Consciously Adjust your Frequency

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Cosmic Synchronicity
(Image credit: Fractal Enlightenment)
Notice as you begin to love yourself fully as you are, you begin to grow aware of the illusions you created to shelter yourself from pain, those situations you created to uphold a false sense of self. As you begin to see through your own dishonesty, the stress and struggle it has been to uphold it, the lies told by others around you also reveal themselves. The more aligned you grow with your own integrity, the harder it is to stomach / accept the falseness around you. It dawns you never actually let go of situations or relationships. Rather, they fall away as part of you consciously shifting into higher vibrational states. You shift the focus of your attention away from unconscious living to conscious co-creation. The more in tune we become with our feelings, and act based on goodness, the faster we expand into the best version of self. A higher vibration echoes congruence, authenticity, self-respect, self-trust, self-love, -acceptance and will to surrrender to the universe. Deepest being knows help or support is always given to those who ask when they are true to themselves.
Notice as you shift focus to quantum singularities, it dawns there is no "space-time" in this expanded existence. Downloads come directly through the brain and all functionality networks. Instant revelations occur. Any guidance you get is like a connection to streams of knowing from an expanded state of Being. As you grow more effcient, you strengthen connection to Divine consciousness in the ever-existing present. Clarity arises from disilusionment. Since you and the cosmic multiverse are same, you never really "improve". Rather, you simply create more or less aligned versions of self with True Being. Consciousness only seems to change and accelerate. Ego or "I" is disintegrating. The border between one's self and the external world is dissolving, "ego-disintegration" or "dissolution" is also an important feature of the psychedelic experience. Many avenues remind us what harmony feels like, and induce shifts. Each change requires a death to occur in our lives. As we transition into new states of awareness and consciousness we naturally let go of what is not supportive. On one level, we are all connected and we are Spirit. From this view, we are always divine and perfect. At the same time, part of the human condition is having an ego which sees itself as separate from the rest of life. Each state of separation creates fear, anger and various emotions. Physical illness echoes states of separation. As we engage in spiritual practice, we start to heal separation. To expand consciousness requires we surrender to the perfection of the universe. At times, this is hard and we benefit from remembering our own divine light.