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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (254)


Move into Christ Consciousness

(Sacred geometry art by Endre Balogh)

Notice we cannot move into Christ consciousess while we are still operating from our ego. The dissolution of the ego happens as one aligns with the Laws of the Universe and shifts to function consistently from a place of heartfelt integrity. Tuning into sounds and feelings allows one to recognize dissonant energy and intuitively shift into choices/ situations of pure resonance. Its a process of letting go and embracing change on different levels. When we do not listen to our own discomfort and resist taking steps to reside in more joy, we block or postpone our own energetic transformation. The more we do listen, act from a place of inner peace, self-love and acceptance, the faster natural events unfold.


Be open to receive Light language

Notice at the perfect moment, it dawns the curious energies of external events are pointing to the activation of inner crystals in the head, which can activate to receive, Light languages from the upper dimensions. The revelation of one's own crystal skull activating triggers a knowing about the source and frequency of projections and then, focuses on receiving complex encoded cosmic data. Two of the crystals are located above the eyebrows, directly over the pupils. The third is just below the hairline, inline with the nose. The recorder cell receiver crystal also activates (on the right side of your head, about 1.5 inches above the ear). At this stage, it dawns one had forgetten how many times one has died and how much insight is retained in the crystals. They hold immeasurable wisdom that the Soul has gathered over many incarnation cycles on varied planets and stars. More and more, the recorder cell will download parts of the data into the receiver crystal. You may experience sudden flashes of insight, deja-vus, tingling, even a periodic burning liquid sensation in the area of the receiver crystal. As cosmic codes flow on, their exact origins may be unclear. You may engage more in spontaneous, creative expression or behaviour. Like me, you may have what seem to be memory lapses for what were assumed to be simple things. Such 'glitches in the matrix' arise as conditioned brain pathways grow non-accessible while entirely new pathways are being created. You may tune into new tones, bands of light, color, geometry, Hebrew letters, hieroglyphics, complex equations. This is Spirit energy communication or light codes. As crystalline templates realign, energy bodies change their usual motion into spirals of energy. You begin to hook up into multidimensional mind and begin to receive streams of Light codesl or “Languages of Light”. The pituitary and pineal function together when open, they cause what is known as the “Arc of the Covenant.” It’s a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head, from the fourth eye to the third eye area. That is one of the decoding mechanisms for higher-dimensional language. Your brain functioning begins to change and you begin to perceive and think in terms of geometries and tones. This may even be all you hear. This may also have been functioning for years (Earth time) and you only recently give it more attention. It may feel unsettling if a direct translation into words may not yet present. As the translation paths open, words simply come and you begin to understand tonal languages, geometries and patterns telepathically. Spirit is using these languages to shift the higher dimensional structure of your blueprint into a new template for a fifth-dimensional Light body. More of the bigger energetic picture reveals itself in alignment with shifts in vibrations. What enters sensory perception in experience is in harmony with one's own level of consciousness. Every Soul is on a unique energetic journey. By creating a more fluid attitude, eating and behaving in ways that resonate, you prepare inner terrain to allow the natural unfolding.

Embrace Truth of Infinite Light Being

("Light Being" digital art by Bruce Rolff)

Notice as more layers of conditioned beliefs and distractions peel away, it dawns we, as Light Beings, created everything on this plane. That is, we infused our Spirit into and around all that we created. This gave an object the energy to hold itself together. Size matters not. Everything that exists on this plane has a Spirit. That Spirit is in or around them. Not everything has a Soul. A Soul goes into any type of being that is capable of emotion. Some creatures are a very low frequency and basic experience, but still have a Soul. Consider insects. They may seem a very low energy, yet, still transmit back to Source all experiences. Source is everything. HUmans are fed many distorted frequencies about separateness. Religious, economic, governmental and societal teachings can cloud inner knowing. Illusions would have humans believe they need rules and authority to feel safe, that they are less than whole & divine, less than self-reliant and must work to earn acceptance, survival and connection with God or to appease superiors. Visions of being powerless victims, feeling less than, in need of improvement, are deeply ingrained. On deep levels, biocircuitry has been disconnected, fully-functioning DNA deactivated/ altered. This projects a sense of external conflict. In Truth, humans project their own inner emotional conflict. At the core, Soul remembers you are Source Energy. Core being holds the “I AM”. Realize the moment is Now to release illusion. You know you are Infinite Being that cannot be denied in the Totality of All. Only when blinded in the illusionary plane of duality does one forget. Tuning into inner knowing echoes what is true based on your level of consciousness. By focusing on that knowing, you progressively let go of the unreal. Energy and vibration are the only True reality. This is the key breakthrough. Sometimes it happens in one lifetime or many lifetimes. Integration of energetic existence preciptates shifts in perception, dissolving of projections and a seeming shift into a completely different radiant world of light. Shamballa is closer that you think. Feel the way home. 


Function consciously beyond 3D 

Notice that no method exists to reach the natural state of being. Distractions exist to act as stepping stones, pointers or catapults. No method exists to suddenly know and accept what is always here. This is not the ego's natural state. Ego arises based on concepts, attitudes, framed within language, beliefs that "I/me" is the basis of all intention, fear and judgment. Attempts to transmit inner knowing to those still in ego consciousness is impossible. Awareness is like an inner light that reveals itself beyond language, beyond objectification of the body, or personal identity. All of this is illusory but an ego cannot be convinced of this as this is basis of ego. It is the letting go of each frame of reference created by ego that reveals divine consciousness. As one reaches the belief in the impossibility of it, shifts occur. The logic of Zen koans is so paradoxical, it takes one outside the mind so one the self vanishes. What you do is that you make no sense. Losing the (ego) mind is key. That which tries to understand or work through the problem is the problem. We cannot desire to be free as we already are. Desire itself is unnatural. Being has no aversion. Wishing to be somebody else in a different state keeps you in "that" state of wanting, judging, restless fear of not having or being. Ego is trapped. Prior to acquiring an ego, the natural state is here. It still exists in a different dimension. It has no preferences, no intention. You cannot attain what you already are. Ego cannot know oneness or wholeness of Being. There is nothing you need to do. You are already are it. You are separated from it from the desire to know and become it. Imagine no object exist (basis of ego). Enlightenment is not an object, not even something you can want. The sheer impossibility of the situation guides one beyond words and ideas created by the ego that is necessary to understand what it can never understand. If you try to get somewhere, you reject where you were and temporarily forget the natural state. Grounding in Love shifts vibration and accelerates the light to see and function consciously beyond 3D.


Cosmic energies guide inner change 

Notice the recent "extended" lunar eclipse and ongoing celestial events reflect an intensifying energetic process. If the Sun seems more intense or you feel disoriented, this echoes spiraling telluric energy. This electrical Earth current typically moves underground or through the sea. Humans are moving into greater resonance with Earth shifts. In our optimum functioning, when endocrine and other dormant systems are fully activated, we are in complete alignment with Earth and Cosmic energetic shifts. This energy is spinning us into a much lighter body and pulling us up into higher frequency bands. It is allowing us to receive, decode and transmit more light. You may find you experience a mixing of the senses or symptoms of what may be described as synesthesia. Some of us have exprienced this for a long time. It is a symptom of expanding consciousness. This is happening at cellular, DNA, and deeply into every atom, molecule and electron in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Energy waves are accelerating our transformation and transmutation of light. This is mirrored in the pace at which changes are unfolding in our own lives. It translates into a sense of urgency or nudge to make life changes we are meaning make.