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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in wealth (9)


6 Practices to Facilitate True Success

Notice many people aspire to success. Many also struggle and wonder what is really important or necesary to get here, and also prolong satisfaction that widely seems out of reach or only comes and goes.  Consider these 6 practices to facilitate true success:

1. Clarify your version of "Success"

For many, "success" is a state of reaching desired goals through careful effort, intention, and growth. Ultimately, success is shaped by your sense of well-being or perceived life satisfaction. Some say that to feel good implies sense of well-being and life satisfaction are high.  In such a case, investing more energy, effort, and intention toward goals feels right. Symbols of success, such as wealth and status, tend to manifest as a result. Yet, do we always get more of what we want? Instant manifestation of desires is not widespread.

This said, not everyone defines success by the pursuit of wealth, fame, measurable material possessions, and social status. At different stages of life and experience, our views about success can change. Some people may link success with inner peace, balance and immeasurable things.  Some experience a shift from an external definition to an inner experience. Its a reminder to clarify success in your own terms, resist influence, realize it by your own rules, and create a life that resonates.

2. Get comfortable with discomfort in your life

This may seem an oxymoron. To sit with our feelings is not really about wallowing in negativity and sharing a tornado with everyone we meet.  Sitting with such feelings with intention is about conscious watching, allowing them to move through.  Wallowing implies we are not interested in a new beginning but prefer to dwell on what is not working. It implies investing energy in holding a position, in recruiting a puty party, replaying a story or reiterating what is unjust, offensive and undesirable.  We all know people who do this.  Observing our thoughts and state is recognizing that our emotions (and even those of others) are not really us.  Rather, it is about recognizing they are a pointer and teacher to what is going on deeper inside us. This is the key to cherishing the teaching and rising above it.

3. Take radical responsibility

So, if we are serious above moving forward in life, however we define this, we must we willing to stop repeating what we do not like or what is not working and instead, direct thought and other energy into conscious co-creation.  We must be willing to be accountable for our thoughts , emotions and life situations, and recognize nobody is going to rescue us. We must take charge of where to go from here, reclaim our power, and change our conditions ourselves.  If, in our heart, we sense what we are meant to do or be and resist, this is an invitation from an expanded version of us to move through our fear and assume our new role in the next stage of our lives. In a journal, it may be prudent to jot down some situations that evoke discomfort, what changes we fear and why, or and how we would like to replace this.

4. Spend time each day on meditation & reflection

The Science Foundation funded a study about journaling one’s thoughts and feelings. The result reveals the practice increases mental performance and helps translate thought into action. Yet, journaling isn’t the only method one can use to gain clarity on vision.  Still, focusing on self-reflection allows for meaningful thought connections. Creative people  devote time in daily meditation and self-reflection.  What matters is developing a reliable channel of communication with oneself. This builds self-reliance and trust, come what may.

4. Prioritize exercise that boosts aliveness

This is not simply about physical movement of the body, but also mental, creative and energetic exercises that stretch the mind.  Brainstorm how you could exercise your altruism, paying it forward or offering service.  Take some time out to innovate, create a vision, painting, sculpture, paper mache or even a sand castle.  Allow those creative juices to flow.  Does iWhat is it that you spontaneously come up with?

5. Understand everything is energy

Certain cultures tell us that determination, strenuous effort, even blood, sweat and tears are required to achieve success.  Another view is that everything is non-physical energy and aligning thought, word and action are the key to materialisation and alchemy.  Whatever "camp" you subscribe to is going to guide your process and experience.  Which resonates and works or does not in practice in your sense of reality?

6. Explore the nature & significance of dreams

Tibetan Buddhist practices as well as diverse experts echo that astral, lucid and dream yoga are the key to the experience of success and enlightenment.  Whether we come to remember our dreams, understand or decode our own messages can go a long way to learning the power of dreams as tools to heal and intgrate fragments of our psyche.  Consider the possibility of strengthing your dream recall and explore unfamilliar options if it resonates. 


