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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in fulfillment (34)


Live more authentically

It is common to reflect on how to make life better, business more successful, relationships more fulfilling, and behaviour more effective.  The common thread in all of this that is often overlooked is the nature of perception, thoughts and beliefs.  Imagine shifting to create and live in a whole new way.

  • Why are you not yet living your dreams more fully?
  • Where are signs and symbols shifting your perception?
  • Which among the visions you have for your life would enable you to live with more joy?
  • What is the best that could take place as you rediscover steps to be more true to yourself? 
  • How are you already expanding to experience more conscious abundance in all areas of your life?

These are some of the topics to be explored in our upcoming workshop outside Athens, Greece June 13-14, 2015. Join us to rediscover how it feels to tap into timeless wisdom, to live more authentically, to be true to your soul.  Watch what happens as you let the universe do its thing.


Uncover the obvious path 

It is common to assume that you exist to follow a certain path or series of experiences in your life in a certain sequence.  What if being taught to create and follow linear expectations is the root of discomfort and negative feelings? What if you could live differently and realize your highest potential?  

The path to joy, fulfillment and balance is not always obvious, and yet, you can take steps to uncover it for yourself. Humans are conditioned into selective awareness.  This is why it is common to overlook what is present and available and to filter the sensory perception of what is possible.

This is the moment to make positive changes in your life, to hone in on what does not feel right and identify the path that you keep hidden from yourself. Relish life purpose on a whole new level. The choice of how to live is up to you. What if you exist to do the best you can in a whole new way? Time to discover what this means directly. Your time is now.


Notice what is always happening

Many people are conditioned to strive for things they think will satisfy or fulfill them.  They seek the fastest, most economical way to the goal or the best way to appease family, friends, or least painful way to conform to society. It is common to think you can control things and to discover you do not.  Sound familliar?

What is truly fulfilling cannot be learned or taught.  It is always accessible and seems to come from nowhere when you are ready to recognize it.  You do not have to know from where or how it happens. Something remains in the hands of existence or beyond ego mind's control.  There is another way of seeing. 

Notice what is always happening.  Something is taking care of itself.  No need for cause or motivation. Belief in anything is a barrier to seeing.  Any search is mind-oriented.  Taste what is present all around you. It is not a means to an end.  It is grace.  The heartfelt path of true nature guides moment-to moment.


Live life to the fullest

Be aware of what feels good, of what  enables you to feel you are living life to the fullest. Imagine that you are fulfilled every moment of every day.  What are you doing or not doing?  Every choice you make is a way you invite yourself to see the bigger picture. 

View every situation as a trigger for a smile. Every choice is a gentle nudge to love where you are, to see reasons to lighten up and love whatever arises. You only ever whisper, write or speak to yourself through everything you perceive to be happening.  Note you can always appreciate everyone, laugh at the little things, and laugh at yourself.  Laughter is release of resistance, a way to ease into the flow of this moment.


Alter points of reference

Notice how what you allow yourself to see shifts as you alter points of reference. 

Rather than pinpoint flaws and tell yourself you'll feel better as you alter your appearance or behaviour, look deeply into the heart and connect with the perfect being staring back.

Rather than remark on an apparent lack or imbalance in your life, focus attention instead on the ideal scenario and allow yourself to feel unconditional love, wealth and well-being now.

Rather than work toward something, telling yourself that you'll know fulfillment at the end of the journey, imagine and savour fulfillment now, regardless of what you are doing or not.

Rather than rack your brain to determine how to make something possible within logic of the mind, be still. Recognize everything is already happening without you doing anything.

Rather than exert effort to explain through the mind, feel your way to what is here now.