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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in success (43)


9 Tips to reach a whole new level 

If you do not feel motivated or inspired, your spirit is sick. You have not yet discovered what is huge for you, what can shift awareness and more. To transform like never before, ponder 9 tips to reach a whole new level;

1. Establish goals

Goals are a must to have direction and to consciously build momentum.  Creating measurables and milestones can help bring accountability.  The things that are outside your comfort zone are the things that achieve your success.  If achieving goals was easy, everyone would quickly reach them and there would be nothing left to motivate you. 

2. Get over your childhood wounds

Part of you may linger in hopelessness, victimhood, fear, assuming a recurrent pattern is inevitable.  You may be used to blaming your past for your present. This is the moment to see this moment as a blank slate, to see through imaginary mental hurdles and get on with why you exist.  

3. Deprogram the programming

People are programmed to hesitate, doubt, talk themselves out of doing what feels right, what would otherwise propel them forward. Those who are successful are willing to be embarrassed, rejected, to look foolish.  Its crucial to see humor in your programmed beliefs and to shift out it this.

4. Most rules are made to be broken

Rules not meant simply to keep you out of harms way are psychological tricks you play on yourself.  Each rule is a test inviting you to see the underlying reason why it is created and to recognize where you outgrow it. This is about taking fearless responsibility for yourself.  Be willing to ask for what you want.  Pull all the stops.  

5.  Know everything is possible

Most people do not choose to focus intently on what they want because they think it is not possible.  Be willing to do whatever it takes. Trust.  Act. Stay up later. Get up earlier. Talk and act as if.  To experience massive success in the material world requires courage to set the bar high and be unafraid to get over it.  

6.  Tune into whatever brings you the greatest joy.

If everyone did the thing they are designed to do, then everyone would be happy, the world would be in harmony.  This is about trusting yourself. The best advice is to focus on what makes you feel most alive.

7.  Meditate

In silence, recognizing what feels good, that is, tuning into your feedback system, is a subtle way you give yourself guidance. Meditation is patiently waiting for answers you seek to respond to your own questions.

8.  Know the world is plotting to do you good.

Challenges arise because the universe wants to test you, wants you to earn the reward you crave like the carrot dangling at a distance the end of the fishing line.  How committed are you? Knowing adversity makes you more human, more believable to your audiences and clients.

9.  Focus on Impact & Legacy

Changing the world or making a difference can bring money.  Action without awareness is not enough. Impact in the world that matters requires momentum. We need to take action.  Create on-line podcasts, on-line training programs, teach, do speaking engagements, explore uses of evolving technologies. Experiences teach better than concepts.


3 Signs is time to Re-define Success

Many people wonder how they can do what they love and get paid what they are worth.  This voice may echo inside you too. Ponder three signs its time to redefine success:

1) Something is shifting inside. You do the work you do and are not actively looking for a new role and yet, a quiet discomfort or restlessness is arising.     Stong feelings are bubbling up.  You are noticing sensations surfacing within that you have not noticed before. This is the moment to pay more attention to what makes you tick.

2)  Dialogue triggers it.  You may strike up a conversation with someone you know, a group or a complete stranger.  Whomever it is draws your attention to something you are unable to put into words. You do not know what you are looking for but it hits that part of you is indeed looking. Work and success do not relate at they did even moments ago. A different relationship is capturing your attention and shifting your priorities about which mountains to climb.

3) Opportunities are knocking. You may not yet get head-hunted for that dream job but emails are mysteriously showing up in your in-box. You know new opportunities are showing their heads.  New postions in different fields are also crossing your radar.  You even hear positions related to your own are offering higher salary than you currently earn. You feel increasingly open to offers. Why? No brainer! Something within is beginning to clarify a new version of success. 


Live more authentically

It is common to reflect on how to make life better, business more successful, relationships more fulfilling, and behaviour more effective.  The common thread in all of this that is often overlooked is the nature of perception, thoughts and beliefs.  Imagine shifting to create and live in a whole new way.

  • Why are you not yet living your dreams more fully?
  • Where are signs and symbols shifting your perception?
  • Which among the visions you have for your life would enable you to live with more joy?
  • What is the best that could take place as you rediscover steps to be more true to yourself? 
  • How are you already expanding to experience more conscious abundance in all areas of your life?

These are some of the topics to be explored in our upcoming workshop outside Athens, Greece June 13-14, 2015. Join us to rediscover how it feels to tap into timeless wisdom, to live more authentically, to be true to your soul.  Watch what happens as you let the universe do its thing.


Rediscover your natural state

Recall your natural state.  It is one of ease, acceptance, and harmony.  The fastest way to return to this natural state is to focus on that which you already are, on that which triggers joy, smiles and appreciation. Success is given.  With less effort than you are conditioned to believe, abundance flows. 

In essence, your life is a reflection of the vibration of your consistent thoughts.  Feel good and know all is well.  Be open and receptive to the flow of life.  See blessings everywhere and the universe fills the empty vessel with new experiences.  Everything is a lesson, a call to love yourself and everything more. Allow everything to point you toward true divine nature.


Be tuned in, tapped in, turned on

What opportunites are right in front of you? If you feel off course more than you feel on course, you allow yourself to focus on doubt, fear and negative energy. Fortunately, you can be off course repeatedly and still reach an envisioned destination.  All roads lead home.

Recognize these 10 things:

1) If you believe you are on or off course, then you are right. 

2) Everyone has to define and feel his own way to success.

3) Dare dream your ideal.  The how flows as creative inspiration while you draft the plans. 

4) Workable options always exist.  Allow them to make that dream more real.

5) Luck is preparedness meeting opportunity. You make your own luck.

6) Within every challenge is an equal or greater benefit.

7) Whatever thought you devise, the universe is telling you how.  

8) You are already creating the ideal scenario. You are receptive to it or not.

9) Everything is possible to experience in a healthy and positive way.

10) You are about to recreate how everything unfolds in your physical life.

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