Listen to the Soul

On the surface, we may appear poor and aspire to get something different, something more. Yet, only a rich person can be poor. This 'rich' is not about money. Material riches are not true wealth. If ambition remains, we are poor. What we have or do not have is not the point. When we have enough, desire and dissatisfaction disappear. The vanishing of desire is the meaning of "enough". An analogy can be made with fears we adopt. The letting go of fears is a way to expand spiritual wealth, which allows other kinds of abundance to flow freely.

Spiritual wealth is an intangible kind of richness. To nourish spiritual richness is not about going to church or adopting a particular faith or religion. Its about living by universal principles. It is about qualities and experiences that nourish love, respect and acceptance, trustworthiness, honesty, truthfulness, peace of mind, compassion, contentment, honour, playfulness, love and spontaneity. If we do not embody a reservoir of spiritual wealth, then no amount of money or material gain can make us happy. Spiritual wealth guides us to live in integrity with intuition, the voice of inner wisdom. It guides us to our own source of happiness which is then mirrored energetically in the external.

In light of global upheavals, many people fear uncertainty, fear losing points of reference, find themselves hesitating to move forward in a soul-guided way. We are taught to doubt ourselves, question our ability to survive, question how we can continue living in the lifestyle we have been even if we give parts of it up. The prospect of stepping outside the familliar triggers deep wounds, issues or patterns of our respective lineages or unseen blocks.

If we choose to listen to the soul, when we put up an emotional wall, this is an soul-guided invitation to decode and dismantle it to grow as a soul. Facing fear is the process of rediscovering true unlimited richness inside ourselves. It is part of taking full and complete responsibility for our role in creating where we are and all our conditions or accepting them. Its knowing all is possible. Making choices that whole-heartedly put inner knowing into practice is art of letting go, creating new Soul guided relationships and conditions as realities



Decode peace of mind

Notice an early morning walk and meditation in Nature sets the stage for an uplifting day and energizing moments. Settling into a new environment during major transitions is all about knowing peace of mind is the new sense of  "success", "wealth", "fulfilment" and "self-love", all rolled into one. Allow a timeless state to expand awareness and polish perception. Constricted awareness is tense, closed, insecure, and "stuck." Expanded awareness is open, carefree, secure, and flowing. Be here Now for life to expand and flourish. State of awareness is the lens through which we see a 3D world. Cosmic consciousness allows one to tap into or access multidimensional worlds and interstellar travel.


The Power of Integrity

Notice something attained can be lost. Attainment exists because you can lose it. Attainment also echoes the attainable is not you. Rather "You" are that which attains. It is wise not to cling to attainments or identify with riches. You can be rich but you are not richness. A sense of richness will leave you. As it does, the unshakable I AM remains. "I" can feel successful yet I am not external versions of success. Where chaos exists, so does order. Where injustice exists, so do the righteous. To have the freedom of expression invites us to ask what type of contribution are we willing to give to collective Spirit? It starts with our abilities and how we treat ourselves. As we love and accept ourselves and feel sacred, we radiate and transmit this to others. Life is about decoding and sharing true feelings. To inspire change, simply be loving and share love. Live in integrity, be vulnerable. Gentleness is strength.


5 Revelations about priorities

Ponder 5 Revelations or ah-ha moments that require no thought. Breathe the way into each one, sensing the growing connection you have with yourself, heartfelt priorities. 

1. Feel why having money is not true wealth

2. Tune into love as the ultimate success.  Unconditional love and trust are conscious intelligence that unfold as we live through the heart.

3. Accept you have no time. The present is the only real time. No past or future exist. We are not results of the past. We simply are.

4.  Consciously connect with the Earth, whatever this means. Discover that once it begins nothing can stop it

5.  Notice as we take responsibility for our thoughts, we take responsibility for every choice and experience.