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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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6 Tips to deepen self-love

Many people ask the question why am I here? Or is what I am doing really right now worthwhile? Each person is invited to determine the course of his/her life in stages and steps.  Reflect on the 6 acts of self-love to get you to that as yet unidentified destination;

1. Integrate emotional memories

Loving every part of you is about uncovering and healing sub-personalities and the emotions that give power to these sub-personalities.  This means uncovering core beliefs that drive you, owning the foundation of your sub-personality and healing the pain that keeps false beliefs alive.

2. Real forgiveness

True freedom is about making grudges and distorted (unloving) relationships conscious, communicating your truth and taking responsibility for how you feel and recognizing who has the pwoer to change this. Specifiy who, if anyone, you wish to forgive and give yourself the gift of greater peace of mind.

3. Redefining boundaries

Choosing to speak and honour your truth in other ways is about communicating your realty, what you will and will not accept.  This is about making people-pleasing tendencies conscious, recognizing and healing co-dependence in relationships and distorted dynamics in other settings.

4. Give yourself what makes you happy

How often do you allow yourself  to listen to the heart? follow intuition? Prioritizing what enables you to feel good can be as simple as creating space, 'me' time, focusing energy on self-care and self-development. Now is the moment to be good to yourself. Let go what causes misery.  Focus attention on what uplifts your spirit and nourishes the Soul. Share what evokes happiness for you right now.

5.  Merge with those dreams

Taking action to realize dreams is not meant for the back burner. Your dreams exist to be made manifest by your focus and applying the power of your thoughts, attitude and intention.  The point is not to escape the material plane with doubt about 'pipedreams' but rather to be the magician to empower and transform.

6. Focus energy on mind-body wellness

To be truly powerful and demonstrate self-love in action, simply focus energy, which is the same thing as money and time, on what keeps your heart and soul together. Nurture interconnectedness and heal whatever perpetuates discomfort or the illusion of separation between who you think you are and who you wish to be.