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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in success (43)


Decode peace of mind

Notice an early morning walk and meditation in Nature sets the stage for an uplifting day and energizing moments. Settling into a new environment during major transitions is all about knowing peace of mind is the new sense of  "success", "wealth", "fulfilment" and "self-love", all rolled into one. Allow a timeless state to expand awareness and polish perception. Constricted awareness is tense, closed, insecure, and "stuck." Expanded awareness is open, carefree, secure, and flowing. Be here Now for life to expand and flourish. State of awareness is the lens through which we see a 3D world. Cosmic consciousness allows one to tap into or access multidimensional worlds and interstellar travel.


5 Words to Clarify Purpose

You may find yourself asking, “What do I want in life right now?” So, revisit purpose.

At different life stages, you may define success, fame, money, wisdom, fulfillment and words like “happiness”. Generally though, when asked, people reply with a combination of these things and what they cannot describe. You may not reflect too much until at some point, the issue of deeper purpose arises in mind and you cannot shake it. Whether or not you realize it, you unconsciously chase the answer during much of your life, creating experiences, for the pursuit of something you may not put your finger on. Soul purpose may then take shape in surprising ways.

  Never before has HUmanity known so much about what we consciously and subconsciously look for in life.  For starters, we may be prompted to look at different life areas but this only begins to touch the surface.  Consider five words to further explore how you see yourself and the nature of your purpose.

1. Survival

2. Harmony

3. Connection

4. Growth

5. Release


Honour your Soul journey

Notice the physical world suggests shortcuts exist to reach goals and flourish. Zig Ziglar echoes, "there is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." Similarly, there is no cutting corners in spiritual practice. Contrary to popular belief, one cannot fast-track spiritual progress to reap imagined rewards and instantly access what one is not ready to energetically handle. The very thought this is possible is itself ego delusion. All attempts to dodge the messy world of difficult relationships, uncomfortable emotions and anything else we would avoid, only sidetrack and obstruct the true Soul journey of authenticity which beckons. The nature of suffering draws us back to the steps we skipped, pondered or missed. We exist to identify, honour, digest, embody and integrate Soul lessons of our lives. Every choice has alchemical conequences that alter our frequency & experience. Reclaim the power and free will to consciously create your own happiness. Hence the Zen proverb: when the student is ready, the master appears. In other words, when the student has the mindset, has their eyes and ears open and stops acting like they know everything, then a teacher will appear. Teachers present as guides at different stages until one blossoms into the Master and weilds the power of a white lotus.


Revitalize your life 

Notice you can wistfully sit back and wait for your boat to come in or, stop hoping for success and simply live from the heart to serve others. We consciously create a better version of ourselves by recognizing and thriving on challenges the Soul creates to stretch and grow. It requires flexibility and putting up with stormy weather. In other words, as we detect our self-defeating patterns, we each have power to integrate wisdom and make new choices to break the cycle. We can also find blessings everywhere, and be gentle with ourselves through transitions. We are not the body not the mind, not the emotions. We are the Soul, not what we do or do not do, not the personality or behaviour. One is Pure LoveThis is another way to feel reborn.   


The Power of Integrity

Notice something attained can be lost. Attainment exists because you can lose it. Attainment also echoes the attainable is not you. Rather "You" are that which attains. It is wise not to cling to attainments or identify with riches. You can be rich but you are not richness. A sense of richness will leave you. As it does, the unshakable I AM remains. "I" can feel successful yet I am not external versions of success. Where chaos exists, so does order. Where injustice exists, so do the righteous. To have the freedom of expression invites us to ask what type of contribution are we willing to give to collective Spirit? It starts with our abilities and how we treat ourselves. As we love and accept ourselves and feel sacred, we radiate and transmit this to others. Life is about decoding and sharing true feelings. To inspire change, simply be loving and share love. Live in integrity, be vulnerable. Gentleness is strength.