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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in fearlessness (17)


Know the Value of Innersight

Notice to see or touch the Void from which all resources are accessed and all energetic info is downloaded, we must do more than look outside ourselves using only external senses and a rational, scientific level of consciousness. Rather than simply study celestial bodies, we must develop innersight, see elements and compounds visible in our own anatomy. Rather than talking about or focusing on the light, we must look honestly into the depths of our Soul, to see more of who we are and let go of who we are not. Every HUman holds the cosmic technology, resources and inner power to co-create within, yet to master this, it requires we see beyond the logical mind and venture fearlessly into the unknown. Trust and surrender are some of the greatest lessons. We are invited to not only listen to the Universe and rely on the intuition, but also respect the Natural and Universal, grow into allies of All Beings.


Be open to the Gamut

Notice 'ah-ha' moments are arising in many areas of our lives. We are acting more fearlessly, listening to natural urges to let go and make changes. One big revelation is Earth is not a spaceship but a timeship. As we awaken to the the nature of galactic time, we awaken to our timeless, multidimensional nature and the profound implications and upgrades unfolding in every area of our lives. The radical truth is not something to simply believe in, but something to live and fully embody. As we tune into energy vibrating, we grow more aware of what goes on within us as well as engage more consciously in life and cosmic travel as/ thru a vortex. It dawns no separate self exists, no discrete knower, no autonomous entity standing apart and witnessing all this and reporting to "the others." There is no past, no future, nowhere to go, simply freedom beyond imagining. This is heartfelt Truth. And yet, we exist to go further than simply deduce our 3D world is illusion. There is no substitute for first-hand learning. We exist to discover intimacy with ourselves and life in the world of form. Getting out of our heads is about taking risks to live dangerously, face fears, live and love in ways that allow us to be vulnerable. Only as we experience the gamut of emotions can we fully manifest our gifts, deeply express our own uniqueness.


Align with the New Normal

Notice as you awaken, your relationships must change to align with your changing energy, frequency, vibration, or discomfort simply grows. It dawns relationships do not actually sustain you, rather, you sustain and project versions of yourself and when ready, bravely shift focus. Every self-view creates a reality. Being awake means you are no longer okay with anything that insults your Soul. This is about connecting emotionally with yourself, recognizing where you were emotionally disconnected before, and why. Its about knowing that as you move forward, existing or new relationships must mirror this expanding consciousness or fade. Speaking your truth may begin as a simple statement, and progress into sharing feelings more openly. Truth does not stroke egos, or tolerate negative energy like you are now aware you unconsciously allowed before.  As you grow aware of Loving self, more of innate wholeness reveals itself. You can no longer stay asleep in or about any area of your life. Every part of your Soul is aroused and subtle senses awaken. Where you once believed self-worth grows or is developed, it dawns self-worth is given, untaintable, ever-present. You connect with self and others on levels previously inconceivable. Intimacy with others grows in parallel to intimacy and connection with yourself. Love is the journey and Path. Love is the Power of Creation. With Love, you recreate thyself. Love nurtures and nourishes the Soul. Love guides you act from the open Heart, rather than the fear-conditioned mind esssence, your version of normal is shifting and changing. You tune into fearlessness to create and enter untamed worlds. Plunging into the wildness of the sacred is evocative and riveting. This is about growing awareness of letting go to access inner power and reclaim sovereignty. Its about recognizing triggers exist til we grow aware of the underlying causes and heal them. Its about challenging yourself to become the highest version of you. Such a Being inspires you to see beyond what you are told.  Stepping into one's pure divine presence sends lightning bolts of Truth through the entire body, jolting one awake and stirring the Soul Love within. Some people can handle the energy and thrive. While others, not yet ready, shy away. Different stages of consciousness affect who/ levels of energy our body can handle. In an awakened state, it dawns nothing and nobody outside of ourselves can make us feel wanted, needed, or responsible, because this is what we are meant to feel about ourselves first. Anything else creates dependence, co-dependence, illusions.  To love anything with all your heart, is about being loyal, honouring and loving yourself. Everything in our reality is a mirror.  Know you are on the cusp of Soul-shifting transformations.  Know everything we think and feel has energetic consequences. To be drawn to an energy where fires are blazing, is accepting that what exhilarates the Soul enables you to grow and thrive. As you recognize true divine nature, and begin to align, you must accept total responsibility for every thought, feeling and direction your life takes knowing you alone create it without judgment.  Being awake, it no longer feels acceptable to feel stuck, to perpetuate stagnant routines or situations. You tap into ingenuity, resourcefulness and make changes you deem necessary. Where you live, work or pass time has to change with your growing and evolving sense of who you are. It dawns that you send electric shockwaves of spiritual Light through your entire chakra system, attuning you to the Divine. Choosing to walk fearlessly into the Unknown has many facets. Unforeseen benefits exist beyond mind’s comprehension. With perfect timing, you lift curtains, unveil as of yet undiscovered worlds of mystery and magic.  To feel seen like you’ve never felt seen before, simply see yourself as the clear and boundless sky. See through the clouds to trust and appreciate your rainbow being. Acknowledge the core value of your own efforts as the truest source of happiness, not another's judgement or any external recognition. Know all that is good is what you are. As you shed light on your shadows, darkness is suddenly a gift you give yourself to grow into unity.  On some level, we each embrace, kiss, caress and love ourselves to revive and decode self-created illusions. Shift to function in ways your Soul understands. There is suddenly no place to hide. As you are open and see everything in transparency, you love you with a depth and presence that pure being has only ever known.   As a conscious Soul on Fire, your life can never be the same. You resonate with the Sun, storms, rainbows emerging from rain, shapeshifting into Stars, distant Galaxies and every path in between.  As the mind begins to quiet down, we open ourselves to a miraculous unfolding. Radiate true being. Rediscover Love in a whole new way.

Allow the metamorphosis to occur

Notice the stages we go through of hanging on and letting go and the underlying reasons for our own resistance. As we outgrow who we thought ourselves to be, it can be scary to let go of adopted objects, labels, jobs, people, habits, your home, ego identity, even feelings, stories and boxes of stuff that are not yours. Live lighter, differently. Nature's creatures invite us to tune into signs and signals within ourselves and listen to the heart, moment-to-moment. Symbols are the language of the unconscious mind and appear to us through dreams, synchronicity, observations & life experiences. All of Nature invites us to rediscover the feelings of aliveness and fearlessness. Let go of control. Surrender to unfolding changes. Getting excited about change is allowing a metamorphosis to occur.


Ease into greater fearlessness

The more you choose to trust and listen to your intuition, the more you are Soul-driven. You see, intuition is the Soul language. The Soul does not not communicate in words as the ego-mind, but rather is felt as vibes, or urges to make certain choices without always understanding why.

Reflect on what its like to tune into feelings.  This practice is often forgotten and over-ridden by the logic of the mind.  Perhaps you contemplate a change in some area of your life.  Whenever doubt arises, or and fear-based thinking, this is distracting you from feeling the way into the best choice now.  As you allow intuition to be your reliable guide, you ease into greater fearlessness. 

Notice how you feel hen you act on your gut and how you feel when you doubt your intuition. What if the more you surrender to intuition, the more the universe gives you reason to trust?