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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in transitions (7)


Decode peace of mind

Notice an early morning walk and meditation in Nature sets the stage for an uplifting day and energizing moments. Settling into a new environment during major transitions is all about knowing peace of mind is the new sense of  "success", "wealth", "fulfilment" and "self-love", all rolled into one. Allow a timeless state to expand awareness and polish perception. Constricted awareness is tense, closed, insecure, and "stuck." Expanded awareness is open, carefree, secure, and flowing. Be here Now for life to expand and flourish. State of awareness is the lens through which we see a 3D world. Cosmic consciousness allows one to tap into or access multidimensional worlds and interstellar travel.


The key to everything

Ever notice that when you hold no expectations, you cannot be disappointed? Real love is experienced when nothing is expected in return for being who you are. Yet, how does this translate into realizing dreams in a 3-D world?

This does not mean desires cease.  It implies inner peace is experienced when you detach from outcomes. Energy flows are driven by forces beyond the scope of ego, beyond what is detected by physical senses. Everything in physical worlds originates in the unseen or not yet detected or understood. You know you are following synchronicities when encounters and choices all make sense. You suddenly know why you do the things you do, why your choices and priorities are changing. Intuition is guiding you to do what feels right, and you feel okay not attempting to explain.

For unique ideas to unfold, allow them to percolate.  Allow consciousness to expand to where you have no way to make ideas obey your desires or direction.  The key to everything is to be open-minded and fearless. Rediscover what it is to be in the flow and why you decided to tune out.

“When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without p...ain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.”

— Rumi


5 Tips to make smoother transitions

Whether you see a move on the horizon, a change of scenery, workplace, relationship or other conditions, these five tips can assist you to make smoother transitions;

1. Act as if.

From the moment you grasp everything unfolds based on energy vibration, you realize it is to your advantage to visualize and act as if related details of your pending transition are already smoothly in place. This requires exercising the imagination and remembering experience arises only as you dream it into being. Whatever behaviour or pattern you wish to let go of or outgrow, tell yourself so be it and whatch the result unfold within you.

2. Feel as if.

If you sense you do not receive on some level what you feel you deserve, you benefit from treating yourself as you would  like to be treated, and even better than that. Recognize people do not receive what they deserve, but what they allow and choose to gift or withold from themselves. Whatever you think you are not getting, you are depriving it from yourself as a lesson or invitation to alter your vibration. 

3.  Know everything is already here.

Recall only abundance exists. Perceived lack only exists in the mind. It is reassuring to know whatever you are convinced you require is already  being offered to you and is accessible to you when you are ready and willing to accept it. Whether its money, guidance, a new home, business, or other change you are ready for, imagine that it presents like the parking space you desire around the corner and so it is- presto!

4. Love all that arises.

Taking personal responsibility is loving all that arises and accepting you create and manifest it all for your own soul growth. You do not have to see higher consciousness to be aware that you work in cooperation with your highest being.

5. You always move from here to here.

It may surprise you but the idea of linear time it seems to require to make or allow your dreams to manifest is an illusion. Nothing is really happening and yet, you are enjoying the process of co-creating immensely.


Knowing what is best

At different life stages, it is common to feel lost and to ask, 'how do I know what is best for me right now?' 

People are compelled to reach outside themselves, to experience situations where they are inspired or discover they are not.  It is where they explore what life is about.

Sometimes a person benefits from a guide to help understand what it is in each place or relationship that attracts or repels.  Each teacher and discovery empowers a person to find out more him or herself.

Come what may, questions can arise. Each person forms decisions based on a variety of data available; the wisdom of the ages, the current view of Science, the highest ideals of the heart, moral guides and mentors. Ultimately, each human being is responsible for his/her own decisions.

In some ways, conscience draws attention to two kinds of spiritual questions; one relates to thoughts of what is right or wrong, linked to ingrained rules.  The other is how to be a spiritual person. That is, how does one live and act in harmony with divine nature? How does one tune into the cycles of the universe, inner spontaneity and inspiration and be aware of the divine in everything? Soulful exploration helps one expand awareness.

It is one thing to choose between good and evil as defined by the external world.  It is quite another to discern the difference between the impulses of divine nature and cravings of the conditioned ego self.  Being a moral (judgemental) person and a wholly person (who sees/acts from wholeness) are two different things. Regardless of the path taken, a guiding light helps along the way.


Make smooth transitions

It is easily observed that the familiar world is changing. Uprisings and upheavals suggest change is upon us. Humans are conditioned to forget true nature or infinite being, to thus resist change, feel insecure, and fear the unknown.

The thing is, a thinking mind can only review the past or look toward the future for answers. Being is only aware of what is happening NOW.  It is purely intuitive and aware. The logical mind attempts to catch up with intuitive ways of doing and being. The third dimensional (3-D) paradigm is grounded in reference points, logic and limitation. Higher existence is ultra-dimensional, without reference and thought cannot exist here. Intuition is one's pilot.  Making smooth transitions is about seeing bigger reasons for change, being willing to step outside the familliar, going with the flow, adapting to the new.

The more you grow aware of thoughts, the more you realize everything is vibration. The more you observe thoughts as they arise, the easier it is to wait before you act, let go of belief filters you outgrow.  The more you trust, the easier it is to face your fears, and accept who you truly are.  More subtle intuition gets through, and perception expands. Releasing filters enables you to tune into more expansive parts of yourself and function well in new conditions. Empowering you to adapt with confidence is what we're about. Contact us.