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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in feelings (39)


It all comes down to this

It is very simple to understand the human and its ego. Yet, one cannot understand the being.  The journey of the human+being is to begin to see the nature of each part and bring them together or begin to recognize how they are inter-connected.

The human ego thinks it is a separate individual. The human exists in perceived time and space that it imagines is filled with objects, concepts and references. Each human creates his own life, reality and sense of things, his own thinking. The individual thinks it has free will and is unaware of how he thinks things into being.  By watching the human, you get acquainted with the being.

The being resides in the changeless now.  The nature of this now is love.  This is the changeless moment where there is no memory such as the moment of giving birth. There is no ego in this kind of love. The very awareness of such love is being.  Now contains the present moment. The present contains your past and future.  Love and freedom are natural expressions of being in the unchanging now which is eternal. Being is the only reality.  Divine will is the only will.  You arise from and dissolve into the divine. Everything you do, you do it for feelings you imagine having.


Get back on track

Notice when you give your undivided attention to something.  Notice how often this happens.  You likely notice your attention is dissipated on many things. What message are you sending to yourself when multi-tasking does not bring balance, when you cannot recall who said what?

When the mind is focused on one thing, and you are physically engaged in something else, this brings trouble. Notice how it feels to be talking to someone who is not focused on your words. Many people get emotional without clarity of thought.  People can also think things without being aware of how they feel. Mental imbalance hinders the ability to fully engage and focus.

Distractions may seem like a normal part of life. Its easy to see disconnected thoughts and feelings in others. Yet, is it as easy to see in yourself? It may be time for more than one person to get back on track. How you communicate with others and how they interact with you are pointing to what you can do to strengthen communication and relationships.  Notice what you get absorbed in, and how your behaviours and the behaviours of others are actually helping you.


Find fun everywhere you go

Know there are fun people to encounter and delight you around every corner. Stay in a general state of positive expectation. Feel good. Be excited. Say and do things to uplift people. You need not explore unhappiness in order to experience happiness. Joy is here now. Express it. Allow it to flow freely through you and notice what happens to the world around you.

Consider this: its not your job to always identify things that make you happy. The vision itself does not matter but how you feel does.  Imagine what inspires you and create uplifting feelings.  Allow yourself to feel impatient, disappointed or negative, and block light-heartedness, as well as seeing what is here.  As you choose to love where you are and have fun wherever you go, everything hits the spot.  You stop looking for what you already have.


What is casting the shadow?

Many people focus on the external world and overlook the nature of manifestation projects deeper shadows and internal messages. Notice whether you allow events in the external world to determine how you think and feel.  Notice whether you shift to centre attention on what is casting the shadow. What happens as you awaken to what is causing situations in your life to arise?  How are you able to expand seeing? 


Allow light to speak through you

Everything of the universe is multi-dimensional.  Based on levels of awareness, wisdom, knowledge and truth reveal themselves. If you are not ready or willing to listen to the heart, you feel discomfort.  Degrees of truth emerge based on levels of fearlessness, or what you are willing to love and accept unconditionally into your scope. 

Words are vibrational patterns or sound. Emotions emit vibration. They arise based on mental perceptions of the past. Feelings arise in the moment and allow what is to express itself. Imagine being the consciousness of the sun or, that of a star.  Allow light to speak through you. Illusions and darkness serve the expansion of one creator. To pinch off unlimited knowing invites you to dig deep within. Allow truth to shatter the paradigm of duality.

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