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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in fulfillment (34)


5 Words to Clarify Purpose

You may find yourself asking, “What do I want in life right now?” So, revisit purpose.

At different life stages, you may define success, fame, money, wisdom, fulfillment and words like “happiness”. Generally though, when asked, people reply with a combination of these things and what they cannot describe. You may not reflect too much until at some point, the issue of deeper purpose arises in mind and you cannot shake it. Whether or not you realize it, you unconsciously chase the answer during much of your life, creating experiences, for the pursuit of something you may not put your finger on. Soul purpose may then take shape in surprising ways.

  Never before has HUmanity known so much about what we consciously and subconsciously look for in life.  For starters, we may be prompted to look at different life areas but this only begins to touch the surface.  Consider five words to further explore how you see yourself and the nature of your purpose.

1. Survival

2. Harmony

3. Connection

4. Growth

5. Release


Align more with True Being

Notice as you shift focus to quantum singularities, it dawns there is no "space-time" in this expanded existence. Downloads come directly through the brain and all functionality networks. Instant revelations occur. Any guidance you get is like a connection to streams of knowing from an expanded state of Being. As you grow more effcient, you strengthen connection to Divine consciousness in the ever-existing present. Clarity arises from disilusionment. Since you and the cosmic multiverse are same, you never really "improve". Rather, you simply create more or less aligned versions of self with True Being. Consciousness only seems to change and accelerate. Ego or "I" is disintegrating. The border between one's self and the external world is dissolving, "ego-disintegration" or "dissolution" is also an important feature of the psychedelic experience. Many avenues remind us what harmony feels like, and induce shifts. Each change requires a death to occur in our lives. As we transition into new states of awareness and consciousness we naturally let go of what is not supportive. On one level, we are all connected and we are Spirit. From this view, we are always divine and perfect. At the same time, part of the human condition is having an ego which sees itself as separate from the rest of life. Each state of separation creates fear, anger and various emotions. Physical illness echoes states of separation. As we engage in spiritual practice, we start to heal separation. To expand consciousness requires we surrender to the perfection of the universe. At times, this is hard and we benefit from remembering our own divine light.


The Power of Integrity

Notice something attained can be lost. Attainment exists because you can lose it. Attainment also echoes the attainable is not you. Rather "You" are that which attains. It is wise not to cling to attainments or identify with riches. You can be rich but you are not richness. A sense of richness will leave you. As it does, the unshakable I AM remains. "I" can feel successful yet I am not external versions of success. Where chaos exists, so does order. Where injustice exists, so do the righteous. To have the freedom of expression invites us to ask what type of contribution are we willing to give to collective Spirit? It starts with our abilities and how we treat ourselves. As we love and accept ourselves and feel sacred, we radiate and transmit this to others. Life is about decoding and sharing true feelings. To inspire change, simply be loving and share love. Live in integrity, be vulnerable. Gentleness is strength.


Refresh and Reorient Your Life

What if to refresh and reorient your life is easier than you think? What if the direction of your life, from this moment, is completely up to you? As we recall we are in charge of our thoughts, beliefs, perception and action, we each have the power to shift gears in ways that uplift us and enrich the world. Stepping back from the familliar, reflecting and reaching for guidance can help.

Imagine yourself as a computer in the process of a defrag and reboot. Feel like transformation from the inside out? What if the process is already underway? You decide on the pace of allowing or resisting and nature of the whole journey.  Research options. If it resonates, explore breathwork and related tools. Awaken greater clarity, positive life change and deeper fulfillment. 


Tune into a deeper purpose

Many people are conditioned to create a vision for a happy life and set out to realize it. Such a vision tends to include a profession and situation imagined to be fulfilling.  And yet, as life challenges arise, shake us up, our experience deepens, and curiosity arises.  People can go through whatever formalities are deemed necessary in life, but these never interfere with what is most important. When ready, we choose to go beyond the familliar to uncover something more.

As we realize we create our lives, it dawns that we also have the power to change how we create and what we see. It also grows clearer that some people create a bigger illusion of importance for themselves than others. Adopted filters block seeing more clearly. To allow ourselves to develop is to grow conscious of our capacity to look at things differently.  When ready, it dawns that laying a foundation for a whole new life is unrelated to conditioned ideas of who we are.

We exist for those for whom we exist.  Every encounter we create to help us recognize perception, explore new connections and opportunities for growth.  To perceive what is really going on in our lives and the Universe, one need only look into one's self without filters.  Everything we devise arises so we get-to-know thoughts, feelings, emotions and aspects of Self often missed.  Everything we uncover depends on the purity of our thoughts and the motive for asking.  All experience invites us to tap into more confidence so we do what feels right even if it scares us.

In Harry Potter: The Philosopher's Stone, some characters say "there is no such thing as magic."  Those that experience a different reality hold a different view on magic and what is possible. The wizard Dumbledore says, "The time comes Harry when we must choose between what is right and what is easy." Thus, purpose evolves with us, how we choose to grow and redefine priorities.