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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in zero point (5)


Unleash your inner magic

Notice unleashing our "inner magic" is about aligning with the fully -sovereign God conscious being within. When we wish to see veils or illusions in the external dissolve, this begins within ourselves. Its about reading our patterns, unplugging the programming, getting out of our own way. As we nurture strong discernment, we grow super- aware of incongruencies and stop allowing them to continue. The only way to create a soverign energetic field is to stop ignoring what bothers us and act differently. Karmic relationships are going. Discomfort arises so situations can be transcended, healed and integrated. Every trigger is a gift. Discomfort arises as long as we are triggered. What is not fully integrated keeps surfacing. We are meant to purify and integrate the lessons. Go in deep to remove the weeds, step out of the Matrix. When we do not speak our Truth, we are not loving the self fully. Everything must be questioned. No more spiritual bypassing. We must let go of victim consciousness. Becoming super -conscious again is being aligned with ethics and morals that ought to be common sense. Its about knowing we can be in pain and not suffer. We are realigning with core values, integrity in practice. This unlocks the multi-dimensional self. Who are you being while you are doing what you do? We see trans-formations within as we are ready to emerge as the phoenix. This is about coming into full alignment with our Crystalline Being Self. As we transcend the illusion of separation, we have conscious contact with different levels of consciousness. Everyone has to do his/her own work. Shifting onsciousness is moving from polarity consciousness to the frequency of unity consciousness. This is the Zero-point energy or the Holy Grail. Divine Love and neutrality are strengthening. Magnetic storms bring imbalances to the field. This is not about feeling no emotions. Holding balance is about being steady in the eye of the storm. Anything that is trying to play out is collapsing. Everything is unfolding in the Now moment. Focus on the child-like excitement of knowing all is well. Know everything comes together. Trust the unfolding. Many levels of battles are happening. Fighting simply feeds the fire. Centering or being at peace with oneself is the key. Listen to inner guidance to transcend survival fears. When we are aligned, believe in miracles, they turn up. Know your worth. Takes a lot of strength to stand up for ourselves. Say no to what is not in alignment with true self. Believe we can survive and making a living doing what we love. Support your clearing. Huge DNA clearings are happening for the multidimensional collective codes coming online. Everything is revelaed to us in the Now. Breaking through the programming requires coming into balance. Be aware only the programmed mind is triggerable. Move beyond it. Betrayals come up in relationships in part from other timelines. This is not personal. We cannot allow people to project onto us anymore. A program within us allows it. Your feelings are your navigational guidance system. It dawns we are not here to fix others but to set boundaries and rise above our programming. We are watching the codependence and narcissists dissipate. First, we must come into oneness to sense the power of inter-dependence. Stop the shennanigans. No more energetic leaks. Send love and consciousness to those who do not grasp their programming. We are transcending persecutor, rescuer and victim roles. This is the unconsciousness fighting for its "ego"self, its survival. Fom the moment you no longer fear attacks, abuse or negative expeirences, the program stops running. Heal the auric field. Be grown up about mental-emotional reactions. Say no to the universe about anything other than pure love. Empower yourself and laugh more often.


Consciously shift brainwaves

Notice to consciously create the most positive timeline: the Optimal, Core, (spiritual) Zero-Point one, requires mastering #breath and #brainwave states. The human body augments itself naturally into #superconsciousness in the absence of #electromagnetic interference, distractions and distortions. Knowing about the 5 main brainwave states assists us to better grasp our awareness types. The classic names of these EEG bands are delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. More recently, Lambda and Epsilon brainwave states come to our attention. Through these states, we are beginning to discover what monks have known for eons: Rarely seen brainwave states associated with ecstatic states of consciousness. Lambda waves are very high frequency brainwaves linked to wholeness and integration. They are also linked to mystical and out-of-body ( #obe ) experiences. #Artificialintelligence (A.I.) is not helpful to activating the Natural Path. Lambda brainwaves are rarely seen in most people, but are present in minds of Tibetian monks who meditate. Between gamma and lambda brainwave states exists a higher level gamma state: hyper-gamma. Hyper #gamma #brainwaves exist within the highest range of gamma, (~ 100 HZ ). #Lambda state creates #synchronization of the left and right #brain #hemispheres. This is felt as the “aha” state. Some would call it the more natural state beyond duality.
Hyper-gamma and lambda states of consciousness are associated with #Tummo, the ability of certain sects of Tibetan monks who can mediate in sub-zero temperatures wearing little clothing and keeping a hot #body temperature which melts the snow. The heat generated by this #frequency gives the body ability to radiate heat and melt snow. Its #synchronicity that #WimHof, nicknamed “The Iceman”, shares life-transforming #breathing techniques (#wimhofmethod ). He exhibits ability to control his core body temperature and withstand extreme freezing temperatures.
Turns out, #Epsilon waves are very low frequency brain-waves linked to wholeness and integration. They are also linked to #mystical and out of body experience. Most electro- encephalogram (#EEG) devices are not able to measure below .5 HZ. This is the #yogi state when they achieve “suspended animation”. In this state, western #physicians will no longer perceive a #heartbeat, #respiration or #pulse. The Epsilon state, like lambda state, also shows synchronizing of the left and right brain hemispheres along with feelings of #wholeness and #integration. Many groups of independent EEG #researchers have found these states to be the same, suggesting a circular link between these two extremes of brainwave activity. Upon taking a closer look at the extremely slow epsilon brain-wave patterns, researchers discover super fast hyper-gamma/lambda brainwaves “riding” within and vice versa. This helps explain why the same consciousness experiences occur with widely different brainwave types.



