Move beyond the unreal

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice meditation is about opening the sacred heart or Third Eye. This is not a vestige or organ living in the head. Its a blossoming of awareness that presents based on expanding consciousness. One aspect is not the part of you that identifies the "I" that associates you with the limited physical body. As we examine this first "I" more, it is a mosaic of childhood conditionings used to fulfill agendas that even this "I" does not understand. It does not know what it says and is completely unaware of what is beyond it. The second eye is an entity frozen in time, the Inner Child, the self you were long ago that refuses to dissolve, that runs the show to gain power or sensory gratification that it did not have as a child. It has many different agendas. It is anti-love, or resists love for it knows not what love is. This second eye arose from a sense of rejection. It was created in an environment that was not unconditionally loving. It may not know its gender or whether its alive or dead. Until this unfulfilled or empty ghost is flushed out and seen as it is, it cannot be dissolved. Until then, the second eye perpetuates itself through activities of the first "I" (unbeknownst to the first "I") that projects the second eye in the form of "the other". Things go on with the second eye that the first "I" doesn't know. The second eye enjoys the vex, suffering, self-defeat. To get beyond suffering, you cannot simply analyze the first "I" because the second eye controls the thoughts the first "I" is allowed to retain. The truth keeps falling away, yet it consistently slips away as the first "I". The key is surrendering to the Third Eye, pure awareness, love and the unborn, eternal Self. It sees all. As one turns inward, the first "I" comes to surrender to divine nature and the second eye can be fleshed out, cherished and integrated into the whole. The first outranks the Third Eye. Only as the rightful owner of the mind is allied with the conscious mind can all vexations and unconscious agendas be overruled and absorbed by the Divine. It is not "I" that actually lives within us but Supreme Reality, that which is beyond any name or form. We can point to it but it only reveals itself as we make our way through the winding web of illusions and love ourselves fully. We can surrender to it. If you are meditating and the mind refuses to be quiet, this is simply resisting the ever-present divine within you, the very life of our Being. To surrender through the act of silence can overcome the ani-love force that has created illusion, ignorance and the wheel of reincarnation. Liberation arises as one accepts oneself fully and knows one has been the divine all along.
Notice the 'return to normal' is not about something beyond you influencing how you think and feel or self-llimiting choices. Rather, its about a return to True Divine Nature and activating related energies at core of being. True power, vitality, longevity and Soul vision are grounded in expanding consciousness, deepening heartfelt connection, community, aligning with kindness and compassion, living according to a moral compass. Tuning into what resonates and living thus opens infinite doors, senses and realms of divine possibilities. Much remains unseen and inaccessible to egoic consciousness . Watch what happens as one pays closer attention to what is in plain sight(Image: Kalannie succulent)
Notice True Freedom is not about resistance, and is not earned or achieved. True freedom is an awareness that arises as you realize you are God. This is Self-evident. Why you know thySelf, all is revealed. Freedom cannot be taken away, manipulated, or threatened in any way by external forces. True Freedom is. It is embraced or blocked (resisted) in our own mind. The growing awareness of this initiates an alchemical process that affects life choices and situations as well as the expansion of multi-dimensional human experience. Shape your worth in image of God.True essence is mirrored by inner light, or infinite presence that is Divine Being. As we begin to see everything as a version of God, every interaction becomes an act of worship. Energy shifts as one surrenders the ego to God consciousness. Imagine what its like not to be caught up in anything but fullness, joy, service, empowerment, or acts that do not require reciprocity. We move from a materialistic system to an altruistic one. This freedom from neediness, is the realisation is you are already everything. This revelation precipitaes the feeling experience of True Feedom. All bondage relates to ego consciousness. The only path for relief from suffering is to turn inward to the open heart and realize I AM That which I have been looking for- the faceless, imageless presence. The act of self-recognition can happen in an instant. The moment we let go of the demands the external world says we require, it dawns True freedom is here all along. This dream is made up of our own projections. Once we awaken and become co dreamers of the cosmic dream, the world becomes a sea of blessings. These are not made up of our wishes, but rather inconceivable things that often go unrecognized. The very wanting of reality brings forth that which we do not initially see. Recongize the supreme reality that radiates on the phenomenal plane. This moment beckons for us to gain an unrestricted, unlimited insight into who we are. Be open to a level of mind that transcends artificial divisions such as language, decentralisation or ideas of separation of any kind. Awaken to True Freedom. All life is suddenly an act of grace. (image: Golden Beings of Light)