Allow rose of clarity to blossom

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
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Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice a certain longing arises within that no external relationship can fully satisfy. Every external relationship arises in hopes to do so. Yet at a point, it dawns its not possible to be fulfilled that way. This hope or longing is only satisfied as one falls in love with the whole. No part can fulfill it. To fall in love with the totality and realize One is that, is to fall in love with Oneself and feel utterly complete. This allows contentment to arise. Nobody is content right now. Contentment simply is. No need arises that thinks it needs to be satisfed. To feel truly fulfilled then does not happen with any relationship or love affair of the world. Being in love with, tuning into the love energy of existence, sustains us. Other situations may seem to enrich that, but they are not it. The belief that they are or can ever be leads to restlessness and discontent. If one partner or another thinks their relationship is the answer, is required to feel complete, issues may arise. Two individuals who feel complete within themselves can enrich each other. All your external relationships are enriched as you love and accept yourself. You invite feelings of love and wholeness to be reflected in your life and entourage. From the moment One glimpses true fulfillment, the Path or Way to peace reveals itself. Awareness is the pilot. To be fulfilled is to overflow with Love, and know true contentment is uncontainable. Letting go of falseness allow One to radiate the frequency of love to bless others and be a blessing itself. It happens within yet any imagined boundary with the "external" then dissolves.
Notice you can wistfully sit back and wait for your boat to come in or, stop hoping for success and simply live from the heart to serve others. We consciously create a better version of ourselves by recognizing and thriving on challenges the Soul creates to stretch and grow. It requires flexibility and putting up with stormy weather. In other words, as we detect our self-defeating patterns, we each have power to integrate wisdom and make new choices to break the cycle. We can also find blessings everywhere, and be gentle with ourselves through transitions. We are not the body not the mind, not the emotions. We are the Soul, not what we do or do not do, not the personality or behaviour. One is Pure LoveThis is another way to feel reborn.
The cosmic witness is understood as the universal source; omniscient, omni-present, and infinitely guiding remembering. It is not separate from you. Consider these 10 steps to ascertain and sense the presence and of the cosmic witness and what it is not:
1) Awaken to your own ego-created desires that exist at the root of your suffering.
2) Step back from the insatiable ego & illusions you create to reinforce perceived problems.
3) Reflect on underlying reasons for your desires, hopes, fears & attachments that create the above.
4) Notice the nature of ingrained beliefs that prompt you to self-judge and imagine what is not there.
5) Recall cosmic consciousness is the core state that re-aligns you with true nature.
6) Explore why the mind imagines limitation, inadequacy, reasons for insecurity & loneliness.
7) Let go of beliefs which are themselves conditioned mental delusions.
8) Practice forgiveness of self and others then realize reasons for forgiveness are illusion.
9) Recall the feeling of "right action" & be what it is that reinforces who you are.
10) Realize that every choice impacts perceived self and the whole universe.