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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in forgiveness (29)


10 Points to accelerate positive change

Its common to wish to accelerate life change but how to do this effectively is often misunderstood. Change does not happen in proportion to the amount of physical effort you exert. 
The pace of change unfolding in your life reflects how well you understand everything is energy, frequency and vibration in motion and put this insight into practice.   Consider these 10 tips to accelerate positive change in your life:
  1. Allow yourself to focus on the bright side
  2. See the dark side points to what blocks more joy 
  3. Accept personal responsibility for how you feel
  4. Establish healthy boundaries
  5. Practice forgiveness & appreciation
  6. Live in harmony with your values
  7. Use time wisely
  8. Be a pioneer
  9. Exercise the imagination regularly
  10. Surrender to your intuition more often

3 Tips to Let your Spirit Rise

Everything about existence invites you to let your spirit rise.   In other words, you are getting a better sense of what it is to recognize what it is to be human and what it feels like to be truly alive. Reflect on three tips to live a more heartfelt life:

1) Love everything. See everything is a call for love.

2) Forgive everyone.  Humans know not what they do. 

3) Laugh more often. Feel an amazing lightness of being.


What about forgiveness?

At some stage, if you allow yourself to be controlled by anger or other emotions, you may ask yourself whether someone deserves your forgiveness.  Step back.  Who or what is asking this question? Recognize the inner judge and behind that, the ego mind has your full attention until the moment you begin to sense the nature of this perspective does not feel quite right. 

As you observe this view from a more objective vantage point, you begin to recognize that exploring the concept of forgiveness assumes; a) its possible to do something wrong; b)that you can weild real power over another person; and c) that somebody other than you exists. Watch what happens as you shift attention away from the conditioned mental filters and you begin to see though your own assumptions.  Be open to seeing from a new vantage point.

If you ever contemplate forgiveness, you temporarily forget you also have the option to see everything through the lens of the heart.  This lens only knows pure love, acceptance and appreciation. It sees something good in everyone and every situation.  The heart is aware;

1) All is well in this moment;  Only the mind judges and creates a sense of duality (good/bad)

2) You cannot exert control over the external world, only how you respond to it

3) There are truly no divisions or separate self

4) Seeing through the eyes of another is a mirror reflection

5) The fear of not being loved is unfounded

6) Unconditional love is the essence of being (Love is what you are)

7) As the ego mind of the HUMAN awakens to the pure love of BEING = Oneness

8) Nothing is actually taking place as the mind would have you believe


Be honest with yourself

Look into the mirror and be honest with yourself. Notice which thoughts arise and which feelings stand out. How often do you view things through the lens of an unconditionally loving heart?

The universe, or soul or higher self are always whispering to guide us in loving directions. Higher self always sends us the minimum message required to achieve the highest good. What happens if you choose not to hear what the higher self is conveying though events you encounter in your life or what dreams are revealing? Notice what happens if you resist the signs the body is giving you.  It breaks down.  You get sick so you must slow down and are given another chance to see. 

Ultimately, you are only ever loving or non-loving to yourself and perceived others. To recognize that everything is forgivable and redeemable is to know everything can be rectified. All your words and gestures are simply energy vibrating. If you ascertain you do something unloving, do loving things on your own accord to create or re-establish balance. To walk in self mastery is to do things out of love or the universe will go great lengths to get your attention.


Move beyond the suffering

When you get upset, lose focus or balance, pay attention to what your emotions are telling you.  Stop giving credit to others for the way they seem to behave.  The world around you only ever responds based on your expectations.  Notice what happens when you are alone.  Notice what agitates you, makes you feel impatient.  Notice what happens as you separate yourself from source.  You cannot be mad at someone or be afraid of anything and be true to yourself.  Brace yourself: a conflict with anything is a conflict with yourself.  So, what can you do about it?

1) Stop allowing yourself to be offended.  Whatever offends you only weakens you.  Being offended creates the same destructive energy as that which is used to press your emotional buttons in the first place.  Monitor your thoughts and inner dialogue.  Nothing irritates you unless you allow it.  What to do? Stop resisting. Look deeper at the nature of your own suffering. It actually begins and ends with you.  The real issue is a yen to control the uncontrollable.

2) Let go of your need to be right.  You are conditioned to believe some people are right and others are wrong.  If you allow yourself to get agitated, you are disconnected from your loving, creative spirit.  Letting go of the need to be right helps you embrace kindness and gratitude for lessons at hand.  Imagine yourself in another's shoes.  Would you feel the same as you do in your own skin?  Would you behave in the same way or see more than one 'right way'?

3) Give up the desire to win, compete or be superior.  Whenever you get stirred up, and lose sight of inner peace, observe the ego.  As you let go of the desire to be better than others, you recall a feeling of calmness.  You begin to see all experience invites you to evolve within yourself, to see the nature of impermanence.  Give up any unwholesome state of mind.  Sadness, grief, fear, regret, and pity do not arise when you have true self-understanding. As you feel inner gentleness, you strengthen compassionate, wholesome states of mind.  Love reigns.  The heart knows all is always well, that everything is equal, that every situation is win-win for all. 

4) Know its all unfolding in divine order.  Whatever your role or stage in life, you attract the perfect conditions and people.  See things from a higher vantage point.  When people do not show up to assist you, then you have the skills, self-discipline and emotional intelligence to handle it on your own.  Before you judge others, ask yourself how you would deal with the situation from their perspective.  Only when you know the cause of suffering is that the end of suffering. You benefit others by nurturing a non-judging mind, and keeping an open heart.

5) Recognize you cannot separate wisdom from compassionYou know things as they truly are through your own direct experience.  The more you grasp reasons for your emotions and your own suffering, the more you understand the suffering of others. You strengthen a more conscious connection with all beings.  Be loving and kind toward yourself. Accept you are not who you think.  Forgive yourself.  Ask yourself questions and allow answers to emerge. Nothing fazes the essence of being. You can inspire people into a place of non-suffering by existing in this state.  Be present.  By direct inner seeing, you see what matters without study, logic or reason. 

"You can't suffer yourself into their understanding.  You have to succeed yourself into their success." -Esther Hicks

"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.  Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset."  - St Francis de Sales