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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in forgiveness (29)


4 Benefits of seeing inside out

Seeing things from the inside out changes how we see ourselves and the world. The inner workings of the mind control how we behave until we grow conscious of the core beliefs and patterns that are running us.  Ponder 4 benefits to seeing things from the inside out;

1. Uncover the power of empathy

 Empathy is what makes us human.  It is the ability to get beyond our own repressed shame and judgement to understand another person’s situation from their perspective. As such, we grow able to place ourselves in someone else’s shoes and feel what they are feeling, see the mirror.   As we realize we are only ever angry at ourselves, and anger is no more than expression of hurt,  fear and frustration related to past events, we see through anger and heal so it no longer controls us.   

2. Expand self-awareness

As awareness expands, it hits there’s no past, no future, just neural pathways, which make us perceive this illusion we call time.  As we grasp this, we realize, that change is one paradigm shift or ah-ha moment  away. Blocked awareness skews our perception of things. Without self-awareness, we are controlled by unconscious patterns and outdated beliefs. Expanding self-awareness reveals why we make certain choices and frees us to make healthier choices. Growing self-aware is being open to the flow of happiness, and spontaneously being joyful.  

3.  Develop critical thinking

The ability to distinguish fact from opinion arises as we begin to recognize the value and lessons each emotion holds.  As we come to appreciate every emotion, we sense the appropriateness and timeliness of each.  We trust intuition more as we accept more of ourselves. We can laugh at our own disgust, feel goosebumps at our own anger and fear and see the underlying motives in everything we choose to feel. 

4. Deepen emotional intelligence 

Emotional intelligence arises within as we grow conscious of original reasons we experienced joy, sadness, disgust, anger and fear.  This involves understanding and managing emotions withotu being controlled by them. This shapes our social skills. Insight into emotions expands  at any point in life we are open to making the unconscious conscious and loving and forgiving ourselves as we let go of our own misperceptions.

When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us, so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves.

-Jess C. Scott

If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.

-Daniel Goleman


7 Tips to Bend Reality

Recently, I was guided to a Masterclass on Bending Reality by Vishen Lakhiani, the Founder of Mindvalley. He is the must-read, best-selling author of Code of the Extraordinary Mind.  These are highlights of what I observe happening in myself that echo what he is saying continues to happen to him and others who make the conscious decision to be open to evolution in consciousness.  Ponder these 7 Tips to bend reality;
1. Start feeling luckier
As expansion of awarenes happens, we notice more coincidences and shift to see synchronicities.  We realize we can choose to create what moves us forward, closer to realizing a heartfelt vision.   In my case, this takes shape as one interview and relationship guides me to another, as resulting connections deepen my understanding of myself. 
2. See things differently
As we see through conditioning, we access the part of ourselves that sees beyond victimhood and patterns that hold us back.  Being open to seeing differently triggers massive breakthroughs.  We are no longer influenced by forces around us. We know our self-thought shapes our beliefs and experience.  It hits that what we believe about reality must align with our inner vibration to bend reality.  We must make the unconscious conscious and heal what prevents us from being in harmony with our highest possible reality and manifesting faster.
3. Engage in meditation
Awakening helps us recognize the spiritual compenent of transforming our reality.  We engage in meditation, shift from thinking and reacting unconsciously to consciously tuning into our energy and feeling reality unfold.  Exploring ancient spiritual wisdom enables us to access abilities that are not taught by the moderrn (Western) education system.  It dawns that accessing higher states of mind is the key to understanding in practice what it is to create and change the world from the inside out.
4. See the nature of illusion
As we explore altered states through meditation, we discover the nature of Maya (illusion) and that we can shift the flow.  This involves setting goals and activating the power of intention.  We visualize ourselves shift, see the power to change is within. We are each our own magician.
5. Realize life can happen to you or from you
In The Matrix film, Neo asks the spoon boy how he bends the spoon. Neo wants to make things happen. Yet, Spoon Boy says; "Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, itis only yourself."
6. Recode Your Inner World
As you take personal responsibility, you realize something The Secret teacher Michael Beckwith says: we can learn through Kensho (pain and suffering) or Satoris (sudden insights).  Unless we listen to our own Satoris, it seems we create adverity to learn lessons. As we reach the stage where we are recoding ourselves from the inside out, we trigger our own ah-ha moments, consciously create the unforeseen opportunities.
7. Be receptive to limitlessness
Inspiration or intuition leads to your intention.  A perfect example is my family's intuitive move from Melbourne to the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.  Our sense of direction is coming through us. We have a gut feeling about where to go.  We moved before the house was sold because we know where we are meant to be and  go wtih that, knowing details are falling into place. This is about shifting energy vibration into a state of openness and receptiveness to limitlessness.  It is when you feel connected to all life. You are tapped into intuition.  Inspired action guides you to goals.  As you listen to this inner voice, synchronicity is more noticable. Whether or not you were taught reality is illusion before now, adopting this belief empowers you to create and realize what might otherwise seem impossible before now.
 Access advanced states of mind
Approaching self-mastery involves conscious control of your thoughts and brainwaves.  As you realize you determine how you respond to the world, you become an active participant and can retrain the mind. The key is to align both brain hemispheres so they generate the same high brainwaves at the same time.  Matthieu Ricard, and other monks have had their brain waves studied during deep medtiative states. Reaseach shows that forgiveness allows people to access similar high states as well as tap into incredible abilities. Forgive everyone who has hurt you, and this shifts you into higher vibrations of love. The authentic love vibration is the key to bending reality.  Boosting alpha brain waves increases your access to inspiration.  Boosting even higher theta waves gives you more frequent access to psychic abilities so you sense what to do, who to contact and it happens, as if by magic.  Yet magic is only a term you use when you do not understand that you transform your life energetically from the inside out.

