In emptiness is usefulness

Align with love and reconnect to higher fields of consciousness. You are taught to focus on fear and tears. Yet, beyond conditioned limitation, you are an infinite being. Choose to stay open. Release yourself from the prison of the left brain. Reality is not revealed by the five senses. You are unstructured, connected to everyone, everywhere. Your point of observation is consciousness having this physical experience.
As source energy, you travel everywhere now as unconditional love. Your omnicience is unparallelled. Get beyond the logic and reason that confine you to space and linear time. Intuitive heart knowing is beyond thought. Beliefs emit low level vibrations. Intuitive knowing emits higher vibration and reminds us who we really are. To feel joy is to raise personal vibration and activate higher energy. It is through perceiving emptiness that everything is useful. Shape emptiness into form and you understand the pure state you are.