, frequencies, vibrations or harmonics.  It is all detection of  energy.  Consider these three tips to move further along your path to self-mastery.

1. Grow aware of conditioning

Awakening from the false reality you create requires you grow aware of how conditioning affects you, how your patterns develop, and act to nip this in the bud.  This invites you to let go of the urge to negative self talk, and release it as it arises.  Otherwise, the conditioned tendencies to judge, control and condition people to fit your models of perception continue.   

2. Re-tell your life story

Everyone has a story.  This is what makes human journeys unique.  Listen closely to yourself as you share your own.  Notice whether the voice recounting the story comes from the vibration of judgement or is it coming from a place of unconditional love? Peace and harmony occur naturally in an environment of unconditional love.  Once you love yourself unconditionally, you forgive others an yourself, so you can accept others as they are.

3. Accept what you say is right and wrong

The perception of whomever is listening determnes the validity of what you say, based on their point of view.  We are each responsible for the integrity and clarity of what we express.  We are not responsible for what others hear and feel because we do not control their perception.


What to do for personal well-being?

Reflect on the turning points concerning healing in your life.  How does that make you feel? What do you appreciate about being a seeker and a finder of remedies and solutions? Do you choose to have, be or, quest for things you perceive to lack?

Some people sense personal well-being begins as a state of mind.  Other people sense this is heart (or intuition) based, or even stems from something from outside of themselves.  Consider the components that contribute to your energy level.  Notice the shifts.  What do you make of this? You may sense varied levels of evolution or remembering. These subtle nuances are how you Transform your life.


10 Alternatives to shift fears of 2012

Lots of researchers predict 2012 will bring the end of the world. Hurrendous upheavals are foreseen. What if 2012 does not turn out to be what humans fear? Consider these 10 alternative possibilities to shift fears of from the most pessimistic, highly speculative and controversial visions already proposed;

1) Energy is eternal and will not disappear.

2) A galactic superwave will open a bridge between worlds.

3) Hopi Indians predict human beings will reach a crossroads. They will have to choose between two worlds: one where they are consciously in touch with their true selves and an alternative place for those who cannot celebrate change.

4) Fearlessness is to emerge with renewed strength.

5) Awareness opens new levels of self-understanding.

6) Aspects of physical existence align with spiritual energy.

7) Magnetic pole reversal will transform human perception.

8) A wrinkle in time and space is to open and unzip matter.

9) Alchemy will transform reality and link synchoncities.

10) Transpersonal events will magnify the Higher Self.