Access Your Soul's Purpose

(Image: Lotus Flower of Life)
Notice tuning into heartfelt intuition accesses our ability to know things directly without analytic reasoning. This is the Soul path to connect with deeper divine knowing of who one is and why one exists. The more one trusts oneself, the more the universe gives one reason to trust. As one rises in frequency, it dawns the Soul has access to energetic impressions from all our past lives that are available within our causal body. Its like a metaphysical library of your soul's history. This is the Soul's wisdom. The process of learning to access this information is a fundamental spiritual journey to uncover your Soul's purpose. This is about inner work to understand self, your patterns and working through issues that have not yet been mastered as lessons in Love. As awareness grows, questions arising within guide you on a path of deeper knowing. This is about opening the inner eye to see differently, to seeing and embodying your intrinsic value. Uncover your role in the big picture.
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