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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in infinity (7)


Surrender to the Mystery

Notice much like a caterpillar cannot turn itself into a butterfly, the ego cannot turn itself into a Soul. HUmans hold potential for a level of collective consciousness that is more expansive than where we are. Yet, only as we surrender to what is beyond ego, only as we trust that which ego cannot see, think or comprehend, and let go of the desire to have to know, does the miracle of alchemy occur. The elixir of life is within and each of us is called to experience it fully for ourselves. Consider a caterpillar eats its way to oblivion, innocently encloses itself in a cocoon, not knowing what is going to happen. Then, a mysterious metamorphosis takes place to transform it. The butterfly emerges effortlessly from the liquid like a phoenix that surrenders to death and emerges from the ashes. What happens to the caterpillar inside the chyrsalis and the phoenix within the ashes, is not for the physical eyes to see. This transmutation is timed precisely to coincide with the ultimate expansion of consciousness. So, a new mode of magical thinking or being is emerging without conditioned limitations. At the perfect moment, it dawns one cannot take an external bridge to infinity when one is itself the bridge.


The key to 'Return to Normal'

Notice the 'return to normal' is not about something beyond you influencing how you think and feel or self-llimiting choices. Rather, its about a return to True Divine Nature and activating related energies at core of being. True power, vitality, longevity and Soul vision are grounded in expanding consciousness, deepening heartfelt connection, community, aligning with kindness and compassion, living according to a moral compass. Tuning into what resonates and living thus opens infinite doors, senses and realms of divine possibilities. Much remains unseen and inaccessible to egoic consciousness . Watch what happens as one pays closer attention to what is in plain sight(Image: Kalannie succulent)


Precipitate a revelation

Notice each of us is a version of the universe experiencing itself. Fear nothing. Watch events unfold. A common regret before life transitions is the view: “I wasn’t true to myself.” At the supposed end of one’s life, the key is relationship to oneself (how well does one know self and live in harmony with this knowing?) In yoga, this is essence of the human condition. We are all on a journey to find ourselves, our true nature or "inner" self. Whole universe is an expression of consciousness. Your own consciousness ( sense of being) is part of infinite consciousness of the universe, just as a wave is part of the ocean. In fact, just like the wave, we are not only part of, but also One with the infinite. Not everyone realizes this. We are taught our existence is limited so we experience a limited reality. Yet, we have an inner longing for limitlessness. We want unlimited happiness. In Truth, we want bliss (infinite joy) within, to awaken to our essence. That’s why we’re seeking. That’s why we’ll only be content when we find ourselves. So if we can expand our sense of existence from ego consciousness to infinite consciousness; from our small sense of self to the greater Cosmic Self like a river merges in the ocean waves, then we will experience this bliss we long for.


Awaken to connections

As you begin to join the dots in life, you begin to see everything is connected by and through systems.  Its magical. The more you let go of becoming, the more you surrender to being.  Nature is a perfect reflection of divine essence.  As you stop trying to find connections, you awaken to patterns.  Notice everything speaks to and through you.  Watch what happens as you let go of a sense of being different than what you think you see.  This allows you to feel likeness in a new ways.  Notice who shares space with infinity.  You share air, water, earth, universes with everything. Listen closely to silence and energy vibrations.  Everything is living, radiating light.  By being honest with yourself, and you honour the Earth.  Imagine you are evolving into new states of being.  Be the God you are.  Embody truth, love and oneness.


Love brings it up

Unconditional love speaks through everything. It also draws attention to anything that is not love. Notice which relationships, emotions and situations stand out for you.  To step back and digest this empowers you to shift your focus and experience infinity. Love brings to the surface and makes conscious the fear that hides. Love invites you to recognize patterns, false defenses and heal wounds imagined into being. In truth, one is forever perfect, divine, unlimited and constantly expanding into more. Love it!