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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in perception (195)


Be the architect of your own life

You may not yet consciously realize it or accept it fully, but you are the architect of your whole life.  This might seem daunting at the same time as a most incredible revelation.   After all, this implies you are in charge of everything you experience.  That includes those things you like and do not like, those things that enable you to feel comfortable and uncomfortable.  Each one is helping you.

Consider the human mind conditions you to goal-set based on perception of the external world.  You are taught what is supposed to feel good, how your body is supposed to function, why you are expected to treat people in a certain way undercertain conditions.  Even ideals are ingrained in your mind about what is perferebale to wear, eat say and do. It all guides your choices and beliefs.  You are awakening to realize how powerful thought energy is.  You are not your values, thoughts or beliefs. You are so much more. 

Take a moment and brainstorm words or things you would choose to describe yourself. You might select words like 'sick' or 'healthy,' 'happy' or discontent,' Notice the judgment and how each word speaks to you. When is the ego-mind speaking and when does your heart feel  and express self-love? Every adjective or descriptive sentence reflects something back about your state of mind as well as your state of being. Each step you take to raise awareness about how you think and feel is how you choose to Transform Your Life


What is whispering inside?

Many different kinds of awakening exist.  Consciousness flows through you and triggers degrees of remembering about who you are.  More and more people are writing to me about feeling connected to something beyond the physical world.  They sense new abilities presenting and wisdom opening to you. You may also know someone who feels cosmic connections.We invite your reflections or questions. How do you sense this influences your own progressive revelations or sense of connection to Cosmic synchronicity?

Something about these particular videos may resonate with you.  Feel what percolates inside as you watch. Do not judge or decide your experience should be something else.  Simply open to what is.  You may also choose to check out another post--


Create room to vibrate

Everything you do is gradually creating new awareness of multi-dimensional energy. You integrate many parallel memories and the ever-expanding now.  Your expand based on vibration cycles and the paradigm you establish.

You are in the process of altering your sense of perceived time.  The splitting of the second and moments are key.  Both positive and negative polarities are expanding.  Your belief in a new version of reality is coming into being. You imagine structure, rules and limitation and then feel the truth underneath.  You change or mutate as energy.

More than one layer of reality exists. Different grids and vibrations shift according to the energies you vibrate.  Doorways of opportunities are opening to you.  Dimensional shifts unfold and help you sense your roles in parallel universes. You alter your past experience or future possibilities and notice its all Cosmic Synchronicity. 


Be conscious beyond body-mind

Many humans reach a crossroads of self-awareness.  Are you going to stay focused on the mind, its linear thought and holographic projections or, open to realize you are infinite, eternal consciousness having an experience? The multi-dimensional self moves effortlessly into different realms of consciousness.  This perciver is not the thinker.

People are educated to ingest ideas. Why? Is it because they are ill-equipped to deal with facts directly?Why avoid abstractions?  The abstractions of time and thought are the root cause of fear.  Let go and liberate the soul. 

The point of perception you choose transforms everything from your mental focus to your state of being. Control systems of education, media, religion and social infrastructure condition people to live based on logical thinking and to focus on limited, mind-body perception. What if you choose to shift inward to paths of higher awareness?

You may forget different kinds of realities exist beyond the visible spectrum, beyond where you are taught to focus physical perception.  To be conscious beyond body-mind, you are willing to open to possibilities unseen, without points of reference.  In essence, you are ready to sense something in nothing: a new stage of Cosmic Synchronicity.


What is a multi-dimensional actor?

As you choose to raise conscious awareness higher and higher, you sense entertainment arises from within.  There is less the inclination to seek tapes, movies and external tools as you create your own iving experiment.

Not everyone has the same level of awareness, the same perspective or, same desire to be free.  Part of you knows there is no reason to force anything.  Each person carries his own frequency and creates a coinciding experience.

On different levels, everyone's perception of reality is changing.  How you view these changes and how you respond to everything exernal also changes. This process involves the multi-dimensional self even if this is not grasped on a conscious level. As you expand inward, you sense multiple selves present diverse perspectives.

The more you open to what is inside of you, the more comfortable you are with everything that is happening. You experience the revelation that there is nothing to fear. You choose to be on the leading edge of contrast and still hold within you the spiritual awareness that you exist to explore being and create. The expansion enables you to learn what forgetting and control feel like. You gain insight into limitation and transform. No mistakes exist.

You remember how it feels to be patient, understanding, loving. You naturally transmute fear. Revelations open consciousness. Your creative ability reveals to you that you are in more than one perceived place right now. 

The realisation that you joyfully choose to be where you are now empowers you to remove your own veils of separation. You realize every thought and feeling serves you. This is all aligning in Cosmic Synchronicity.  Some people sense this is feeling of Source energy, the opposite of resistance. To know self is to be consciously aware.