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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (254)


Become a conscious vortex

Notice real time is not linear or limited, but rather, a vortex that bridges infinite gateways and dimensions. As we step outside electromagnetic interference and false conditioning, reality is made up of infinite zero points radiating energy into the space-time of the mind. Physical reality is made up of an infinite field of energy and information. From the farthest star that we can see in space, to the tiniest particles that can only be seen by their effect upon visible matter, its all energy and data, radiating from infinite zero points within all things. As we evolve, we recall our past and see ourselves differently, as if tuning into different frequencies or seeing from varied points on a piece of sacred geometry. Events viewed during childhood or adolescence are seen differently during stages of adulthood. The more experience we have, the more we grow, the more our sense of time is in flux in the present moment. The only reality is direct experience. Our changing viewpoint reframes our experience, makes it seem as if the past is shifting. What we envision as "a future" (possible timeline) is constantly changing based on our state of consciousness, where innersight reveals more of the bigger energetic picture. As we expand into multidimensional being, it dawns that different aspects of self are experiencing the now differently; our sense organs on left and right sides, diverse cells, DNA, internal organs. All experience is registered in collective consciousness which is why it is possible to shift focus, sense of time and viewpoint at any moment. As we let go of the limiting urge to measure and define, we ease into an energetic continuum of space-time. Hyper-dimensional and inter-and multi-dimensional travel cannot be truly understood or explained by the logic or sequential events. One of the most life-transforming shifts a human being makes involves shifting from viewing self in terms of time, quantifiable breaths and a finite lifespan, to where you merge with energy, the breath, know you are timeless consciousness animating the body, that you are in truth, infinite and immortal. Truth is death is an illusion of mind. It is not about vanishing into oblivion but becoming pure awareness, where you experience everything and are conscious of being the space-time continuum itself.


Be open to deeper Truth

Notice in Truth, we are each a continuous fountain of cosmic light. The breath echoes eternal flow of energy that connects seen and unseen worlds. What we detect through, as and within ourselves may differ. Ongoing events echo potential for wider Transformation and Transition. We have opportunities to move through or beyond subconscious fear and linear time-locked patterns, to live consciously in love and activate full energy systems. Every human being is divine and spiritual. Some choose to expand consciousness in new ways. No choice is better or worse. Superiority and inferiority are illusions. To tune into the endless vibrational song of existence, is to activate the multidimensional being of light that cannot be extinguished nor affected by the external. If it resonates, visualise being enveloped by a beautiful golden matrix of pure energy. Imagine thin tendrils of light swirl down to wrap around you. Feel exhilarated, rejuvenated, bathed in Love. As this energy flows, it moves into organs, blood vessels, through every area of the body and beyond. Recall you are not the body, not the mind, not the emotions. You are Spirit and Soul. This is not what you do or do not do, not your personality, not your behaviour. Its pure cosmic energy.


Breathe into Soul Alignment

Notice we are spiralling up energetically and revisiting familiar themes with a different level of consciousness. Core energy reorganizes and recalibrates different situations from inside out. Ongoing shifts in frequency magnify one's inner compass, and prompt increasingly spontaneous action. This may include living more simply, moving geographically, changing jobs & relations, sungazing more often and consciously absorbing cosmic energy. We continuously ask Spirit what is most loving to ourselves, what is in our highest good, and then take action we are guided to take. The higher vibrational version of you is resetting or reinforcing boundaries, rebalancing, easing into congruence. We re-arrange, redirect, or reconnect energy in new ways, all of it with purpose to empower the highest version of you. It is about reclaiming sovereignty and staying sovereign, calling energy through us, allowing ourselves to be compassionate, to harness and redirect energy for greater good. We recall what being genuine feels like by connecting with people who are loving and supportive. Create the reality you deserve. Live and breathe in alignment with Soul.


Validate the True Self

Notice to feel love's presence is to access innate divine power. A higher, more expansive version of you perceives the Truth with an open heart. Psychic ability is a natural phenomenon that we are widely conditioned to doubt, fear or ignore in 3D. As you transcend electromagnetic interference and other distortions, it dawns each human has innate capacity to work with what are widely unseen (denied) or unrecognized energies. We all receive intuitive info and light codes from Source, yet not everyone accepts or tunes in consciously to receive, decode and transmit similar energies. For wider psychic consciousness to emerge as collective reality, a certain percentage of population must come to fearlessly speak their truth, trust themselves implicitly and live aligned with inner knowing rather than fear and doubt. Science has already come to see that all matter is made of tiny vibrating particles held together by force fields to form the physical world. All we see is composed of the same energy. The interconnection of energy and how we respond to it plays out in our lives. As we shift from situational awarness to energetic and spiritual awareness, it dawns cosmic information flows constantly in streams of symbols, vibrational energy. As you shift into ways of life in resonance with divine being, you initiate an alchemical process of activations, begin to detect subtle frequencies, deepen extra-sensory perception and focus shifts to energetic reality. Light language exists all around you. Different colors emit different frequencies and dimensional doors. As you love self fully, and endocrine system is fully activated, you validate an expanded spectrum of energies, dimensions, languages and realities and feel completely harmonious. Go ahead, validate the True Self.


Merge with Expanding Reality

Notice new realities already exist within a bandwidth created by high frequency waves of light that are now flooding the planet at an accelerating rate never known here before. Love, freedom, trust, connection and peace shape the emergence of higher vibrational reality. Instant manifestation happens as one is energetically aligned with Soul. Such existence is not easily obvious in the external. It is manifesting first inside of us. Tuning inward reveals only synchronicity. Something profound and life changing is palpable in the 5th metaphysical chamber of the heart. A sense of empowerment and inner freedom is growing. Inner strength and energy arise as we navigate through uncertainty and the collaspe of idealogies, structures and liberties encountered along the road. Notice hidden gifts and talents revealing themselves. Be aware of new understandings that arise, that miracles are happening every moment, conflicts and misunderstandings are spontaneously being resolved. This new reality is emerging amidst the collapse of the old world. As you tune into the vibration of excitement unlike anything you have experienced before, its possible to experiment with these energies, activate immortality and modes of effortless freedom. Everything that manifests from a deep compassion for yourself and others echoes that a sense of serenity and joy are always available. We now have power and ability to jump into new higher vibrational timelines that were previously out of reach. Negative energies and emotions will affect you until it dawns and energy shifts into resonance. Issues may arise and fade much more frequently without the need for you to do anything at all. A naturel flow is occurring in your body in which old energies are being released and new energies are accepted and integrated. Imagine the impact. 5D reality is a level of consciousnes that effortlessly manifests external reality. Comfort, blessing and harmony begin to expand. As new connections are made, we are constructing webs of light. As consciousness grows, it dawns other webs of light are emerging all over the planet. As more webs join, we can feel the presence and energy of apparent strangers in our heart. Enormous changes are unfolding where hatred, exploitation, control and oppression still in effect are healed and released. We are each sovereign beings with power to live in the bandwidth of new higher vibrational realities now. This requires trusting intuition fully, letting go of all we outgrow. Nurture confidence in supernatural thinking & vibes. Be open to tuning into the higher Soul-ray harmonic. Get back into harmony with the highest version of Self. The experience of resonance with the Soul is unparalleled. We are actually existing in multiple dimensions simultaneously. One must be familliar with vibes of a new existence before it emerges fully as reality. Tune into the sounds that align with the highest version of Being. When you're in it, everything falls effortlessly into place. Things simply feel right. We break free of the Matrix choice by choice, step by step. The density may temporarily pull you down but only until the next wave lifts you up to expand the view and remind you who you are.