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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in fulfillment (34)


3 Tips to gain clarity of purpose

Every moment, we are inviting ourselves to recognize what is in plain sight so that which appears hidden to us grows more obvious.  As we grow aware that everything is connected. we realize no accidents or coincidences exist. More than one purpose is unfolding.  Ponder these three tips; 

1. Stay open & receptive

Appreciate the value of being guided by intuition. Doing so allows us to notice and feel compelled to follow more synchronicities that present.  if you come across a postcard at a newsagent and feel draw to visit the place, go with that. If an opportunity arises unexpectedly and it feels right, take it as a stepping stone to getting exactly what we need. There is always an exchange of knowledge, energy and other things happening, even if this is not yet clear.

2.  Be flexible

Many people plan out their lives, businesses and specific goals or milestones they intend to achieve.  What we envision and how events unfold can be very different yet still lead to fulfilling experiences. Some people plan loosely and others rarely or not at all, awaiting instead for opportunities to arise.  

3. Accept everything is a gift

Things happen.  We notice some clearly and simultaneously miss others.  Everyone we encounter and invite into our lives has something to teach us. From the moment we see everything as a gift or opportunity we give ourselves to learn, share and grow, we are also helping people we have never met and involved in strengthening unseen connections. What arises in our awareness shapes a new stage of evolving purpose. 


10 Ways to redefine success

Something tells you it is the moment to review and refine your version of success.  This term has different meanings to different people. Ever ask yourself why this topic comes to your attention right now?  Maybe you are in transition, reflecting on the nature of your accomplishments, feel restless about professional progress or unsure of your current longer term direction.  Whatever it is, the moment is right to devote some time to what success means to you.  Observe how your own version of success is changing with you. 

1. Is success about meeting a deadline?

2. Is success about goal-setting, planning, and working toward short-term goals? 

3. Is success about giving yourself  the freedom to to help others reach their version of success?

4. Is success a moving target, always reched for but rarely if ever achieved?

5. Is success about shadowing mentors/ inspirations or drawing their qualities out of yourself?

6.  Is success a state of mind that you nurture or train inside to carry with you?

7.  Is success finding ways to be happy where you are, to love something about what you do?

8. Is success about soul-searching? Finding that perfect relationship  or situation?

9. Is success some combination of the above?

10. Is success something else? 

"My definition of success is fulfillment of your soul's purpose." -Jack Canfield


5 Tips to catapult in new directions

Every moment, you can clarify or reshape what you have to offer the world. You can boost your self- confidence or encourage others, boost your public profile, boost or reshape the image you wish to present to the world.  This may involve shifts and transitions where it helps to have some extra insight or support. Amidst life change, you choose to be angry or arrogant, a seeker or avid explorer of choices, until everything feels like smooth sailing.  Not feeling like that yet? Consider 5 tips to catapult yourself in new directions;  
1. Idenitfy a focus

Pinpoint what makes you unique.  This involves self-reflection, soul searching about what makes you feel good and what it is you would like to share with or offer others.  This could be things like creative ways to use time , share expertise or mentoring, developing and marketing a product or service. Listen to the heart.
2. Nurture self-discipline

In order to feel like you make progress,  you must be willing to channel energy and attention into your own process.  This translates making a priority and recognizing what distracts you so you do not procrastinate.  Its helpful to be aware of when you mind is wandering away from the task at hand or when you shift away for other reasons. 


You can begin with a skeleton-like focus, but you also need to add detail to run with the idea.  Where would you like this life boost to take you? It is a specific geographic location?  A particular community or professional evironment, or would you like to transplant yourself where you are in more frequent contact with like -minded people?  Whatever it is, write it down.  Draw or create a vision board.  Shre your reflections with others if it feels right. Allow details to fall into place so that this process feels more real.
4. Connect

Draft a list of who you feel would benefit from what you have to offer and how you can connect with them.  Where can you go to interact with people of similar interests, who share your passion or who could benefit from your experience? Draft a one sentence explanation of what you do. Write letters or emails. Use technology for initial contact yet strive to arrange in-person dialogue and meetings to strengthen connections and make a difference in people's lives.
4. Speak

Whether its finding confidence to speak up at a social gathering or, to contact people about doing talks about your area of expertise, the important thing is to find your words and use them aloud to make a lasting impression. Make a video, teach a skillshare course.
5. Show integrity
When you say you are ging to be somehwere at a certain time, be punctual.  If you offer to speak to a group of people on a topic of mutual interest, coem through.   Your behaviour is always painting a picture.

