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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Notice effortlessness is a sign of how much we have evolved into the cosmic flow. Effortlessness is what it is. The journey to surrender is mind-blowing. At some point, the entire universe conspires to allow dreams to be. Resources, teachers, insights, simply come to us, without need to struggle.
Like the lotus opening, its petals blooming to their fullest in their delicate colours. The whole world can vibrate to the rhythm of that single flower. Blooming happens without us. Simple, gentle, sacred expression in multiple dimensions.
At some stage virtually everyone has experienced this natural flow. Until one learns to let go consistently, merge with the flow, miracles seem to happen. Yet, miracles can happen at will. To set the intention, create the energetic need and resources arise without any effort. Regardless of the dream or how big the vision is, it just happens smoothly, fluently, and silently, without making any noise.
Many ask, 'when can instant manifestation be my reality?' When our entire existence is flowing as the living of ‘Who we are’ and ‘How we are meant to live’. Our intentions, thoughts, and intellect, our heart, energy in motion, focus, existence, and co-existence, all align. True Nature arises. Purpose we imagine for us and purpose of Nature, are in harmony. Obstacles vanish. As we become sufficiently skilled at lucid dreaming (being aware of dreaming), we will eventually find our lucidity active while we are awake, eyes wide open, in full clarity.
In essence, energy of all existence is dancing. Infinity dances from the heart. That limitless joy, source of inspiration and serene presence, enriches everything. It is also far-reaching, boundless, and infinite. Here, in this state, 'miracles' happen. Whether noticed or not, miracles happen every single moment. All great works arise here. This is where masterful co-creations emerge.



Move beyond the unreal

Notice at a given moment, the energy streaming through us is coming from the One Unified Source Field. This collective stream of consciousness is not touched by individual ego mind. That fearful part of us is not powerful enough to collapse the quantum wave. Only as one moves into the fearless vibration do conscious magic and mindful co-creation happen naturally. This explains why ego cannot create all it wants--it secretly fears not having it or creates from a belief in division (superiority/ inferiority).
This deep truth is a reminder that any belief in negative events, and related low vibrational states, are self-created. Any perception the world is in chaos relates to forgetting the one key truth- that God (divine nature) is not separate. Any quest for external power, domination, harm of "others", stems from believing in illusions fo separation, related imbalance, inequality. In truth, losing part of true nature is not even possible. All is seen and done to and from the same one Self. As Nisagartdatta Maharaj echoes, "The real does not die, the unreal never lived. Set your mind right and all will be right."
So, loving God (divine being) fully is leaving what occurs to the will of God (Generator, Orchestrator & Destroyer). Surrender is knowing the best possible outcome of this dismantling process is unfolding. It is also accepting what is beyond the physical and revealed in steps based on vibrational shifts has perfect timing. Our vibration shapes our perception. There are those who see and focus on negativity while others see this current period as a through what is uplifting, being created and transformed.
One view is no destruction exists as the divine being is deathless. Confusion in 3D arises due to words like "apocalypse" taken out of original context. Many view this term as meaning the complete destruction of devastation of the world in a negative sense. Yet, originally, in the Bible reference to the word apocalpyse echoes revelation. In addition, the Greek word literally means "to pull the lid off" or reveal something. This ancient context is associated with joy, excitement and peace.