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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in life coaching (7)


6 Tips to Get on Track

From the moment we feel restless, stagnation or something hindering our progress, we may sense we are off track in areas of our life. Rest assured, strategies exist to strengthen relationships and get back on track.  Here are  6 action-oriented tips to offer new clarity.

1.  Do some free-writing

An effective starting point is to ask yourself some questions aloud, put a pen in your hand and allow your hand to respond immediately without thinking.  This is sometimes called automatic writing.  It is a way to communicate with a higher part of yourself that sees your life choices from a position of relative objectivity. Part of you is aware of what is really bothering you, yet another part of you is not listening. This is a way to begin making the unconscious, conscious. 

2. Pay attention to your night dreams

As we pay attention and strengthen dream recall, it is helpful to write details.  The more we do, the easier it gets.  Techniques exist to jog the memory.  Although dream dictionaries can shed some light and also be entertaining, sometimes working with a skilled dream analyst is also beneficial.  In this way, we see deeper meaning in symbols. If this approach to shaking life up stands out, get excited for a new, related Inspirational Mentor Interview coming soon.

3. Meditate

Different ways exist to meditate;  engaging in gardening, yoga, pilates, whatever evokes joy and relaxation. It is a process shifting from the experiencer to the watcher of our thoughts and what is unfolding in our lives. A useful practice is to create a quiet space or immerse in nature.  They key is to be willing to see and feel events from a new point of view. Meditation is not about quieting the mind but rather, recognizing we are not our thoughts, not our emotions, not our mind, we are the Soul. The ego-driven purpose can differ from the Soul purpose. If meditation rings true, invite reading Interview with Susan Shumsky: Maharishi and Me

4. Explore breathwork

Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing. A facilitator guides us individually or in a group to consciously control the breath as a means to alter mental, emotional and/or physical state.  It can compliment different approaches we take to get to know ourselves and make choices that create a more purpose-driven life. Breathwork draws insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions.  If this sparks interest, read Interview with Dan Brule.

5. Engage in Regression

Some revelations arise and change work can also be done during regression.  Fears are released during this process and insight is given.  However its up to each of us to take information on board and apply it to our lives.  It may turn out that you grow aware of repeating patterns from childhood conditioning and may be ready to dismantle old programs. In order to heal, we must be willing to feel. We offer this as a service as an optional tool in our coaching program. If this resonates, also invite reading Interview with Karen Joy and Interview with Anne Jirsch.

6. Commit to Holistic Coaching

Liara offers a coaching program that empowers clients in twelve areas of their lives. If  this peaks curiosity or stirs something within, this is a sign to contact us for more info about our free 30 min consultation.  Discover if one of our programs feels right. We can learn from and model others until we feel more confident trusting ourselves fully.  If motivational stories inspire something, invite reading Interview with Drew Tracy.


6 Tips to deepen self-love

Many people ask the question why am I here? Or is what I am doing really right now worthwhile? Each person is invited to determine the course of his/her life in stages and steps.  Reflect on the 6 acts of self-love to get you to that as yet unidentified destination;

1. Integrate emotional memories

Loving every part of you is about uncovering and healing sub-personalities and the emotions that give power to these sub-personalities.  This means uncovering core beliefs that drive you, owning the foundation of your sub-personality and healing the pain that keeps false beliefs alive.

2. Real forgiveness

True freedom is about making grudges and distorted (unloving) relationships conscious, communicating your truth and taking responsibility for how you feel and recognizing who has the pwoer to change this. Specifiy who, if anyone, you wish to forgive and give yourself the gift of greater peace of mind.

3. Redefining boundaries

Choosing to speak and honour your truth in other ways is about communicating your realty, what you will and will not accept.  This is about making people-pleasing tendencies conscious, recognizing and healing co-dependence in relationships and distorted dynamics in other settings.

4. Give yourself what makes you happy

How often do you allow yourself  to listen to the heart? follow intuition? Prioritizing what enables you to feel good can be as simple as creating space, 'me' time, focusing energy on self-care and self-development. Now is the moment to be good to yourself. Let go what causes misery.  Focus attention on what uplifts your spirit and nourishes the Soul. Share what evokes happiness for you right now.

5.  Merge with those dreams

Taking action to realize dreams is not meant for the back burner. Your dreams exist to be made manifest by your focus and applying the power of your thoughts, attitude and intention.  The point is not to escape the material plane with doubt about 'pipedreams' but rather to be the magician to empower and transform.

6. Focus energy on mind-body wellness

To be truly powerful and demonstrate self-love in action, simply focus energy, which is the same thing as money and time, on what keeps your heart and soul together. Nurture interconnectedness and heal whatever perpetuates discomfort or the illusion of separation between who you think you are and who you wish to be.