Access mind-blowing Realities

Notice the point of stillness of the mind is the origin of all space & time, the centre of the "forbidden fruit" (aka "apple" in Eden) is a simple 'physical' example of a torsion- field. Everything in the entire cosmoverse behaves like a torsion-field: a self-sustained, self-contained energy system the living aerodynamics of which always stems from its "zero-point". In Sanskrit, [“perfectly (sam)-composed/engineered (krit)”] this is called "nirvāna" and it means "coming to a stop", or "the point of stillness" or «cessation» (of the movement, turbulence or "spinning around" in this movement →∞ indicated by the infinity sign "8" on the side: which is simply the half-section of an apple; which is called "samsāra”: ="spinning around"). In mechanics and engineering this is called "rotor & stator" and it is the basics of an "engine" or "motor"—Which is by the way called "Pyramid" in Greek: pyros=raging fire (PIE paewr→"power"), mid=middle, so "fire or power in the middle"...(what our cars have!=a motor). No movement exists without a point of stillness, which IS its point of origin, or Source. This is basic quantum mechanics: that both the equation of the zero-point AND of its spinning (maths inside of which are all based on π, Phi,...) are superposed and entangled, or- simultaneous and non-exclusive. In this view, a gold mine of new openings and insights exists into this most fascinating zero-point porthole. It is key to parallel dimensions, time travel, hyperspace and accessing mind-blowing new realities.


Tune into Resonance with Zero

(Sacred geometry image 444 by Endre Balogh)

Notice its your consciousness that sees, not your eyes. Otherwise, a dead corpse would see. Consider physically-blind painters that create breath-taking masterpieces, deaf composers of passionate music and expressive virtuosos who touch our Soul. They echo we exist to trust only our own living experience. This is not about ordinary 5 sense perception. Its about tuning into our True Nature, subtle senses within that do not change, that which will never leave or abandon you, which will not lie or deceive you (where all the rest will) for it is indestructible "aware" energy. This is the Source code speaking through your geometric being. We each receive and translate incoming cosmic energy through our filters until our mirror is polished. The Cosmos is not a computer program rather, its Nature's own intarnishable Blueprint. Its energy is aware and has intent, the play or display of which is called "love": aware energy that thrives from its own goodness (harmony with its own indwelling frequency). Consciousness is omnipresent in the Zero point of every torsion field, all things, no exceptions. As Source-made beings, we are born of a conscious universe. There is no absence of existence. It is only manifest or not. Words are simply translations of the original Math. If we are self lost in our own Torsion field of reality, we forget who we are. We are either free or not in our mind. Our own Nature alone has that power, but to access it, you need to love it strong enough and also yearn for what is only ever found in Silence. The Sound or resonance of the Zero Point allows total annihilation of the unreal through soundlessness. Shift to pure vibrate Love. Wide open pathways to infinite parallel worlds appear.


Become a conscious vortex

Notice real time is not linear or limited, but rather, a vortex that bridges infinite gateways and dimensions. As we step outside electromagnetic interference and false conditioning, reality is made up of infinite zero points radiating energy into the space-time of the mind. Physical reality is made up of an infinite field of energy and information. From the farthest star that we can see in space, to the tiniest particles that can only be seen by their effect upon visible matter, its all energy and data, radiating from infinite zero points within all things. As we evolve, we recall our past and see ourselves differently, as if tuning into different frequencies or seeing from varied points on a piece of sacred geometry. Events viewed during childhood or adolescence are seen differently during stages of adulthood. The more experience we have, the more we grow, the more our sense of time is in flux in the present moment. The only reality is direct experience. Our changing viewpoint reframes our experience, makes it seem as if the past is shifting. What we envision as "a future" (possible timeline) is constantly changing based on our state of consciousness, where innersight reveals more of the bigger energetic picture. As we expand into multidimensional being, it dawns that different aspects of self are experiencing the now differently; our sense organs on left and right sides, diverse cells, DNA, internal organs. All experience is registered in collective consciousness which is why it is possible to shift focus, sense of time and viewpoint at any moment. As we let go of the limiting urge to measure and define, we ease into an energetic continuum of space-time. Hyper-dimensional and inter-and multi-dimensional travel cannot be truly understood or explained by the logic or sequential events. One of the most life-transforming shifts a human being makes involves shifting from viewing self in terms of time, quantifiable breaths and a finite lifespan, to where you merge with energy, the breath, know you are timeless consciousness animating the body, that you are in truth, infinite and immortal. Truth is death is an illusion of mind. It is not about vanishing into oblivion but becoming pure awareness, where you experience everything and are conscious of being the space-time continuum itself.