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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in fulfillment (34)


Align with 12 Universal Laws


Many ancient cultures suggest true success and fulfillment relate to living according to 12 Universal Laws. Hermes (Thoth) known for ancient Egyptian Hermetics narrow this down to 7 Universal Principles.   The ancient Hawaii Ho'oponopono meditation for freedom and other cultures embody these Laws. They echo life is mastered as we align with love and joy.

Consider where they reonate or not and how they could serve to guide your life in new directions:


1. Law of Divine Oneness


  • "How can I show more compassion and acceptance?"
  • "What would love do?”
  • "Why/How would the highest version of me respond?"


2. Law of Vibration 


  • "Why are my dreams not happening or being realized?
  • "How can I align my thoughts and feelings to manifets more authentically?"
  • "What are effective ways to elevate my frequency/ vibration?"


3. Law of Correspondence 


  •  "As above, so below. As within, so without."
  • "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven."
  •  "It's happening for you, not to you. 
  • "A chaotic and fearful life echoes chaos and fear within. A calm and grounded life, echoes peace within."


4. Law of Attraction


  •  "Like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. 
  • "Congruence or aligned beliefs are needed to obtain/ manifest what is envisaged."
  • (Similar to Law of Vibes)  "Attraction is based on vibration"
  • "Give love to receive love " (otherwise you send universe a message about your priorities."  
  • "When we focus on what we want versus what we don't want, it will show up in our life,


5. Law of Inspired Action


  • "Follow intuition/ listen to inner guidance"  
  •  "Let go of control of outcomes and be open to all possibilities"
  • "Where in life are we evolving/ flowing/ realizing dreams differently"


6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy


  • "Energy is strengthened/ transmuted or depleted based on intention"
  • "see the power of positive thought"
  • Actively uplift negative energy/ create opposites"


7. Law of Cause and Effect


  •  "effects are not always instantaneous"
  • "every action will have an equal and opposite reaction" 
  • "The vibration of our every action has a ripple effect- anger leads to suffering"


8. Law of Compensation


  • Visualize the value of energy exchange 
  • "You reap what you sow"
  • "Where am I being called to serve and support others today?" 
9. Law of Relativity



  • In reality, everything is neutral
  • Relativism exists in all things (meaning comes down to our perspective and perception)
  • Appreciate what we have without comparison


10. Law of Polarity


  • Every polarity points to power of neautrality / balance
  • "contrast brings more clarity " 
  • "Challenges invite us to feel into a blessing, new perspective or lesson"


11. Law of Rhythm


  • "Integration is just as important as growth"
  •  "Cycles and flows are natural in every life area" 
  • "Inner rhythms shape outer reality"
  •  Feeling depleted? Rest or saying no to some things may be what is required.



12. Law of Gender


  • masculine and feminine energy exists in all things. 
  • Patriarchy oeprates from masculine mentality
  • Authenticity is about creating balance between the divine masculine & divine feminine




Integrating and living from these 12 Universal Laws is more about understanding and visualizing them in the context of our own lives. Apply them in a case-by-case basis and see the difference for yourself directly.



Love Yourself First

Notice loving yourself first brings greater clarity and fulfillment on a wider scale. "Who am I" who is able to give love? Am I giving it or, simply wanting to receive it? And is this about love or wanting to be desired, accepted, valued, heard? Love and desire are not the same. In this context, to be loved (desired) one day could lead to being rejected another day. Desire is then, not a stable form of emotional energy. Is my desire truly "love" for another or a subtle attempt to control and possess and take away their freedom or potential for growth? Does the free offer of love grow into an unconscious demand based on set of conditions? Is love then selfish or selfless? Is love based on fear, perceived lack and assumed instability without the other? Its amidst the chaos of internal self conflict that the impossibility of certain love is recognized. Related relationships end. This revelation evokes misery, despair, sense of where to from here? The very structure of collective ego is in a state of fragmentation. The only way out of the quagmire is through- to feel and return to Source, focus on love power that is ever present and accessible, alongside the courage to let go of the unreal.
Ego's ideas of love can justify regressing to childish behaviour. To move out of the energy of a codepedent struggle, mental-emotional imprisonment of the other, the key is to recognize true love is about letting go not clinging or holding on. When the other flies, and detaches emotionally, ego is abandonned. True love is seen as it is. Only love of pure goodness gives one the ability to shine or radiate light. The conditioned reaction to fear, deny, repress and run from pain and search for pleasure signals the love we bear for self.
Deny thyself nothing, give self infinity and eternity and discover that you need nothing for you are beyond. - Nisagardatta Maharaj



Face Fear in the Eye

(image credit: )

Notice its common to resist change or what the mind thinks it represents. Feel the power that arises as you take the bull by its horns, embrace the uncertainty, take those unpredicable things head-on and look deeper into what bothers you without delay. Some people would suggest hanging in there and doing what you have always done is best. Yet, being true to the heart is about staring the source of fear in the eye. Reminding ourselves fear is a catalyst for greatness and growth guides us to master our Path. Feeling our way, heeding intuition, is key to a more fulfilling life.


Decode peace of mind

Notice an early morning walk and meditation in Nature sets the stage for an uplifting day and energizing moments. Settling into a new environment during major transitions is all about knowing peace of mind is the new sense of  "success", "wealth", "fulfilment" and "self-love", all rolled into one. Allow a timeless state to expand awareness and polish perception. Constricted awareness is tense, closed, insecure, and "stuck." Expanded awareness is open, carefree, secure, and flowing. Be here Now for life to expand and flourish. State of awareness is the lens through which we see a 3D world. Cosmic consciousness allows one to tap into or access multidimensional worlds and interstellar travel.


Reclaim your Power & Sovereignty

Notice a pivotal turning point comes as one is psychologically ready to own or reclaim one's soverignty and true power. The internal compass guides us out of self-created illusions, to stop accepting ideas or treatment that echo we are less than we are. Acting on true feelings may lead to ending difficult relationships. When we have learned all we can from a relationship, the Soul knows we are ready to begin deeper healing. No advice can convince us to act until we feel that inner shift or transformation, until we reach a pivotal moment in self-awareness, through surpassing a pain threshold or someone going "too far." Recognizing our own patterns, and the will to let go triggers surrender. This implies we are choosing to face the reality of all traumas we've experienced, without the protective defence mechanisms that shielded us from the severity of the trauma. Reality is that bonds we thought we had with a former partner may be trauma-based bonds that have little to do with actual fulfillment, love or respect and everything to do with our beliefs about the illusion we had created. Ending a relationship can be a golden opportunity to heal from early wounds that were never fully recognized or healed. The fear of being alone with the pain is overcome from the moment one creates space-time to independently act, think and feel outside the toxic dynamic of a previous relationship. While moving through intense challenges may alienate one from society, it also gives one intense and very genuine connection with other "survivors", in interactions filled with shared vulnerability, understanding and compassion. We have capacity to share unique insight. What makes us human allows us to fall and rise again from the ashes to share embodied wisdom on self-love.