12 Ways to master your fear

Resistance is fear in disguise. It has the power to stop you dead in your tracks, stagnate your growth, limit your perception and understanding. Notice specific experiences you reach for or deny yourself right now. Whenever you say you postpone anything, far more is going on.  

Hesitation is fear in action. Fear arises when something threatens your comfort zone. You may tell yourself you do not have the time, the money, the freedom, the right mindset, adequate insight, to take advantage of what is presenting. Its all fear taking shape as excuses. Telling yourself why you cannot do something simply reinforces the fear that holds you hostage. The moment is here to address this and move through it.  

Review these 12 ways to master your fear:

1. Shift focus from the future

Your fear is always about assumptions on what’s going to happen next. Thus, your fear is always about that which does not exist. If your fear is about the non-existent, your fear is completely unfounded, imaginary. The future is always pointing and guiding you to the present moment where intuition is the most reliable guide. If you have the urge to act, fear only holds you back if you are unconscious to the mind's tricks.

2. Decide why you are here

You must decide whether you are on this planet to experience life or avoid life. If you exist to experience life, intensity is required. Without it, you are not living fully. Using fear as a tool to protect yourself reduces the energy flow available to you to create. Once the visceral is gone, you are no longer really living.  You only live based on mental ideas or heresay. You cannot experience anything fantastic and ecstatic.  When you are fearful, you cannot experience wild abandon. You cannot sing, dance, laugh, cry, fall inor lose yourself in love. You cut yourself off from what makes you feel alive. You only sit, grieve, regret not taking risks. 

3. Get comfortable with the unknown

Admit it.  You are taught to feel comfortable with the familliar, with what is predictable, or  perceived 'normal' though no such thing exists.  The more you accept life is energy in motion where nothing is permanent or predictable, the more you realize you are living with the unknown every moment and doing just fine. Be conscious of this and watch your perception of fear transform into excitement about the unknown.

4.  Let go of the urge to control

HUmans are taught that unless we can exert control, we must fear. But is it possible to ever have control? Even if you can swim, you can drown. A professional musician or experienced chef can still make mistakes. Give up the illusion of control, and you are free.

5.  Surrender

Surrender to what is is powerful, even if it seems 'way out there.' because as long as we try to change what is, we allow the mind's filtered version of reality convince us that is real.  In doing so, we cut oursleves off from far more.

6. Get rooted in reality

When you are not rooted (grounded) in reality, suffering happens. Suffering is always about that which does not exist.  When not rooted in reality, you are always rooted in your mind. Mind is – one part of it is memory, another part of it is imagination. Both of them are in one way imagination, because both of them don’t exist right now. You’re lost in your imagination, that’s the basis of your fear. If you were rooted in reality, there would be no fear.  If you are suffering the non-existential, we call that insanity. So, people may be in just socially accepted levels of insanity, but if you’re afraid or if you’re suffering anything which does not exist, it amounts to insanity,

7. Consult a Life Coach 

Do you fear success or fear failure? A good life coach can help you examine what you truly want from life, and guides you to pinpoint the true origin of your fears. Its crucial to be clear on what you really want and what is actually holding you back.  Commit to loving the process.

8. Read & Listen

Reading a book, scanning relevant webpages or listening to podcasts that touch on your specific fear can open new doors on how you can get rid of it. Access motivational and inspirational work or glimpses of workshops about topics you recognize you are avoiding.

9. Get into the flow

Inactivity can be a sign from your inner guidance system telling you that you still have preparation to do. If you tell yourself you cannot do something due lack of income, it helps to see everything as the flow of the same energy.  Taking action to generate income begins with loving yourself and being true to who you are. Loving more, doing what you love and seeing everything as energy in motion, allows flow to happen. 

10. Watch films & Youtube videos

Watching a movie, documentary or Youtube videos can be eye-opening. Sometimes it’s nice to distract yourself from your fear, but if you really want to, you can find loads of movies on the fear you’re dealing with and empower yourself to see your fear from a completely new perspective.

11. Identify the lesson

Fears are pointers to lessons we create for soul growth. Overcoming fear involves learning related lessons and moving ahead.  The Path of life is about identifying lessons, accepting and expressing more of yourself. This shapes all areas of your life; relationships, career, and far more.

12. Model a master

Connect with a person or people who have experienced the fear you have and also moved beyond it.  Spend time with them, ask how they did it, and explore whether this approach could work for you.  Discuss the nature of the process. You can learn a lot about yourself and the emerging master within.


5 Tips to own it

Would you like to see your life shift in a new direction? Would you like to discover and use untapped power? Are you ready to manifest what does not yet appear?Wish to feel different or expand and see everything in a whole new way?