6 Tips to deepen self-love

Many people ask the question why am I here? Or is what I am doing really right now worthwhile? Each person is invited to determine the course of his/her life in stages and steps.  Reflect on the 6 acts of self-love to get you to that as yet unidentified destination;

1. Integrate emotional memories

Loving every part of you is about uncovering and healing sub-personalities and the emotions that give power to these sub-personalities.  This means uncovering core beliefs that drive you, owning the foundation of your sub-personality and healing the pain that keeps false beliefs alive.

2. Real forgiveness

True freedom is about making grudges and distorted (unloving) relationships conscious, communicating your truth and taking responsibility for how you feel and recognizing who has the pwoer to change this. Specifiy who, if anyone, you wish to forgive and give yourself the gift of greater peace of mind.

3. Redefining boundaries

Choosing to speak and honour your truth in other ways is about communicating your realty, what you will and will not accept.  This is about making people-pleasing tendencies conscious, recognizing and healing co-dependence in relationships and distorted dynamics in other settings.

4. Give yourself what makes you happy

How often do you allow yourself  to listen to the heart? follow intuition? Prioritizing what enables you to feel good can be as simple as creating space, 'me' time, focusing energy on self-care and self-development. Now is the moment to be good to yourself. Let go what causes misery.  Focus attention on what uplifts your spirit and nourishes the Soul. Share what evokes happiness for you right now.

5.  Merge with those dreams

Taking action to realize dreams is not meant for the back burner. Your dreams exist to be made manifest by your focus and applying the power of your thoughts, attitude and intention.  The point is not to escape the material plane with doubt about 'pipedreams' but rather to be the magician to empower and transform.

6. Focus energy on mind-body wellness

To be truly powerful and demonstrate self-love in action, simply focus energy, which is the same thing as money and time, on what keeps your heart and soul together. Nurture interconnectedness and heal whatever perpetuates discomfort or the illusion of separation between who you think you are and who you wish to be.


5 Tips to live whole-heartedly

Many people tell themselves they wish to change something about their external conditions, or change something about the external world.  Its also common to desire to change something about the behaviour or attitude of others. Who or what is really ever getting out-of-hand? What is the role of control and surrender in your life? Reflect on five tips to live whole-heartedly;

1. Live more joyfully

Wherever you are, whatever you do, allow yourself to feel and express more joy.  So often, a distinction is made between work and play, time to be serious and relax time to be light-hearted. What if you could laugh and play your way through life? What would this look and feel like? 

2. Model the behaviour you wish to see in others

The external world is a mirror.  As Gandi says, Be the change you wish to see. Imagine life experience is less about doing than being.  Thus, its not what you do or accomplish that matters, but rather, the vibration you send out with behaviour. How often are you fully present?

3. Nurture a loving and compasionate attitude

Regardless of what you encounter, reach deep within for forgiveness and understanding. The temptation exists to allow other emotions to hijack your attention and influence your behaviour.  Know you control how you respond to everything.  Growing mindful naturally shifts your focus, empowers you to reclaim inner power. you had unconsciously given away

4. Recognize every relationship is an opportunity

What if every relationship invites you to see the best in everyone? Only one relationship exists. How you feel about yourself is mirrored.  Be a living example love and acceptance. Do you choose to see and recall the best in everyone, even during moments emotions or illness take over?

5. Demonstrate and create the highest version of Who You Are

Some people feel they exist to learn lessons, climb a hierarchy, meet challenges, realize dreams. Come what may, rediscover what integrity or being true to yourself feels like.  


3 things to thrive where you are

This moment is ripe for so many things. Like smelling an inviting avocado, you feel the time to sink your teeth in is now.  You could go in some many directions. What are you choosing to focus your attention on?

Perhaps its relationships, getting fit, noticing what's going on inside you, the urge to create or do something you have not done before. You may even be planning a retreat (like me!) or envision attending one, because you wish to travel somewhere new to trigger 'ah-ha' moments along your spiritual journey. As fun as that can be, you can also do things right where you are. Whatever the apparent subject, wherever you happen to be, do these three things to thrive:

1. Listen to the voice in your head

That little voice inside you echoes all the time because you choose to hear it.  Listening to this voice or advisor is a kind of security.  (A predictable paycheck is not the only kind of security after all). This voice is the judge, the part of you that wishes to control and plan, feels comfortable with the familliar as points of reference. The world unfolding is unrelated to the filters in your mind which dictate how you perceive it.  Honing and sharpening how you listen to this voice enables you to see the world and yourself from a new place.

2. Discover who watches the voice

That which watches the voice is the silent One.  It is the awareness of who is talking, the tones and intensity of the sounds, and who is doing the listening.  Its the part of you that asks why you need the commentator, the problem-seeker.  This is the part of you that feels at ease in any situation and sees value in whatever is happening.  This is the threshold of leaping into a deeper enjoyment of your chosen focus of attention

3. Focus more often on the breath

The breath is the path of consciousness.  You can engage in breathwork, and use other means to tune into the wisdomwithin yourself. It is possible to engage in life on this level by riding waves of energy like a cosmic surfer through timelines past, present and future.  You can move through a range of emotions and experiences, explore different roads of life your contemplate, even revisit things you thought you missed out on. Go through the process of forgiving, letting go, and getting over or integrating things on a whole new level. This is that which is beyond the doer and watcher. Re-dream the dream from here.