5 Tips to reach deeper fulfillment

Perceived lack of fulfillment is one reason people take up new training, aspire for promotion, shift job or career or re-evaluate relationships. Restlessness triggers desire for change. Without realizing it, we create barriers to our own career progress.  As you muse over options, reflect on underlying reasons for your own choices.  Ponder these five tips to reach deeper fulfillment:

1) Shift your perspective

Rather than limit yourself to an area of job or career, shift to a wellness model.  Get in touch with what enables you to feel good about yourself. Career isn’t something to reflect on or change during crisis. Discover what career wellness is and make it your norm. You can avoid some crises, and definitely be better equipped to deal with any that occur.  All-the-while, what you gather experientially, and intellectually, none of this is you. The question of being peaceful, joyful or fulfilled only arises from ego. When you conduct your life by accident, or simply do what ego tells you, life is not fulfilling. As you live more consciously, you realize no accidents exist, only unconscious choices.  Functionning unconsciously is unfulfilling, no matter what you do. As you can get to know yourself, choose jobs or careers consciously, being in a heartfelt place happens. 

2) Let go of self-centredness

When ecstatic, you do not wonder what your life purpose is or seek fulfillment.  All questions about that come from burdonsomeness, restlessness, discontent.  The height of human ego is to assume existence is human-centred, that God has some hidden purpose for you to fulfill. Rather than ask why misery? Shift to ask how to transcend your misery. The path to fulfillment is not what you think. You feel the way, notice synchronicities, trust intuition, make fears conscious and master them.

3) Be open to new ways of seeing

If something is not yet in your experience, you are forced to believe or disbelieve.  When someone chooses to believe or disbelieve outside of their experience, they have a positive or negative story to tell. Assumptions and stories do not bring fulfillment. Seeing directly does. Practical experience in all sorts of settings evokes fulfillment.  Allow yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Do what makes you feel alive.

4) Stop the self-torture 

Happiness is neither easy nor difficult. You need not manage happiness. Simply learn to manage your faculties. Memory and imagination set you apart from other creatures.  You reflect on the past and project into the future. People seeking fulfillment suffer from effects of memory and imagination. Rather than seek happiness, or link it to another job or degree, notice how you are conducting your faulties. If you give your power away, somebody can cause you to get angry or unhappy.  How you think and feel are up to you.  Notice personality is not SELF. Personality is largely unconscious, a little bit conscious. Content of the mind is acquired. What is not acquired from outside is called SELF. Physical body and mind are software and hardware.  What is inside is undeniably here yet often overlooked. Concentrate here and watch what happens.

5) Focus on inner well-being

If you are truly interested in your life, pay closer attention to what goes on within you rather than what is happening outside. Right now, your physical and emotional needs are passing needs. It is not a question of what is inferior and superior, it is a matter of doing what feels right for you at a given moment.  This changes.  Focusing on inner well-being happens as you begin to understand what happens in the external world is a reflection of your inner world. What you want is what is happening within you already but you overlook it.  To focus on inner-well being, some striving is required. In body and content of mind, in personalities, in memories, we are different, yet the SELF, the essential me, everybody is the same. Realisation means something already here is recognized.  This is not an achievement or an accomplishment.  You do not make up or earn fulfillment. It is not something you feel based on what you do. Rather, it is core state of being like love and success that you fail to recognize and accept until ready. Only then do you feel truly fulfilled. 


Living authentically now

Many people come to seek fulfillment outside of themselves and forget the feeling that arises from being true to the self, from living authentically now.

This is the moment to step back and take a whole new look at how you respond to the world you create for yourself.  Before going further, its imperative to take responsibility for all you choose to experience.

Step back. Be honest. Notice whether you are a proactive go getter or, a more passive responder to your surroundings. Its never too late to choose a new way to view yourself, the world and how you can proceed together.  Effective listening changes everything. Tune into your own signs and signals.


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