Recall the Truth of Yoga

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
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Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice real time is not linear or limited, but rather, a vortex that bridges infinite gateways and dimensions. As we step outside electromagnetic interference and false conditioning, reality is made up of infinite zero points radiating energy into the space-time of the mind. Physical reality is made up of an infinite field of energy and information. From the farthest star that we can see in space, to the tiniest particles that can only be seen by their effect upon visible matter, its all energy and data, radiating from infinite zero points within all things. As we evolve, we recall our past and see ourselves differently, as if tuning into different frequencies or seeing from varied points on a piece of sacred geometry. Events viewed during childhood or adolescence are seen differently during stages of adulthood. The more experience we have, the more we grow, the more our sense of time is in flux in the present moment. The only reality is direct experience. Our changing viewpoint reframes our experience, makes it seem as if the past is shifting. What we envision as "a future" (possible timeline) is constantly changing based on our state of consciousness, where innersight reveals more of the bigger energetic picture. As we expand into multidimensional being, it dawns that different aspects of self are experiencing the now differently; our sense organs on left and right sides, diverse cells, DNA, internal organs. All experience is registered in collective consciousness which is why it is possible to shift focus, sense of time and viewpoint at any moment. As we let go of the limiting urge to measure and define, we ease into an energetic continuum of space-time. Hyper-dimensional and inter-and multi-dimensional travel cannot be truly understood or explained by the logic or sequential events. One of the most life-transforming shifts a human being makes involves shifting from viewing self in terms of time, quantifiable breaths and a finite lifespan, to where you merge with energy, the breath, know you are timeless consciousness animating the body, that you are in truth, infinite and immortal. Truth is death is an illusion of mind. It is not about vanishing into oblivion but becoming pure awareness, where you experience everything and are conscious of being the space-time continuum itself.
Notice big transformational shifts may centre on the root chakra. Building energies are prompting us to question beliefs and bravely release old paradigms. Everything invites being strong. Power struggles may be occurring. Those that appear external simply relfect internal energy recalibration. The heart knows we are meant to put Self first. We are prompted to to so more than ever. Being clear and firm with what is okay invites focus on boundaries and self-care. Ensure direction you head in is aligned with is aligned with Soul purpose. Trust you are on track with Higher Self. When you have one hand on one door and reach for the next, but do not let go, you may feel stretched in different directions. If you resist commiting or taking leaps of faith, you will experience pain-(emotional, physical, mental). Recognize old beliefs, conditioning and associated life situations do not work. Be the flow. Follow synchtonicity. Ease into streams of experience that resonate with Soul. Big changes are underway. New psychic abilities are coming through for those being open and receptive. Imagine being telekinetic, bilocating, enegaging The bridge between realities has merged. We all must align with the cosmic mission of Divine Love to all Beings so to raise the frequency of the planet and all Beings. Must not allow fear to take over. Current news and events echo losing more freedoms in 3D. Recall we are not bound by 3D and in fact, surpass it. Do not judge that which you do not understand. Instead, seek to offer Love first. Time is a mad-made construct along with limitations. As we sleep, cosmic energies and incoming codes reprogram our cells to access expanded dimensional realities. We download information that may be translated into creative expression. When we wake up in the morning, grounding is really important for integrating what the Soul has received. As long as we release that which no longer serves us, it dawns that light is always first. Hold Love in your heart. Be excited about incoming activations. Everything is preparing each of us for the unforeseen.
Notice mandalas connect us with divine being and act as doors to other worlds. Mandalas echo sacred geometry and activating interdimensional abilities embedded in our DNA. Looking closer, it dawns core patterns are reflected in nature, in architecture and the swirling energy of the cosmos. The word mandala has Hindu origin and is derived from the root ‘manda’, which means essence, and the suffix ‘la’, meaning container. "Mandala" appears in the Rig Veda, a collection of mantras or hymns chanted in Vedic ceremonies. The universe was believed to originate from these mantras, whose sacred sounds contained the genetic patterns of beings and things. This is why “mandala” echo sacred places and worlds which, by their very presence, remind a viewer of the divine universe and its potential in oneself. Mandala describes any geometric symbol that represents the cosmic energy in a metaphysical or symbolic matter. reflect motion that comes full circle in the universe. Mandalas prompt us to feel centred, to reflect deeply and begin to recall our origin is realms of unimaginable power and light. We access this when in harmony with the big picture. To draw and colour mandalas is a spiritual exercise. This opens us up to connect with energy fields, Earth and planetary grids and to energetically connnect with interdimensional realms. The metaphysical world is a bridge to the physical world. To connect with knowing that has no beginning or end points to what is here. To see everything as a divine reflection is to see everything as a mirror on a different scale of the same energy. As one communes with mandalas and sacred geometry, one balances apparent polarities and allows the Truth to reveal itself. (mandala art by Irina Artamonova from