Come what may, you are the owner-operator of your body, and determine how you function. Consulting a life coach is a step toward growing more aware of the truth of yourself and putting this knowing into practice. This is not about WHAT you are told you are but rather, it is about accepting WHO you are and living accordingly. Ponder these 5 tips to own it:

1. Be empowered.

If you do not feel empowered in your life choices, then this is an opportunity for you to grow. Who are you in this unique expression of you? Humans are taught to make complicated that which is simple. You are what you choose and can be anything. As you take personal responsibility for what you feel, lessons present. Life coaching guides you to reframe and appreciate the very things you go through.  A coach that resonates understands and intuits your unique process.

2. Keep a sense of humor.

Many people tend to take life too seriously. People get busy living and forget to really live. Priorities change. A life coach helps you raise awareness of your priorities and how they are shifting. Humour is indispensable, especially as you grow aware of shifting prioirities, values and behaviours that do not jive. Most people allow the external world to control, limit and define them. Come what may, life coaching helps you to reframe and see things with new lightness. Working with a life coach guides you to see your beliefs and emotions distract you from aspects of yourself and reality until you face them.

3. Listen to yourself.

This is about tuning into intuition. It is about being aware of where you doubt your feelings. You produce exactly what you receive. A life coach helps you be aware of vibrational language so you no longer underestimate the power of your thoughts, words, actions. If you are unaware of your body's signals or inclinations, if you never start a project, you cannot experience the dream. From the moment you focus on something, you give it energy. Remembering how to tune in and listen to your own messages changes how dreams manifest. Working with a life coach helps you identify where you are listening to logic or heartfelt vibes. Every moment, you bring your dreams closer or push them away. An intuitive life coach guides you to see and feel everything based on energetics. Every human is an electromagnetic generator. How do you tune in or out, even stifle your own vibes?

4. Recognize balance is ever-present.

Balance is something many people strive for and assume effort and juggling required. Turns out, lifestyle changes come naturally to everyone who is in the flow or aligned with integrity of true being. A life coach is a soundboard to assist you to read your own signs and signals more accurately. Life coaching draws your attention to your own unconscious resistance. This is less about discipline than about letting go of control. Come to tell the difference between what is nurtured and what is natural. Working with a life coach allows you to recognize what contributes to or throws off your natural balance and how you can change anything.

5. Adjust your perception.

Shifts seem to be happening everywhere but this is not about the external world. Its about who you are inside and how your focus is shifting. Its a move from logic and limitation to feeling and limitlessness. Life coaching helps you be aware of what it is to be true to you. To connect and converse with someone impartial can help you shed light on things. Although having the best intentions, family and friends tend to agree with whatever you are thinking or impose their views and choices. Intimates often share personal opinions. A life coach is more neutral and helps you understand you do not see the world as it is, but rather see the world (and yourself) through your filters. A coach that resonates is worldly, encouraging and offers objective guidance on how to handle yourself in different situations. Ultimately, you decide where to go from here, to what degree you are willing to expand perception, and redefine what is possible through your own direct knowing and belief in your own true power.


4 Steps to help find your way

Its common to be confused about what is best for you at a particular stage of your life. Mixed messages are broadcast by media, by those we love and people we do not even know. All of these are actual projections you put forward. Ponder 4 steps to help you find your way through the quagmire.

1. See through the want.

It is always helpful to grasp what it is you think you want and the real message you are sending yourself.  Upheavals in emotions and waves of discomfort and desires are pointers when you are open. Its up to you to learn to see through it.

2. Let the music guide you.

Turn on a piece of uplifting music. Instrumental often works well and you may be drawn to particular film soundtracks. Tune into the flow of energy passing through you. More is always going on than the ego registers. You are actually beginning to tune into and decode the music (frequency) of your own soul. Its a matter of letting go of what distorts it. From here, simply allow the soul to be your pilot.

3. Surrender to spontaneity.

Pick up some toys yourself or laugh and play with a child. Go to a playground and have a slide or swing or climb a tree. Engage the imagination like never before. Paint, tie-dye, do a mural on the side of a wall or fence,  go wild in a colouring book for adults. However you engage the right brain, being imaginative is actually a direct line to higher consciousness, that part of you that knows who you are and which activities nurture the soul. Be here now. Be like a dolphin and feel what it is to exist playfully, come what may.

4. Do a handstand or turn your world upside down.

Whether you love yoga or unleash the acrobat within you, turning yourself upside down shakes up the world you come to see and helps snap you out of your own self-created trance. Whether negative emotion is beginning to take over or you feel dazed and confused, even lying on the floor with your legs on a couch or chair allow blood to rush to your brain and help you shed light on your own situation. Even if inspiration does not spark yet, you instantly know why some behaviour or choice is not the best choice now and can cease that. Self-discipline and choosing love empowers you wherever you are.

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